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Calm before the storm

Posted on 14 Jul 2011 @ 7:51pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,657 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: CO's quarters


Da`nal watch as the star field shifted as the ship jumped to warp. Finally they were on their way but now the work had only begun. It was late and he and the other department heads had remained on duty to see things off. All the preparation had been made now they just had to get to Mercer and wait for the right conditions…Like a hunter stalking is prey.

Rising from his command chair he looked around the bridge and addressed those present. “Excellent work all. You accomplished a great deal in a short amount of time. We will have some time until we arrive at Mercer. Department Heads, make sure you and your teams get some rest. Those Alpha shift personnel still on duty are ordered to stand down.â€

Don looked at the tired Captain as he got up, noticing the slight slump of his shoulders, the lines around his mouth. The large Klingon was dead on his feet. "Can I organize a bed for you here on the bridge... or are you going to obey the Captain's orders.... Sir?" Don asked with some mirth.

Looking back over his shoulder at his XO with a grin. Don was quite right; that order did included himself and he was quite tired. “Well as I would never ask anyone under my command to do anything I wasn’t willing to do myself. I will be in my quarters.†Stepping over to the lift he entered it with several other crewmembers as the all headed off to their various destinations. Upon exiting the lift several bid him a ‘good-nite Captain’ and he thanked them and wished him the same.

The door to his quarters opened at his approach and the smell of a hot meal filled his nostrils. His mouth watered immediately and he realized just how hungry he was. With everything that had taken place in the last several days he had only eaten on the run and managed a few hours sleep. Removing his jacket he placed it on his deck only to see something new. His son had left him a casting of his ridges before they had been evacuated. He picked up the casting, running his and over it slowly, ~The ridges of a warrior…~

"It's sweet isn't it?" Ayren asked as she peeped from the kitchen area. She had sense his coming and put the finishing touches on the meal she had prepared. She often cooked for them, only replicated the ingredients she couldn't get fresh from the gally. She did however get everything fresh this time from the station They had a Klingon restaurant, though not operational at the time, it had some food in . The ghaw' (liver soup) was already in the plates and the main course wamwI’ Ha’DIbaH (Hunter’s Meat), was still in the pot. Not everything had been cooked, some was completely raw, but was carefully mixed with a recipe of Klingon herbs, spices and a twist from earth, chillies and garlic.

“He is a most honorable young man.†Even as young as he was he had a warriors spirit. By Klingon tradition a boy was a man ‘the day he can first carry a blade’, and that day had already come. Soon both of his children would reach their peHghep (Age if Inclusion) and they would choose their rite of passage, typically the ritual hunt. Eventually as they grew older they would the Age of Ascension, but they were a number of years away from that honor.

The scents of a hearty meal and the feeling of pride in the honor his son had shown him by his gift brought him new energies. He moved over to the wall behind his desk and removed the mekleth that hung below the bat’leth, forged on Boreth, that his father had given him. Replacing the blade with his sons casting.

Once satisfied with it placement me moved over to the small kitchen alcove, Akhel had requested be fitted into the joint quarters, to see what Ayren was up to. His mouth watering as he look to the table she had prepared and the food she was still completing. He reached around her to sample her handy work the scent of her hair mingling with the other aromas.

A soft smile appear on her lips as she felt his warmth. "You distract me," she said softly, turning her head towards him.

“Goodâ€, he replied. Pinching off a chunk of the wamwI’ Ha’DIbaH he stepped back to let her finish. He moved over to the table and poured himself some wine. Picking up the glass he could feel its warmth, and he looked back at Ayren with a grin. There was nothing more relaxing than a heated bloodwine, she knew him too well. Still standing there he tore off a chunk of dark Klingon bread and dipping it in the soup. Slurping it up as it dripped on the table.

"Hey!" Ayren chided. "It is not done yet!" She did however smile fondly at the sight of Da'nal eating. She added li' leaves, stirred it, smelled and tasted the dish. ~Just right...~ she thought as the poignant flavour hit the back of her throat. Few Betazoids could stomach Klingon food, but during her two years on Qo'noS as a teen, she fell in love with the cuisine and culture, even if she had to take medication afterwards for some of the dishes. Now she knew exactly food to avoid. Picking up the maHpIn (serving dish) with a spoon it it, she walked to the table to place it between them. Each had jengva' (plate)in front of them, Da'nal had no utensils and she only a small sharp knife, an 'aqnaw. She didn't have the strength to tear the meat into bite size bits, but she used her hands as he did. She smiled inwardly at her cousin, X'aedell's amazement at how she managed to eat like a Klingon and not mess.

"Now you can eat," Ayren said dryly. "Oh, the qul DIr (fire skins) are behind you," she said as she sat down. "Got everything fresh from the station before we left, so you'd better enjoy it now...unless you got live food stored somewhere on the ship," she joked.

Placing several items on his plate he looked across to her. "Only some Qagh (gagh) down the the biology lab." With everything that had been going on he hadn't noticed how hungry he actually was. Finally he reached out and cut a large chunk of meat and placed it before him.

He didn't stand on ceremony and began eating with gusto...after all there was no greater enemy than hunger, and a devious enemy it could be.

Ayren had out done herself. He bit off chunks of the meat she had prepared following it with bites of bread, or other dish and washing it down with long drinks of his favorite vintage of bloodwine. He had almost forgotten the qul DIr that she had mentioned but when he rose to refill his glass the dish as there next to the unopen bottle of wine. Retieving both he returned to the table and stabbed one of the skins that floated in the bowl of alcohol. He then held his knife to the flame on the table and lit the delicacy. As it burst into flame he popped it into his mouth and chewed the savory morsal.

"DoQ Soj!.....DoQ Soj. You have out done yourself."

Ayren was enjoying the meal herself, digging into the Qagh. A few of her friends would throw up just thinking about what she was eating. But she truly enjoyed Klingon cuisine. "Thank you my love," she grinned. "But hunger is the best cook.... besides I had fresh ingredients," she said, as she sucked a worm through her puckered lips.

He raised brow, grinning as the worm disappeared. Well to many more meals like this and those 'fresh ingredients' will disapear."

Da`nal ate from every platter she had prepared and had made a glorious mess of the once neatly arrayed dishes. This feast had been just what he had needed. Since arriving at the station he had been on the go. With long late nights and a bite here and there. Filling his glass with the warmed Bloodwine he rose from the table, moving to the sofa and waved for Ayren to join him.

Ayren wavered between clearing the royal mess and joining him immediately, but then she moved towards him and sank into the comfortable sofa next to him. "It is good to have a little time with you...." she said, snuggling to the big man. She needed this as much as he did.

Taking a healthy pull from his glass he could feel the tension begining to ease from him. He was quite relaxed...a large meal, warmed wine, the warmth of his mate pressing against him. Yes, he was quite relaxed now....for a Klingon. He took a deep breath and lowered his arm from the back of the sofa and wrapped it around her. "Ever since we made port it has been one thing after another as we got ready for this mission." He closed is eyes as he let is muscles loosen.

"True....." Aeryn remarked lazily. "Hey.... I think we'd better get to bed......." she started, sensing the tension easing from him, but her words faded as she heard his deep breathing

Da`nal never heard the majority of her reply, his head hand been resting against the sofa and a soft grumbling snore rose from his throat.

"... if we didn't want to fall asleep are a little heavy to carr......" she completed the sentence to herself, as her eyelids grew heavy, and falling shut, sending her into blissful sleep in her beloved's arms.


Aeryn Kelan
(PNPC by Sharon)

Capt. Da`nal


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