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Medical Exam

Posted on 23 Jul 2011 @ 8:59pm by Lieutenant Lucas Mason & Lieutenant Commander Doctor Alex Frece , M.D.

387 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Sickbay

"Medical Exam"

Lucas made his way through the spartan corridors of the Achilles, an indication of its design and purpose, as a tactical vessel. He found the main turbolift which conveyed him Deck 7 where Sickbay was located. He entered the main reception area where he found a duty nurse.

"Nurse, I was wondering if I could make an appointment for a physical examination?" he said matter of factly.

"We have an opening now if you want?" The nurse stated with a smile.

"That would be acceptable, thank you. If you could direct me to where I may meet the doctor, please."

"He is in his office." The Young nurse stated pointing to the small office.

"Hello Doctor, I am Lieutenant JG Lucas Mason, the new Chief Flight Control Officer, I've just reported in, so I figured getting my physical exam out of the way might be helpful."

"Welcome aboard." Alex stated with a pleasant smile. "Hop on bio bed two and I'll get my tricorder."

Lucas climbed onto the bed indicated and laid down awaiting the return of the doctor. Laying back he was able to observe the ceiling of sickbay, a part of most rooms he gave little attention to. The return of the doctor brought him out of his contemplative state to focus at hand.

Doctor Frece immediately began his scan. "So what brings you to the Achilles?"

"I spent some time on other ships as Asst. Chief Helmsman, but the opportunity to be Chief of the Achilles came up and so here I am."

"Ah. I see." Alex replied with a smile as he continued his scan. "So, did the captain tell you of our current situation?"

"Looks I arrived at just the right moment, the Captain says we are heading into a combat situation."

"Yes, you did arrive at the correct moment." The Doctor stated. "Any abnormalities, allergies, or injuries to report?"

"Nothing, I've always been in good health. Except for a touch of pneumonia in when I was a baby."

"Well, I see no reason why to keep you here. You're in perfect health. And fit as a fiddle." Doctor Frece statedx with a smile.

"Thank you, Doctor. Is there anything else?"

"Nothing else." Alex said as the man got up to leave

"Thank you Doctor, I'd better be getting settled in."


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