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Posted on 16 May 2011 @ 1:22am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,502 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Timeline: Current

As the holodeck program fadded away, Gideon touched his comm badge. He hated to disturb the Captain, he knew the man was busy, and there might be consequences for disturbing him, but Gideon had never been one to let consequences disturb him and he felt the Captain need to know what he had just felt.

"Captain, this is Ensign Exeter, sorry to disturb you. Do you have a minute, I think there is something you should hear."

[SB 517 - just off the docking ramp]

Not long after seeing to the need othe the others Da'nal now had to see Akhil and his childern off, his son ever the young little warrior had wanted to stay but this was not the time. "I have made arrangements with your grandfather. He is send on of his ships and then you will spend sometime with him on the Home world. How does that sound?"

Despite his excitement, "But father I wish to fight at your side."

Da`nal looked down at his son with pride. "Your time for battle will come and the Honor and glory you will earn will be great indeed. But now is not the time. I have my duty and you have yours; I need you to see Akhil and your sister safely to QonoS."

"Yes father."

"Go..." He watched as the three turned and left. Ariella turned looking to Da`nal and Aryen and ran back to them.

Ayren stretched out her arms as she ran straight into them. She lifted the girl up, biting the tears away, There would be no distinction between her own children and the twins. They were as her own and her heart was torn by the thought of seperation. But they had no choice. A battle ship was no place for small chlidren, eeven if they were Klingon. "It is going to be ok," she whispered in Klingon as she held her.

Da`nal laid his hand on his daughter's head as Ayren held her, but stepped away as his commbadge chirpped and the Ensign's voice came over the channel.

=^= What is it Ensign? =^=

=^= Sorry to disturb sir, I know this is a hectic time for everyone, I will try to be brief.
First of all Commander Ericson has had me reviewing files for the past few hours, and I have found a disturbing pattern. The Kizinti's weapons seem to be a variant of their previous design. I am aware that designs can differ between clans, but this is different. It is as though they are mixing technologies. I recognize some Romulan overtones and some others that I can't identify. It's as though they are adapting their weapons to better attack our weaknesses. That is something I feel should be relayed to Star Fleet Command. Being a junior officer and knowing I'm probably not going to be recieving an invitation to the Admiral's Ball, I thought it would be better coming from you.

Secondly, as you know I hav some telepathic/empathic power, but I've just had something happen to me that I have never had happened before. I 'heard' two voices, I am pretty sure they were children and they were in big trouble, with Kizinti after them or maybe they had already been taken. They were crying out for help and I was just positive that they were kids of someone in the Fedeeration.

I know that sounds like a lot of mumbo jumbo to you, but I haven't lost my mind. I don't know what to make of it, but I thought you might have some idea.=^=

Da'nal cut him off, his tone curt. "Not over an open channel Ensign." Of course he aleady knew about the Kzinti weapon but it was not general knowledge nor did the yet know why; that was just one of the things there assignment was hoping to answer. "My ready room in five minutes," and h closed the channel.

Da'nal turned back to Aryen and Ariella, he took her little chin in his large hand. "Do not worry Ari, we will be together soon. Now you must go with your brother."

"You are a brave young woman, and your brother does need you." Ayren said. "We will see you soon.... Look, Akilha is waiting for you....." she said as she placed the little girl on her feet. "Go quickly...." she said. As she ran back, Ayren's eyes filled with tears. "Love you...." she mouthed to both. "Go..." she smiled bravely at Da'nal. She was disturbed by what she had over heard. She was aware of their limited powers, but what happened to the ensign was strange, "Let me know if you need me..." she said, her eyes clear. She was ready to work.

His eyes never left her's as they stood there amidst the semi-organized chaos. "I will always need you. When this is all over let's take some leave and....well we can decide later.

Ayren's heart melted at his words and she smiled softly. "Yes...when this is all over...." Suddenly her smile broadened as she realized that she was just happy to be with him, that they were together... that they were both alive. Her hand rested lightly on his arm. "I will simply enjoy every monent I have with you.... " she said.

[Ready Room]

Da`nal stepped out onto the bridge and saw the Ensign waiting for him. Moving quickly to his office the door opened at his approach and he, followed by the young officer entered.

"Sorry sir," said Gideon with real remorse,"Begging your forgivness sir, I did not realize the line was not secure." Gideon hated being defferintial, it went against the core of his being, the lone exception was when he had blown it.

Nonetheless, he would just have to deal with the consequences and give the Captain the information he had obtained.

He was still slightly distracted. Yes the rules change slightly during war but at the start it takes time for everyone to shift gears. "Just don't let it happen again. What do you have for me?"

"First, I won't let it happen again. I rarely make the same mistake twice.

Secondly, two things primarilly. One, as I was saying, the Kizinti have what could be superior firepower to the Federation, which could prove to be a problem for us. Especially since they appear to be adapting the best weapons systems from at least the Romulans, Klingons and Federation. Possibly more varities as well. Two I felt something I've never really felt or sensed before. Two, sir I know your kids are putting on a brave front. Especially because of their heritage, but there is some anxiety on their part that they are keeping to themselves. I thought you should know about that. It's not any of my business really.

I must say I am surprised though I usually have to be able to see people on order to read their thoughts. Maybe it has something to do with the fact they're kids.

Da`nal was not overly concerned about Garath and Ariella, they were children and had only a childs view of the world. The time with his father on the home world would do them good. "Thank you for bring these matters to my attention. The situation concerning the Kzinti was recently made known to me. I want you and Cmdr Eircson to work with Lt. Belacque while we recon the Kzinti."

"Aye, aye sir. As you know I am an infliltraion specialist in anyway I can. How much longer till we meet up with the Kizinit?"

Da`nal grinned at his enthusiasm. "I share your eagerness to get into the action, unfortunately our orders are for recon only and the Admiral expressly forbade me to engage the enemy." He paused only slightly and looked at him knowingly. "However if you are wish to put your skills to the test you could volunteer to join the Marines preparing to infiltrate Mercer."

Gideon muttered ,"Freaking politicans are going to lose us the war." He stopped himself remembering the tenous situation he found himself in with the Federation brass and said, "Begging your pardon sir, that remark was out of line." He noticed though the remorse he had felt earlier for speaking on an unsecured line, was not there this time.

"We have our orders Ensign. We are forbidden to engage because secrecy is vital to our mission and it success. However if you wish you may join the infiltration operation."

Then he grinned and said,"Sir, Yes Sir! I always wanted to be a Marine. Semper Fi!" Gidoen wasn't sure if he could pull off the whole following the chain of command gig, but he was determined to give it a shot.

Holding back a grin at the mans enthusiam. "Report to you Department Head and informthem of your status then report the Gunner Sgt Velez for assignment."


Capt. Da`nal

Ens. Gideon Exeter
Infiltration Spec.

Ayren Kelan - NPC


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