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Massacre - Part 2

Posted on 07 Apr 2011 @ 11:16pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

923 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!

The USS Archer was definitely in a bad way. They were flanked by two Kzinti warships with a third trailing them. If things went bad they would be in serious trouble. There was still no response to their hails and that made the knot in the Captain's stomach get tighter the longer things went along.

Jennings rose from his seat and began to walk the bridge trying to appear calm and collected for the crew present. As he passed behind the security console he saw that Mila had held the weapons in a ready diagnostic status to keep them warmed and ready. ~clever girl....~ he had to remember to commend her for her efforts.


"Still no reply sir, but there is a lot of coded traffic between all the ships and Kzin."

[Kzinti Formation]

Hezrk-Jal sat in command of the formation as they waited the signal. Word of the Patriarch's death had swept the Fleets but High Regent Zariv-Nel was giving orders now until the late Patriarch's eldest earned his name. A task he had been charged to oversee by the Patriarch himself. His task was twofold to see that the Patriarch to be earned his name and to protect him as well.


An aid entered the control room where the Regent and the other commanders were overseeing the consolidation of the systems that had been taken in the offensive. It was a tedious task but one that had to be done to secure more resources so that they could redirect their fleets to begin pushing outward and ensuring their place as a galactic power. The approaching aid was a welcome distraction.

"Regent, a Federation ship has crossed the border and is transmitting it intent to begin peace talks."

His ears folding back in his flash of anger. "WHAT! WERE MY ORDERS NOT CLEAR ENOUGH?! DESTROY THEM!"

[Kzinti Formation]

The orders were received and the battle ships began to make preparations for battle. "...prepare the troops; those needing to earn their names will be given the honor of first blood! Let the heir-Ritt lead the first boarding party as well."

The commander then took his seat once again. "Attack pattern Raptor! Target their Bridge an propulsion!"

The formation lifted up sharply and the two flanking warships’ combined fire power blasted a crater in the dorsal side of the Archer's saucer section. In an instant the bridge and all lives there were no more. The trailing vessel targeted the ship warp nacelles; shearing one from its pylon and destroying the forward section of the other.

The USS Archer tumbled dead in space circled by the three Kzinti warships, each in turn firing dart-like boarding craft directing into the hull of the disabled ship. This was no capture operation...this was an extermination. The Kzinti poured out of the ship and cut any one they encountered.

They moved room to room and deck after deck with blade, claw, and fang wherever the Kzinti encountered a Starfleet uniform the body within it was torn apart in a spray of blood. In isolated areas small lines of defense lasted only moments as they were overwhelmed by sheer numbers. Screams fell silent as throats were slashed or torn open.

The few Kzinti that fell opened the way for the warrior behind him...all save one. In the rush for glory the heir to the patriarchy, like many, flung himself headlong into battle. Like his fellows he felt the bloodlust coursing through his veins. In the traditions of his people he had earned his name many times over. He was not only fighting for himself but to ensure the honor of his clan. The last thing he was expecting was to be betrayed by one of his own. As he and another left an area of the ship a blade pierce his side and before he was enveloped by the blackness he saw that it was a Kzinti blade protruding from his body.

[Some time later]

Hezrk-Jal had ordered what remained of the Federation ship towed toward the border; it would be allowed to drift across to be found and send a message to the Federation. He sat reading the list of casualties and came to the entry for the
heir-Ritt. He had failed in his duty to protect the heir and he had to pay for his failure.

Over the ardent objections of his officers he went aboard the Federation ship and watched as the his comrades returned to the task at hand. The consolidation of their control ove the territory they had conquered. Now alone, he would face the forces that would eventually find the ship. He would face them and die with what honor he had left, but first he had to find the heir's body.

It took a great deal of time but when he did he felt a fury like none he had ever felt. He knelt before his liege. "I failed your father and know I have failed you my...Patriarch." He put a hand on the young warrior’s chest and shock gripped him as he felt the faintest of heart beats. He had to act quickly to save the rightful leader of his people, but before he could do anything the sound of transporter effect sounded behind him. He had only one option; do nothing. Hezrk-Jal heard the power cells of phaser rifles activate and he slowly raised his hands and even more slowly stood and turned. "I need your help...and to speak with your Commander."


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