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New Quarters and a new beginning

Posted on 02 Apr 2011 @ 12:39am by

875 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Achilles Engineering, CEO Quarters
Timeline: Current


She stuffed the rest of her gear into the locker, and slammed it shut. Turning around she leaned against it, sliding down until she was on the floor. Having been on shift for 18 hours, Eva was ready for her time off. Then she heard his voice, not expecting to. "Are you alright Lieutenant?" asked Nate, reaching out his hand to help her up. As she took it and pulled herself back to a standing position, she looked into his eyes. "I'm ok Chief, thanks. Say, when was the last time you slept, you look like complete hell". "Thanks. Probably around 40 hours ago, when I was in Sick Bay". "You're going to end up back there if you don't sleep. I'll make sure that the assignments are given out accordingly by the other shift leads. As the Assitant Chief Engineer, I'm relieveing you of duty for the next 10 hours, Sir" she said, somewhat flirtatiously.

Who was he to argue? "If you're really going to twist my arm, then I guess I'll go". She smiled at him and the two strolled out of Engineering. As they walked down the hallways, the lights dimmed to simulate night time, she found it almost romantic. This was the first time she had been around him for more than 5 minutes, and off shift. She knew he was quite tired, and hoped he wouldn't catch on to what she wanted to do. To test with him.

After the ride on the turbo lift, they found their way to Nates quarters. She wanted to make sure he was able to find them, considering he hadn't been to them yet. Entering his code, the doors opened. There were a couple containers that had yet to be unpacked in the middle of the living room, a lrage couch and loveseat, a coffee table. The room was rather large, considering the size of the ship. Not bad..... he thought. Eva herself was impressed, comparatively to hers they were alot more luxurious. And if she had her way she would be spending more time here. He dawdled his way into the bedroom, only it wasn't his, it was the spare one. "Nice, I can have guests. Maybe my brother can visit sometime". Eva had gone into his bedroom, running her hands on the sheets of his bed, jealous of how nice it felt. She looked at the size of his dresser, how much space that there was, the mirror on the wall, a setup fit for a department head. One that she maybe could get close to. Turning back around, she was thinking she could help keep king sized bed warm for him, while he was still in it of course.

Seeing a console with a nice chair in front of it, placed off to side in his living room, he appreciated the fact he could do alot of his Engineering work from his quarters, monitor ship systems, route power, etc. Impressive setup. I'll be using this quite a bit. Noticing Eva wasn't in there with him, he found her in his room. Realizing the pile of clothes on the floor wasn't his, he figured she was in his shower. He joined her inside. "What are you doing in here?". Nate was somewhat confused but also found it enticing. "I just want to check your wounds, make sure there aren't any scars" she said, teasingly. Eva was curious as to what harm had befallen him, wanting to make sure he was ok. He began to clean up, she helped him wash his back, the areas he had been burned on his arm and side. She kissed his shoulder, and that's when he was certain as to how she felt about him.

The two cleaned up without a further word, and stepped out of the shower. After getting dressed he checked to make sure his report had been sent to the second officer, and layed down in his bed. "Computer, lights off". Eva layed there, next to him. "Is there something you need Eva?" Nate was uncertain he wanted her to stay the night with him, considering how it may look, but was too tired to care at the moment. Caressing his hair, she leaned against him, concerned for how he was healing, glad that the plasma hadn't managed to snuff out her opportunity to start something with him.

"I can sleep in the other room if you want" she said, beginning to get up. "No, you can stay here". It had been quite some time since he had any company, and if they were going to be out in space, cut off from most everyone else, having someone would be ideal. She layed back down next to him, pressing firmly against his back. Her warmth quickly put him to sleep. It had been a long shift, so much had been accomplished, so much time had been made up, the Achilles was almost ready for war once again. She closed her eyes, her heart happy, giddy at the start of what she had secretly hoped for since she first walked into the office, and saw him sitting in her chair.


Lieutenant Nate Stryker


Lieutenant Eva Clance
ACEO, NPC'd by Nate


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