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Posted on 28 Apr 2011 @ 8:34pm by Captain Derek Longwinter

2,972 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Mercer

The soft waist high grass, a light green of fresh spring surrounded him as he laid back in the bright afternoon sun, high in its daily zenith, the yellow orb was surrounded by a bright cloudless blue sky as it sent its beautiful golden rays of warmth and light down to the earth. Life was good, not a care in the world as Derek Longwinter laid back amongst the rolling sea of green that swayed in a light, yet warm breeze. Without any recollection on how he had come to be in this place, he decided he didn't care because it was comfortable and peaceful here, two things the angosian marine commander had never been able to hold on to, no matter how strong he was.

The soft crunch of plants being trampled on by soft feet, the splitting of the green grass as if it were a river flowing past a rock, caught the Derek's attention, his head snapping up slightly, razor sharp emerald eyes scanning the immediate area. Directly to his front was the approaching figure, getting closer and closer. He could tell by the graceful sway of larger looking hips, the figures slender hour glass frame and long hair that the figure was a woman, but was she just a woman? The way the sun was to her back and beaming in his eyes, masking her features though seemingly sparkling off her, Derek thought he must have been visited by a goddess yet as the figure finally stepped into his little stretch of matted grass,he could see her clearly: it was his wife Elandra.....his dead wife....

How she was here or why was irrelevant, just the sight of her here brought a roguish grin the marine commander's face as he looked at her, the same slightly cocky yet handsome grin that brought a softer edge rarely seen to Derek's face that he had given her the first time they had met. Moving with the fluent grace of a dancer, the woman slipped down to straddle the laying marine, sitting much like one would ride a horse, her small yet strong hands resting on his chest as she looked down at him, offering her beautiful smile, so full of life and warmth that you could hardly imagine the woman was a trained Angosian assassin.

After a lingering moment of silence, Derek had finally come to the conclusion that he must be dead, he must have finally made it to heaven or the summerlands, whichever one you preferred to believe in. Leaning up a little bit, Derek's mouth split as he was about the form the word “how†yet a strong finger pressed to his lips quickly cut him off. Still smiling, the woman sitting on him finally spoke to him as he looked down at him, his august sky blue eyes sparkling in the sun, her voice soft and almost musical “Hush Reydahn†calling him by his true angosian name, the one his mother had replaced with a more federation standard one when he had moved to earth to live with her “YOUR NOT DEAD YET YOU HUMAN PIECE OF SCUM†his wives voice no longer her soft musical tone, now a deep guttural Kzinti voice as her face contorted into a snarl with razor sharp teeth, eyes demonic red as water suddenly shot from her mouth to completely cover his face.

Governor's Palace,Mercer Colony, Romulan Controlled Space
Currently Occupied by Kzinti Forces
Prisoner 3: Captain Derek Longwinter
Interrogation Day 3

Ice cold water splashed across his face as his one good finally snapped open immediately, the left one trying but swollen shut by a massive black eye and large black blue bruises covering the entire left side of his face. The water was like a glacier searing into the open lacerations on his face as the water mixed with mostly dry blood and begun to drip off his face in a somewhat light red or pinkish color. As the marine commander regained his senses, he immediately begun to feel the red hot searing pain in his shoulders and neck. Derek was stripped to the waist, completely exposing his muscular torso, the marine commander was still wearing the all black BDU pants and his black combat boots as he sat back in the chair. His powerful legs were tied to the front two legs of the sturdy metal chair, completely wrapped around and cinched down with a professionally tied knot,that wasn't the worst of it. His well defined arms, covered in muscle like corded steel running down them, were locked out at the elbow and shoulder, tied together with the backs together and stretched as far back as possible, causing his shoulder and trapezoid muscles to be pulled back and stretched as far as possible and secured to the top of the chair up by his shoulders to make sure he couldn't relax them at all. His head forcefully pushed completely back until the back of his head touched his bunched up trapezoid muscles, a rope tied under his chin, around his neck, just loose enough to breath: as long as his head remained back, the rope around his neck secured to the one at his wrists and pulled taut to where if he tried to lower his arms to rest his shoulders,he would choke himself.

