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Tying up loose ends

Posted on 26 May 2011 @ 10:37pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

575 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Kzinti controlled space

[Kzin Orbital Platform]

Now that the heir had been eliminated and he was the new Patriarch over his people it was time to eliminate the fools he had used in his plot.

In a coded transmission he instructed certain Commanders to break from their fleet and ignore all attempts at communication. Those ships that had been 'honored' with this mission would be considered a rogue element unless they succeeded. They were to proceed deep into Federation territory and strike them were they would least expect and disrupt the supply lines from the core worlds to starbase 517, now swarming with activity.

[Near the Kzin-Federation border]

Each ships commander in turn looked at the secret orders. The glory they would gain from such a mission... They would be immortalized by their clans as heroes of the war of revenge. Each sent there acknowledgements and between them coordinated the time they would break from formation and begin their attack run. While the Federation concentrated on the border and Romulan’s they would strike he Federation war effort in rear.

Sometime later...

The time was now! Together 6 Kzinti ships of the line broke formation and headed straight for Federation space. Before any other member of the fleet could do anything the 'renegades' had engaged their D-drives and vanished.

Aboard the remaining ships there was a flurry of activity and ship to ship communication.

On the command ship the new fleet commander hissed as he swore to skin then himself if he ever saw them again. This was not the test of command he was anticipating and silently wished that Hezr-Jal had been here. "Contact the high command, inform them that we have rogue ships!" The idea of desertion flashed into his mind but it was just as quickly dismissed. He knew those Captains...glory seekers all.

Turning to his other officers. "Plot there course! I want to know were they might be heading!"

There was immediate action as the bridge crew moved to determine what the the hell ws going on. After a few moments the answers came. "Commander their course will take them deep into Federation space. There are no human vessels in the immediate vicinity and nothing on sensors at this time."

Contemplating things for a moment. ~So where are they going...?~, he thought to himself. Moving to the tactical station, bring up a display of surrounding area."

As the display came up he looked for possible targets along the renegades projected path. SB 517 was to big for their small group of ships, as were the planets of the Yadalla system. His claws scratched at his chin...~where are you going~?

"Has there been any reply from the High Command?"

"Yes sir, 'all ships that have broken formation are to be considered rogue until further orders. No pursuit or support is authorized. Continue with current assignment and maintain high alert for any human activity.'"

"Send an acknowledgment immediately."

The officer turned back to his station and complied with the Fleet Commanders orders. As he did the Commander looked down at the display again. There was another smaller human starbase that was a possibility, but he thought it unlikely. They knew the supplies flowing to SB 517 was coming through SB-61...what the humans referred to as Langley Station, but most likely they were after trophies. He was certain that they were planning to raid the Federation supply lines, but why did his gaze keep returning to Langley.


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