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The Usurper

Posted on 17 May 2011 @ 3:31pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

832 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!

[Near the Kzinti-Federation Border]

The task forces had finally linked up and the 9 warships now moved along the border looking for more prey. They were now without a Fleet Commander but they continued with their orders under the command of the senior of the two task force commanders. They all honored the sacrifice of Hezrk-Jal and knew he had died as a proper warrior. After honoring him the naming ceremony began for those young warriors that had earned their names in battle as the cleansed the Federation ship of it human contaminants.

Below decks however there was another story unfolding…

Fkarn-Vsh paced his quarters as he waited the transmission he knew was coming. The anticipation of the call combined with the rush from the battle his still felt made it impossible to be still. After what seemed like an eternity his console sounded and the fur on his spine stood up as he took his seat and activated the monitor and bowed his head. “Lord Regent.â€

“Is the transmission secure on your end?â€

“Yes it is; and isolated from the warships computer so there will be no record of this communication.â€

The High General and now Regent over the Kzinti Patriarchy nodded approvingly. “Is it done?â€

Fkarn nodded slowly. “Yes and Fleet Commander Hezrk-Jal is also gone. He sacrificed himself for his failure to protect Eldest-heir-Ritt…Lord Patriarch.â€

The High General/Regent grinned at the revelation about the Fleet Commander; it was a surprise but a welcome one. He also liked the title though it was a bit premature to speak it. “You have done well. I will see to it you have a more…public to serve and earn glory for your clan.â€

“Thank you Sir.â€

[Planet Kzin – The Patriarch’s Orbital Platform]

The transmission was terminated and the General/Regent planned out some secret orders for a portion of that fleet; after all the first rule of assassination is to kill the assassin. When he was finished he rose as his aid rushed into the chamber. “My Lord we have just received news; the Eldest heir as fallen in battle.â€

Feigning shock and disbelief. “WHAT!? How could this have happened? Fleet Commander Hezrk-Jal was to have seen to his naming and….Where is he?â€

“Hezrk-Jal is presumed dead as well at the hands of the Human’s.â€

Exposing his claws in a display of false anger he continued his rant. “It’s is bad enough to lose a Fleet Commander but the Heir… he should have been on his way home to be named and to take his father’s place as Patriarch!â€

“We must make the humans pay for this crime!â€

Spinning rapidly to his aid. “Prepare a statement I will need to address our people and our forces.â€

“Yes sire, shall I also make arrangement for your installation? Without an heir of age the Clan Ritt can no longer lay claim to the Patriarchy and as the Heir’s Regent the duty now falls to you….My Lord.â€

Inside his self satisfaction was immeasurable, but outside he maintained displayed a front of solemn surprise. “What…oh yes, see to it.â€

….Sometime Later….(transmitted across Kzin & to all Kzinti forces)

Zariv-Nel looked straight ahead as he address his people. Those before him where all the heads of the other clans; whom he had met with earlier to cement his succession. There had been no objections to his leadership, expressed openly at any rate. They all knew him to be a military leader and a ruthless enemy.

“My people, in our time of glory and triumph, when we celebrate the long awaited victory over the humans, a tragedy has befallen us. While engaged in battle against an aggressive violation of our new border the Humans have taken many of our fellow clansmen. And though the invasion was crushed the damage was done. Today we mourn the loss of the Eldest-Heir-Ritt.

“But today is not the time for sorrow. His glorious death should be an example for us all for he was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for his Clan…for his People…for our Future. All of us should learn from the example laid down by the Clan Ritt. For centuries they led our people and made possible our return to Greatness and as I solemnly assume the role of your Patriarch and vow to make their greatness even greater.

“Together we shall build upon their great achievements and thrust ourselves into a new age where the Kzinti Star League shall rise again. I call on all, both those here on Kzin and those fighting to restore what is rightfully ours, to do whatever is needed to bring about the day where our enemies kneel before us. Together we shall usher in an era where even the mighty FEDERATION shall look to us with respect and with fear.â€

Ending the transmistion he left to prepare secret orders. Orders that would cover his tracks and strike deep into the Federtion.


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