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Left Behind - Part 2

Posted on 16 May 2011 @ 12:29am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Sergeant Dawn Brianna & Lance Corporal Cyfian Harper

1,001 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Mercer


Jason woke up still and cold but none the less he rose and stretched and started to move in order to warm up. Looking of to one side was Cyfian snoring away. He grinned a bit and decided to let him sleep a bit. Having had the mid-watch he would have not hat eh uninterrupted sleep that he and Dawn had had, but that was just the rite of passage that every junior Marine had to pass through. Moving carefully he headed out to check on Sgt. Brianna. "Anything stirring this morning?"

"N-no-o." Dawn shivered, her teeth chattering a little, her small body didn't hold in much heat.

Jason took off his field jacket and wrapped it around her. "Keep moving. Head back into the cave and do some PT to get you body warmed up and wake up Cyfian, we need to find the Captain."

"Yes s-sir." Dawn replied, standing up slowly, her knees cracking from being in the same spot for so long, she walk over to Cyfian, "Harper get up." she said, as she tapped his foot with her right boot.

Cyfian rolled over uncomfortably. Rubbing his eyes he peered up at Dawn and smiled. "What no breakfast in bed?"

"No, now get up." Dawn said, reaching down, grabbing the Marine by the hand and lifting him to his feet. For a small, lightweight female Dawn was quite strong.

"Thanks." Cyfian replied stretching to wake up his aching muscles. He took a second to glance around the cave and sling his weapon over his shoulder. "So what did I miss Sgt.?"

Jason came back into the cave. "Besides some sleep...nothing. No lets gear up and and head out. The Captain never came back last night so he need to see if we can find him. Grab some chow and get ready to move in 15."

"Yes sir." Dawn said, as she reached for her pack and took out a MRE and began mixing it to eat.

"Aye sir." Cyfian replied. Picking up his backpack he used as a pillow, he retrieved a ration pack. He always hated these things. In Cyfian's mind they were more like chewing cardboard than real food. But they did fill him up and give him energy. Opening the pack he took an unsatisfactory bite.

~Yep.~ He thought to himself. ~Cardboard.~

Taking another bite Cyfian turned to Dawn and Jason. "Any idea where the Captain could of gone?"

"He went to recon the area around the refugee camp at the base of the mountain. Either, couldn't make it back here and took shelter near the camp on somewhere between the camp and here or..." Not whanting to say it but they all knew the other alternatives.

Cyfian nodded and took another bite. It was quiet, the thought of the Captain... it disturbed his thoughts. Shaking his mind clear he held his weapon tight and stood before both Dawn and Jason.

"Well, ready when you are sir."

"Then let's get going....staggered formation, passive scans only. Brianna, you take point.

"Yes sir." Dawn replied, taking point and leading the way

Cyfian took one last look into the cave and followed the Sergeant out into the wild.

The trio carefully meandered through and down the mountain. The route the followed offered good cover and by mid-day they were well into the valley forest and nearing its edge. Masking their biosigns by using the rocks moved closer to the Romulan camp. They one probmlem was by using the scattering effects of the minerals to conceal themselves their own scanners were compromised.

Jason actually liked going old school. Off to his right he heard rustling and a twig snapped under foot. Waving back to Cyfian they dropped low and took aim at the sound.

Cyfian eyed at the brush and silently moved towards the sound giving himself a better view. Still unable to see the source of the noise he looked back for orders.

Jason caught Cyfian's movement in his periferal vision and without looking at him he took two fingeres and waved to towards their approaching target.

Closer and closer Cyfian approached the noise. His beating heart making more noise than his steps. Whatever it was the noise was getting louder and heading in their direction. Kneeling, he poised himself ready to fire at the target. From what he had read, the Kzinti weren't subtle in their approach to combat. This could very well be a large, furious Kzinti ready to tear Cyfian's head from his shoulders.

Cyfian held his breath.


It didn't take long before a group of Romulan teens burst into view. "Hold your FIRE!"


Exhaling, Cyfian scanned the area around them while keeping one eye on the Romulan. He'd never met one before but knew they were to be trusted. However, Romulans were the least of his worry. The noise that kid was making was enough to make anyone take notice.

Keeping his weapon at the ready he stood, his shout having stopped the kids cold. They were obviously started and shock to see the Marines and like a deer looked ready to bolt. He raised his hands, "We aren't going to hurt you. How did you get past the Kzinti?"

The kids looked to eachother then one spoke. "They have pretty much ignored us. As long as we stay out of their way, "You're looking for the other one aren't you?"

"The 'other' member of our team...yes. Do you know where he is?"

"Yesterday a group tried to escape. When they were brought back last night they mentioned how the Kzinti had captured a Starfleet officer" He glanced at his friends again, "They took him away...we don't know where."

Jason looked to the othe members of his team as they move in closer, but the teens started moving and he glanced back to them. "You'ld better come with us. The Kzinti still patrol this area."

Cyfian eyed Jason and Dawn. He knew they were all thinking the same thing.



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