An elaborate way to make sure he was going anywhere and to make sure he knew he was completely fucked, the marine commander took a deep breath as he tried to center himself, trying to move his mind far from his body, trying to make the pain of holding his current position for 72 hours straight go away, though it was very hard to concentrate with very little sleep:not from lack of time or even Kzinti questioning, more from the fact that if he fell into deep REM sleep where his muscles relaxed, his arms would drop and he would begin choking himself to death. Moving his eyes down to the bottom of their optical range as Derek tried to get a look at who had thrown the water on him, the marine could only see darkness aside from the little circle of light from the spotlight above that surrounded him, who ever it was, they decided to remain in the shadows for now.

“Captain Longwinter†a voice came from the shadows, not guttural or rough, way more sophisticated with a slight air of aloof arrogance in it, Derek surmised it must have been a Romulan then “ I am going to ask you a couple of very simple questions†the hidden man said as his voice came out of the shadows. Derek snorted a little bit at that, for any question would be simple compared to the last two days: when one of angry Kzinti captors would come in, bark their stupid animal language at him and then proceeded to beat the ever living shit out of him when he either remained silent or answered with the four things a prisoner of war was required to give to his captors according to star fleet's articles of the code of conduct.

“Captain Longwinter, I want to know the position of your remaining marines and the names of any Romulan insurgents who have decided to aid you in your very short lived campaign of terrorism and subversion against the mighty Kzinti†the question coming from the darkness at the limit of his sight. Face completely stone like and emotionless, not reflecting an ounce of the pain from his wounds, the marine commander took a second to catch his breath and then spoke clear and confidently “ Longwinter.....Derek.....Captain....Star Fleet Marine Corps.....Serial Number 620597†a roguish grin spreading across the right half of Derek's face, the only side he could move, as a Kzinti guard emerged from the darkness, the tiger like brute swinging its massive arm back and then projecting it forward to connect with Derek's face solidly.

White hot pain searing through his mind from the impact, his vision blurred for a second as his head lolled back for a second before the marine commander could find the strength in him to move it back up as far as he could, eyes at the bottom of the socket trying to see if he could catch a glimpse of anything but once again there was nothing in the light around him. A few moments passed in silence until finally the same voice came back out from the shadows “ that was very unfortunate but necessary,Captain†the same aloof arrogance, cold and calm,the voice definitely the voice of someone believing they were in absolute control “ As to your answer, I already know all that about you Captain, I have read three different full files about you, especially your Service Record Book from the star fleet database, forwarded from one of our agents in your precious star fleet†the voice said as it was suddenly given shape, a Romulan man stepping out of the shadows and into the light in front of Derek.

The man was average height for a Romulan male, though had a strong build. Dressed in the all black uniform that was the official dress uniform of the Imperial Stormtroopers of the Romulan Empire, the man was wearing the diamond looking insignia of a Centurion, the equivalent of a Commander in star fleet. Derek knew that uniform anywhere, from his time fighting the Imperial Stormtroopers in combat. Not really surprised and none of it showing on battered face, Derek decided that the man must have been a storm trooper that had defected to the Kzinti, probably well before the invasion of this backwater planet. Coming to stand right in front of where Derek was tied up, the crisp looking Romulan officer looked down at Derek with that same completely aloof and cold face, his eyes staring right into Derek's own.

“I know that this isn't your first time being captured or that this isn't the first time you were captured because you were left abandoned on a planet by your beloved star fleet, the USS Achilles just like the USS Hood, pulling out of orbit when things got to inconvenient for them, deciding you were expendable enough to just leave here†The romulan major said as a slightly twisted, almost sadistic smile appeared on pale greenish face “The way I see it, you don't have much in the way of friend's.....yet I could be your friend if you would just work with me†he finished as about as sincerely as he could be, honestly hoping that maybe three days of captivity had broken his will down enough to actually accept his offer.

His emerald eyes still locked with the Romulan's, a bit of defiance shone brightly in them, like a mirror to the bright hatred burning in his heart for his captor, especially the Romulan storm trooper as memories of his first time being interrogated by a man in the exact same uniform, a knife slicing his face open, flooding back to him. The same roguish little defiant grin spreading back across his lips, the beat down and battered marine commander found the strength to speak “Well Centurion, I have always been kind of a lone wolf†Derek said defiantly as he took a breath before continuing “So you can take a long breath on a short shaft, you knife eared little shit†Derek's tone taking a deeper tone, full of anger as he practically growled out the last bit, his grin gone and only a mask of pure hate replacing it.

