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Piecing it all together

Posted on 04 May 2011 @ 10:26pm by

768 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Starbase, Achilles
Timeline: Current

Standing on the promenade, Nate watched as the last of the temporary docking rings he had designed was moved into place and saw a flash of light as the system that would be ejecting it from the ship was tack welded into place. He had managed to find an ingenious solution for his structural support issues. When the clamps were released to blow the docks away from the ship, the temporary columns he had installed with the help of his Engineers, would simply slip out of place and be pulled out as he had them setup to be attached to the docks. The defense platform had already been attached so the last part was the shuttles. It had been a long couple days, but the Achilles had been prepped to go back to war, and he even managed to get a few updgrades he was unsure of done to the ship. The only question was if it was actually going to help them out at all. Time would tell. At the end of the day though, he was glad to have a Klingon Captain leading them.

A hug from behind brought his focus back to where he was. "I've been looking all over for you Nate" Eva said. She pressed against him and closed her eyes. "I've been busy, thought I'd take a moment to chill". Eva had him and would make her move "Why haven't you talked to me since the briefing? I thought everything was going good between us". Breaking her grip, he turned to face his subordinate. "You questioned me in front of the Captain, if you can't have the proper professional courtesy when we're around other Officers, then we should maybe make it a point to increase the distance between us". A little hurt, she sank away from him. "I just thought that you would want to hear my opinions and worries on things. That's all. I feel comfortable around you, and I feel my career potential is endless". "I appreciate that, but you need to address the issues with me offline. Outside of meetings. I'll listen to what you have to say Eva, I promise. But you can't be hurting my image in front of the others. I'm brand new and I have yet to show what I'm capable of. I need them to tbe confident in me so that we can all succeed". Leaning forward, he gave her a kiss. As he stood back up, she smiled. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to openly challenge you, Nathan. I'll be mindfull in the future. And if you really want me to, I'll monitor the warp core around the clock" she said, jokingly. "We can have it covered by the shift leads, it's ok. It is a good idea, so I'll make sure it's incorporated. Not like they can't handle it as it is". The pair began walking along the walkway, holding hands.

Reaching the beginning of the umbilical, Nate stopped and turned to Eva. Holding her hands in his, he leaned forward and kissed her once again, but for much longer this time. He was beginning to fall for her as well, but just wasn't ready to admit it yet. "I just want you to know before we leave off to fight, that I do care about you, and that I think we can work well together. If you like, you can un-officially move into my quarters". She smiled back and hugged him. "It's not like I haven't for the most part already anyways". Without another word, hand in hand, they walked towards the Achilles, ready to face their destiny together.


Finding himself once again laying in bed, Nate was finally relaxed, but had little interest in sleep. Nate had missed Eva being there the last couple days. She had entered the room wearing the camisette she got for him. "Well looks like the Achilles is ready to get underway. I hope the Captain is happy with things". Almost forgetting, Nate leaned over and pressed a button on the wall console, transmitting a status report update the Klingon. He sighed as he sank back down on the bed, and suddenly dreaded the thought of losing Eva. Without much time to dwell on it, she climbed on top of Nate, straddling him. The woman leaned forward and began to kiss him. As she started to remove the rest of his clothes, Eva realized the room was still bright. Giving the order, everything went dark. "Computer, lights".


Lieutenant Nate Stryker

Lieutenant Eva Clance
ACEO, NPC'd by Nate


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