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Chain of Events

Posted on 15 May 2009 @ 12:40am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,202 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: USS Freedom / DS5 Ops
Timeline: Current

USS Freedom

Da`nal stood on the bridge as the Freedom returned to the cavernous docking bay and connected to the station.

"Umbilicals secure sir."

"Excellent. And Excellent job all. I would gladly serve with any of you again. We have shared battle together and returned home to celebrate our victory. It's been an Honor." Rodriguez, T'Pal, and Silonez where still working on there guest in the brig so turning to the Lieutenant behind him at Ops. "Lieutenant, you have the bridge." With that he left the bridge.

After leaving the Freedom to the docking crew he noticed massive amount of repair crews and technicians, much more than would normally be allotted to ship repairs. That is unless she was being prepared for for another departure. However that was no longer his concern the battle was over, as was his first command. Stepping into the lift he announced his destination. "Ops." Upon his arrival he stepped out of the lift he approached Commander Davies Office.

Davies closed the channel to the Castor, he seemed depressed and unsure of the course to take, but the Captain had a point, perhaps it would be for the best after all, he had just proven himself in battle.

His hand came to his chest and tapped, but before he had the chance to speak, the door to Ops opened and stood there was the very man he wished to speak to. "Commander, you must be psychic!" David remarked, beckoning him forward, closer to the Captains desk.

Nodding to his commanding officer he began his summary. "Commander, Ensign Opaka and the Ambassador have been returned to the station and the remaining Romulan ship is returning home. I believe the phrase is; 'with their tails between their legs. I also have a few (?) prisoners that the Ambassador wants handled. They are still aboard the Freedom for the moment, until transfer arrangements can be made." Pausing briefly. "It was a good thing the platforms were repaired when they were of we would have lost many more lives. I will also be recommending the crew of the Firestorm, posthumously for the Medal of Honor, and Lt. Dehavilland for the Flying Cross. It will all be in my report sir."

David nodded as he concurred with Da'Nals recommendations. He clasped his hands together, interlinking his fingers.

"I think that we had a certain amount of luck with the defences on the station, but one thing that has come from this, is the need for tighter security controls around sensitive areas of the station, that will be my recommendation to lieutenant Gabriel. As for the crew of the Freedom, along with yourself, you did us proud Commander." David leant back in to his seat. "It was regarding the Freedom and your command actions, that I was about to call you here, basically, to laud you with praise." He smiled. "Sit down Commander." He nodded to the vacant chair, making it sound more like a request than an order.

Taking the seat that had been offered. "Thank you sir, but it was a team effort."

David also sat, wiping his brow with the back of his hand. He sighed.

"Commander, I have both good and bad news, but in the circumstances, I am going to burden you with the bad news first. Forgive me." He said, watching Da'Nal shift uncomfortably. "Please, do not over react to this, but during the battle, your family were attacked."

Almost bolting from his chair he turned slightly as his anger returned. With clenched fists he replied. "I know...the Romulan dog that attacked the station indicated as much! Are they...."

David stood too, it was an expected reaction. "Please Commander, they are fine, everybody is fine. Akhil took the brunt of the attack and has some more serious injuries, but the rest of your family has mainly cuts, bruises and they are a little shocked, but they are OK. Ayren Kelan was with them at the time and she is also fine. Please Commander, sit down. As soon as we're done, you can head to sickbay to visit." Davids voice was stressed, but he also managed to portray a sense of atonement.

Upon hearing the news his anger subsided, and he returned to his seat.

"Thank you Commander. Now the good news." He paused, allowing Da'Nal a moment to recompose himself.

Releasing a deep breath. "My apologies Commander, please continue."

"As I was saying earlier, you did a fine job out there today and I have spoken to Captain Tahir and she is in agreement. It will also be her recommendation." He pursed his lips, Da'Nal was obviously keen to get to sickbay, but at least he would be able to arrive there with maybe just a little elation. "This is a two part good news. First, we are in complete agreement, that you be promoted to full Commander, as a Lieutenant Commander cannot really command his own ship and the USS Freedom deserves that." He said, all in one go, so that the full effect would not sink in immediately, but would subtly dissolve into his thoughts.

Da'nal didn't say a word, just sat staring back at Davies.

A corner of Da`anl's mouth curled in a satisfied smile at the promotion but faded as his eyes widened in surprise.

"Commander?" David prompted.

"The Freedom is mine?"

David's mouth opened in a smile as the promotion and new assignment dawned on him. "Yes, Commander Da'Nal, the Freedom is yours, you earned her." Reaching into the draw at his side and pulling out one of Tashas' stock of pips, but rather than slide it over, Davies stood from his seat and made his way around the table and offered it to the Klingon Commander, whilst extending his right hand to congratulate Da'Nal.

Standing he took the Commander's hand. "Thank you sir. I assume along with my new command the are orders as well."

David allowed the smile to fade, releasing Da'Nal's hand.

"Undoubtedly, but they will come from Starfleet. First, I have to get the ships registry altered and you Commander, have to go and see to your family. If you need anything from DS5, you only have to ask." David stated, seeing the mixed emotion on the Commanders face.

Nodding appreciatively, "Very well sir. I am Honored that you and Captain Tahir (whom he had never met) have such confidence in me. If it's ok with you I would like to inform the crew myself."

"Off course Commander and may I say, that it was also an honor to serve with you, even though it was too short a time." Davies said as Da'Nal looked at the open box in his hand.

"Not to worry Commander. I'm sure I will be back now and then. Unless the Freedom is assigned to another Task Force." Taking the Commanders pips, he replaced the Lt. Commander pips. "Well I had better get to Sick bay. Commander." He took a few steps towards the door, he turned with a grin. "I hope your repair crew knows what they're doing..."


Commander David Davies
CO - Deep Space Five

Commander Da`nal of the House of Varal
CO - USS Freedom


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