The stunned look on the Centurion's face only lasted for a second before he regained his own composure, a look of anger replacing the calm collected look on his pale greenish face, raising his right hand that was bunched into a first and striking down on the completely immobile, insolent little shit that had just insulted him. Taking the full impact and trying to hide the pain of it, the angosian marine offered a slight grin at the searing pain: he looked at it like a badge of honor to be struck, it was worth pissing off his captors, the bruises on his face the by product of well invested defiance.

Finally regaining his composure, the Romulan looked back down at Derek, his face no longer calm and aloof, even as much as he tried to make it so: Romulans had a bad habit of not being able to control their emotions. The centurion flexed his hand a little bit before he lowered it and then finally spoke when he was able to keep a grip on his emotions, his voice calm and collected like it was before “ Lone wolf huh? Fitting for someone know as Fen'Harel to the Romulan Stormtroopers you fought on Ontivan 12†the centurion having pulled that name out of the file the Tal Diann or Romulan Military Intelligence had probably constructed on Derek after that engagement: back when Derek was a young sniper working alone behind enemy lines, almost ten years ago. Fen'Harel was the name of the “Dread Wolfâ€, a wolf out of Romulan mythology that stalked wicked men in the night and feasted on their souls.

“Now that isn't really important right this second†the centurion said calmly as he had fully mastered his emotions, starting to walk slowly around to Derek's back “ What is important is the location of your friends and the names of any Romulan insurgents currently aiding them†The centurion practically spoke literally into his ear as he came to stop behind the bound Angosian.

Quickly swallowing some blood and spit that was in his mouth, Derek finally spoke the word “fuck†but he couldn't get the rest of it out before it disappeared into a strangled gurgle as the centurion forced Derek's bound arms back and down sharply, a the rope around his neck quickly going tight around it, cutting off his air and constricting his carotid arteries, stopping the blood flow to his brain. As he got more and more light headed, trying to stiffing his neck to fight against the rope, Derek was on the verge of consciousness when his arms were finally let back to their original position and he could breath again, but just barely as Derek coughed up a mixture of blood and spit all over himself from where he sat bound in the chair.

“The kzinti leader says he believes you to be a true warrior, full of honor because of the circumstances of your capture†The centurion said he moved back in front of Derek “something about how you were found with a group of Romulan rebels in their village with a bow of all things.....that you killed 7 of his men before you ran out of arrows and then challenged their leader to an 1 on 1 unarmed honor duel where you some how gained the upper hand and killed him†the Centurion explained quietly the brief summary of it “So how about you don't sully that honor with such crude words and act like a gentlemen, so that things can remain civil†The romulan said with a slight smirk.

Taking a deep breath, trying to control his breathing since he was no longer choking, Derek was barely able to see the smirking Romulan. In to much pain to even want to say anything,the marine commander just looked blankly at the man until finally the Centurion offered him a slight quirk of his eyebrow, showing his interest.

“ Do you have something you wish to say Captain?†the Romulan man asked as he looked down at his bound prisoner.

“I'm....†the words becoming harder and harder to say as what little strength Derek had left slowly whittling away under the numerous strikes, the uncomfortable position he was bound in and the headache caused by blood rushing back to his head after being choked “going to......fucking.....kill YOU†The wounded marine making sure to enunciate the final word as took another deep breath, mentally preparing himself for more pain.

The pain never came though as the Centurion shocked look only lasted a second before he broke right down into laughter: if you could call something so foreboding and dark laughter. Taking a second to steady himself the Centurion replied “ Not very likely Captain†the Romulan said as then continued to laugh. A little ways into it, despite everything, Derek begun to laugh with the Centurion, though his was more a strained little collection of grunts and snorts.

“Jokes on you Centurion†Derek found the strength to say as the Romulan's laughter mostly died down “because the last knife ear who wore that uniform and gave me the pretty scar on my face said the exact same thing and well†Derek paused for a second to try and collect his jumbled, pain soaked thoughts “hes probably feeding some carrion bird still or his bones are a nest for spiders or something, they were probably never recovered.......would hate for that to happen to you, Centurion†Derek said matter of factually, trying to best to sound intimidating though that was a little hard in his current predicament.

With a sour look appearing on the Romulan's face, he finally just shook his head and turned back towards the shadows “maybe, but maybe not Captain....either way, its useless to speak to you right now, we shall see if your still so bold in a week or two, seeing that the federation have completely fled this area and will definitely not be coming back to save you...†The Centurion said as he slipped back into the darkness “ Til our next meeting Captain Longwinter†his voice drifting from the shadows as the one light in the room shut off, cloaking the entire room in darkness.....


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