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Return to duty

Posted on 14 Jul 2011 @ 8:05pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

943 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Briefing Room
Timeline: Morning Following Departure


Too the Causal observer, Silonez looked as if he had taken a long overdue vacation. That would have been true accept for he had spent the better part of the last week on Earth. His original purpose was to accompany the collected wreckage from a battle with the Kzinti.

The metallurgy and mechanical inspections revealed a lot, and there was another reason to be in a good mood. But he kept that to himself. While he'd rather try to ride a Targ than give this briefing it was protocol after all.

Skipping the normal formalities he spoke "Based on the analysis from the USS Imperator plus additional wreckage recovered from other battles, Corps of Engineers and Intelligence have concluded that Kzinti ships are not manufactured to a standard specification."

Da`nal found that particularly interesting. ~Sounds like similar isses my people had in rapid ship construction...when we were at odd with the Federation.~

He paused to let that fact settle in. "When wreckage collection from ships with four distinct were collected the over all metallurgical composition was vastly different, and in some cases the metals properties were different too." Silonez paused "the Most common defects were there susceptibility to energetic electrical conductivity."

"And that implies?" Don asked. He was no engineer, but it sounded promising enough.

Tika looked up at Silonez . She still wasn't sure how she felt about him since the first time they met... but now was not the time for that. "It implies that we could disrupt their hull integrity and possibly some of their technologies with electromagnetic charges?"

"Half true, there ships aren't as invincible as we thought, the exterior alloys are not of a consistent quality, so if we can organize our forces more effectively during the heat of battle we might be able to exploit simular defects in there ships thus making them less of a threat," Silonez called up an image of the main viewer, "The best example of this is a salvaged fighter we got curtiousy of the Romulans, they hit this fighter with a photonic missile crippling it, but a similar attack on a Kzinti destroyer did little damage, but this same ship had whole sections of hull armor ripped off from a glancing impact from a disruptor."

"So how would we know what to use, and when?" Don asked.

I know a way to channel an electric field into an energy tunnel such as that produced by a phaser .blast. Perhaps that could be of some help." Tika replied.

"That sounds good," Don said, "not that I know what you are talking about, that went right over my head" Don replied with a crooked smile in her direction. ~Focus, Don..~ he thought before continuing. "You think that could desort their shields? Or something?" Don asked. Physics was not his strong point, he could keep up with basics, but the moment specialists started to talk tech he got lost quickly

Silonez added his thoughts, "I think we have a rare oppertunity to deal a heavy blow to the Kzinti fleet, we just need to identify which clans have what manufacturing problems."

"Do we have intelligence? Or the means to get varifyable intel?" Don asked.

Silonez looked up from his notes, "Based upon battle reports, sensor logs, and first hand observation from other ships we've been able to correlate that ships with different group insignias do indeed seem to have different production and maintenance problems."


"Will be nice of we can actually find the plants and destroy that...." Don thought out loud. "In any case, I think that is something we can work with...." He said with a small grin.

"I think starfleet wouldn't object to a raid deep into the captured territories, plus the Romulans aren't faring much better on some fronts so they'd gladly let us conduct a raid." Silonez commented.

"That can fall under reconnaissance...." Don commented dryly. He itched for action and action that could blow a hole or to in the felines could only be sweet. "bortaS bIr jablu'DI' reH QaQqu' nay, ['Revenge is a dish best served cold] " Don said in one of the few Klingon sentences he could pronounce.

"I'll submit the request to Admiral Morgan, I'm sure hes' anxious to test this theory too." Silonez said with some rare enthusiasm.

Don noticed the slight change in the Intelligence Officer. "So do you..." He commented. He looked toward Dan'al for his approval.

Tika looked around the room for a bit. She was tired to say the least. "So...where do we go from here?"

Da`nal had sat silently listening to all as they bantered the posibilities. "A raid on the manufacturing plant would be a violation of ours orders...unfortunately. However transmit your findings to Admiral L'Berr before we cross into Kzinti controlled territory. The information on the hull weekness is a step in the right direction, but as long as their sheilds are as strong as they are it is a weakness that will be hard to exploit."

"Continue your efforts, with luck we will find the information we need to defeat our enemy."

"Bummer.." Don said dryly. "Too far stretched for reconnaisance...." he added in the same tone. "So.... even if we do recon, and come across a plant, we can do nothing about it?" he asked

Da`nal raised a brow. "Do not worry. Something tells me that before this mission is over there you will get you chance for glory. However to answer your question, at least for now, yes."


Captain Da`nal

Commander Don Killian

Lt Cmdr Silonez Ericson

Lt Cmdr Lahtikah Phoenix-Patil


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