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Revenge from within - Part one

Posted on 26 Sep 2011 @ 11:39am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

731 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Holodeck / Crew quarters

Pr'Tern was on the holodeck gutting one Federation officer after another. He had watched helpless as the Captain's and the Chief's well laid plans went off without a hitch. There was nothing he could do and he had had to stand by as one of his Kzinti bretheren after another died in explosions, or got burnt to a crisp as sections of the station fell into the atmosphere.

When he was done he looked at the death around him. All the dead had faces familiar to anyone on the ship. The Captain and his little girlfriend, the first and second officers and all the senior staff, Marines, engineers, even the civilians that had been left on SB 517 hadn't been spared in his little program.

Dropping to his knees in the middle of the carnage, not out of remorse but out of exhaustion. As he caught his breath he plotted his next steps. He needed to get information on what was happening to the Kzinti....that it was the Federation that was behind the loss of the station...that there was Marines on Mercer...that there was fleets of starships being brough out of mothballs.

No matter what happened he couldn't let the Achilles get anything they learned back to the get back period. But first the Stryker and that Klingon mutt of a Captain had to pay.

Rising, he terminated the program and began his vengence.


Nate returned from working on the Kzinti computers they had recovered. His head was splitting fro trying to get that damned interface to work. He had worked on hundereds of computers of evey design but he just couldn't get that thing figured out. Stepping into his quarters he pulled off his jacket and tossed it on the sofa.

Running his fingers through his hair he stretched and popped his neck and headed into the head for a shower. Moments later he emerged and padded into the main room and picked up a padd and called up the scematics of that blasted machine the Kzinti were calling a computer.

"There has got to be a way to crack this blasted thing..."

He spent another hour going layer after layer and component after component and then like a slap in the face it hit him. "You've got to be kidding was staring us right in our faces the whole god damn time!"

Still wrapped in a towel he hopped up and pulled up his uniform jacket and tapped his communicator. =^= Lt. Commander Silonez, this is Stryker. Please meet me back in cargo bay 2 in 10 minutes. I think I've got this thing nailed this time. =^=

Silonez who was attempting to sleep for the first time in 52 hours just groaned.

Rushing around he headed back into his bedroom and pulled on a fresh uniform. Nate darted back into the main room and grabbed his communicator and head to the door. Stopping cold he snapped his finger and returned to the sofa to get his padd.

His excitement at the idea of finally being able to get into that was getting the best of him. Speaking to himself, "Calm're acting like a first year cadet."

Taking a deep breath he stepped over to his replicator. "Ice water."

The glass and it's contents materialized and he grabbed it from the station and began to slam down what he thought was water. The liquid was oddorless, tasteless, but not the refreshing liquid he had ordered.

He tore at his throat and tried to scream from the pain but all he could do is cough up blood. His face, throat, and stomach were on fire. He stumbled toward the door and fell before he could get close enough for the door to activate.

What he had thought was water had been a powerful odorless, tastless acid and now Nate Stryker lay on the floor of his quarters as the acid continued to eat away at the tissues of his stomach, throat and face. Eventually the acid ate through his skin and the liquified tissues in his abdomen poured out onto the floor. By the time the acid had run its course there was little left of the lower part of his face and neck.


Chief Warrant Officer 1st Class Pr'Tern
Engineer - NPC

Nate Styker - Played by Da`nal

Lt. Cmdr Silonez Eircson


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