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Posted on 07 Apr 2011 @ 11:18pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain Reva Madhava

1,572 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!


She looked out at the officers assembled. "Any questions?"

Their silence told her that there was none. "Very good. Dismissed and Gods speed." As the crowd stood to leave Amber had one more item to address. "Captain Da`nal," she waved him forward to the front of the hall.


As the briefing broke some milled about to socialize as others departed to see to their assignments; however Da`nal and his officers moved forward toward L'Berr. "Admiral, you wanted to speak with me about my proposal I assume."

The meeting had turned her stomach, for more reasons than one. Facing her old friend, she nodded. "I think we'd be better served sending in a cloaked ship and recovering as many personnel and colonists as possible. You, obviously, have a different opinion, Captain." If he hadn't had an entourage, she'd have laid into him for voicing his dissent over the Achilles' assignment; once was okay, but the continued discussion wasn't.

He could tell she was holding back. They hadn't seen each other in some time but it hadn't been that long. Her mannerisms were all coming back. Da`nal knew she needed to vent, most likely over his objection but he could be wrong as she knew his feelings about being left out of a fight.

No matter the reason he turned to his officers. "Commanders, give us the room. The Admiral and I have something to discuss."

"Of Course Captain," Don said and with a respectful dip of his head to the Admiral, turned and left the room. He knew that Da'nal had probably overstepped the line in the meeting. "I will be outside if you need me Captain," he said and only after he had said it, he realized what that had sounded like. "I mean when you are finished Sir," he added quickly.

Da`nal didn't turn to watch them leave, but knew they were gone when the door hissed shut. "I do, but then you know I would."

"When I was Captain, Da'nal, I suppose I let you voice your opinions during staff meetings with others present," she shifted a PADD on the table between them. "That's not something I'll brook as an Admiral. In private, fine, but not in a group meeting. Understood?"

~Well that was a more...restrained response than usual,~ he thought to himself. Grinning he replied, "Understood. If I didn't know better I'd say you were getting soft. There was a time you would have ripped into me or anyone for less."

"Yeah, well...," she shrugged one shoulder, "...being a prisoner of the Xeleucians changed some of my ways." Returning his grin, she added, "Do it again, though, and I'll let Marks handle it. Now, if you want your officers present, let's get them back in and discuss the matter of your stranded Marines and personnel."

Had she paused he would have feigning horror and probably said something like; "Marks! NO NOT Marks!! I'd rather face Fehklar himself". He could see both her expression and Marks' scowl. The thought brought a wry grin to his face as he reached for his commbadge.

[Outside the Conference Hall]

Don was certain that it wouldn't take too long before they were called back in, so he decided not to go too far. "Just going to get coffee from the replicator," he informed Silonez. He was tired and needed caffeine. "You want something too?" he offered.

"Yeah another coffee for me." Silonez said as he looked over his notes.

=^=Da`nal to Cmdrs Killian and Ericson. You both can return, there are plans to make.

=^=On our way =^= Don responded. They weren't too far away and was at the door shortly after.

[Conference Hall]

Da`nal didn't waste any time in laying out his idea. "We know that Captain Longwinter and his Marines were in this western mountain range conducting training operations. We also know that this mountain range disrupts sensors. That's a perfect situation and natural fortification for a base of operations.

"From there they can move out to aid the remaining population in establishing a resistance to keep the Kzinti from unifying their control over the planet. It is posible that they could also make use of the oceanic research facility in the southern ocean.

"Mercer is close enough to the border to be able to keep them supplied with cloaked combat supply runs similar to those used by the 14th Fleet at Kantan'ka." Da`nal knew that the Admiral would remember the Kantan'ka operations. "Once the Federation goes on the offensive and moves to liberate Mercer; it will be easier to deal with an enemy in disarray than one that has been able to unify their control and fortify their positions."

"Which type of vessels do you have in mind Captain?" Don asked, logistics in mind. They would all have to have either vessels with cloaking capabilities or be able to be modified.

Da`nal thought for a moment "3 Wyvern transports, 2 Naga-Wyvern variants, and a combination of Talon and or Dynasty runabouts. Each filled to capacity."

"What about the cloaking?" Don asked.

"As the Wyvern's have no cloaking capabilities they would have to remain with the cloaking field of the Achilles. However to fly such a close formation at warp or in combat would be too dangerous...even for a Klingon. We could secure them to the ship somehow, we would have to reduce our speed somewhat but not by much."

"Great, make it difficult for the Achilles to maneuver, reduce your speed and then?" L'Berr folded her arms in front of her as she spoke. "How are you getting to the surface? the Kzinti will attack as soon as the Wyverns are out of cloaking range."

"That will be the hard part. In order to get them to the surface undetected we will need to take out a Kzinti ship. This should provide to cover needed to get the transports through the atmosphere as they use the vessels falling debris to mask their entry."

"Falling debris? You intend to fire their ships? That'll have the Kzinti on you like ants on sugar at a picnic. Do you recall the orders I just set out in our meeting?"

Da`nal was not surprised at the admiral's reaction, but he was surprised at how rapidly the solution came to mind. "I have no intention of violating your orders; if at all possible. If all works to plan the Achilles shouldn't have to fire a shot. To take out that ship, or ships I would like to deploy a Guardian platform from the fantail of the Achilles."

"No, the Achilles won't fire a shot, but someone will, which means you'll end up having to engage in battle," L'Berr frowned, not liking the plan much.

"If they fire at anything they will fire at the Guardian platform. They won't have time to find or fire at the Achilles. Will they know there was a ship in the area - Yes. However by the time any addition ships arrive to take out the platform it will have done its job and taken out a Kzinti courser or two. Before they know what happened the Marines should be on the ground and under the cover of the mountain range with its sensor disrupting qualities."

"You've thought this through, I see," L'Berr answered. She was still uneasy about the idea, particularly with the Fleet's need for information.

Da`nal grinned in anticipation. "Fortune favors the bold Admiral. Do I have your authorization to proceed?"

Before she could reply Commodore Soran entered the hall looking uneasy, and for a Vulcan to be visibly shaken was no small thing. "Pardon the interruption Admiral but we lost contact with the USS Archer. She was found adrift the ship had been disabled, the bridge destroyed, the crew..." He clamped down on his emotions with every bit of his logic. "...the crew had been massacred. Torn apart by hand. The few that did survive were nearly catatonic."

"Oh no!" Don said, at first shocked. "Mila.. she was on that ship..." he said as if he had a hard time believing it. Mila was a dear friend and his cousin. The shock evolved into a seething anger and the usually mild Don didn't bother to mask it. "Those f*&@ing bastards," he said with sharp bitterness, not caring about the unbecoming language that slipped out. "It is time they pay.... and I will do all I can to make them pay!"

Da'nal know the emotions surging through his XO all too well. From the Xelucian conflict and when he had thought he had lost his brother. He put a firm hand on the man's shoulder, "There will be a time for revenge Commander..and it WILL come.

With his hand still on his XO he again faced his former Captain. "Admiral, they need to know that we can meet them on their own ground. The longer we wait the more confident they will become. I will get you the information you need, but the time for half measures is over. We must act."

Amber had gone pale. Here she was, concerned about one amongst many. Glancing at Marks who passed on a nonverbal yet expressive expression, she sighed. "Da`nal, go. May fortune ride with you."

Soran watched the Klingon Captain and his officer leave before revealing the next bit of information. "Admiral, there is more."


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