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Private Thoughts

Posted on 17 May 2011 @ 4:10pm by

532 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Gideon's quarters
Timeline: Current

Gideon returned to his quarters. He reached underneath the bed and pulled out a duffle bag. He made sure his door was secrue and he began pulling items out of the bag.

The first item was a tactical combat knife he had commandered from a dead Cardassian a number of years back. It was made from 12 inches of blackened steel was serated on one side and was extremely sharp. The handle had four holes in the center, just big enough for his fingers to fit into if he needed more leverage.

He took time to make sure the knife was clean and eased it carefully into its scabbard.

The next item was an old fashinoed Terran firearm, a pistol it was called. It was from the early twenty-second century and was ancient, but it had been carefully preserved. It was a Sig Sauer P250. The rounds were called .357 and the gun held 13 rounds, 14 since Gideon had one in the chamber. Bullets were rare and expensive, but Gideon had two extra clips. He took the pistol aprart carefully and cleaned it. Making sure the saftey was on when he was done he slipped it into a shoulder holster.

He next pulled out a phaser I and II. He made sure those were fully charged, the phaser I he set on kill, this was his emergency back up and would go in his boot. The Phaser II he set on setting six, the highest stun setting possible.

He took out a piece of paper and a pen and began writing a note.

To Whom It May Concern:

I have no real family to leave my possessions to and few possessions to leave. The only family I know is those who served on the Exeter many years ago and most of those have retired or since moved on to other endavors.

Should I not survive, I wish that all my possesions be shared equally between Admiral Sorek and my current commander, Captain Da Nal

I just pray to God that if I am to die, I would do so with dignity and honor, that I would go out as a warrior.

I know others see me as a smart ass, and a loose cannon and it is true that I have little love for those in authority, especially those in authroity that are blinded by stupidity and politcal correctness, but I would like to think that I am an honorable man and if need be I am willing to die to preserve freedom and justice.

I am not sure what awaits me when I die, but I am sure it will be a grand adventure. I would just prefer putting that adventure off as long as possible.

Talking my way out of a situation is just no longer feasable, we are at war, so I will do whatever it takes to survive, whateve it takes to portect those around me.

I may not be very good at following orders and don't think I would make it as a Marine full time, but I love thier motto. Semper Fi. "Always Faithful"

I can live by that. Come to think of it I can die by it.


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