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Posted on 01 Apr 2011 @ 11:13pm by

1,227 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: USS Achilles > Main Engineering
Timeline: Current


Tika entered Main Engineering swiftly, her hips swinging back and forth as she walked, PADD in hand. The room was abuzz with activity for all the repairs that still needed to be done aboard the Achilles. She looked around for the man in charge, a man whom she'd yet to meet. She was hoping that the presence of a very attractive Lieutenant Commander might elicit some attention, and then help from the junior staff to find their leader, but before that became necessary, she spotted the Lieutenant who's bio she'd read in full, as she did most of them, in the center of the room, so she quickly approached. "Lieutenant Stryker?" She asked.

He stood there, PADD in hand, barking orders at a team before him. Most in gold uniforms, but a few in red and a couple in green. No doubt some additional volunteers to help with repairs. "I want all the damaged relays on Deck 10 for the Deflector Control systems repaired in 2 hours". A young crewman spoke out "But Sir, all that damage is going to take atleast 4". Looking up from the PADD, Nate had a scowel on his face. "You have 2, I suggest you get to it and find a way to have it done. Dismissed !". He turned away from the group as they left, some grumbling as they collected the engineer kits they needed. Having his face buried down in the PADD once again, he stood before the entity that had asked his name, and issued direction. "You, I need the food replicators in the Captains quarters checked out, I'm still seeing power fluctuations on the diagnostics".

When he didn't receive an immediate response he looked up, following upward the curves of a figure that he hadn't seen yet, but liked. All the way up seeing 2 gold pips followed by the single black one. He immediately blushed and snapped to attention. "I'm sorry Commander....I've been so busy I......" he stammered, locked up. Between the lack of sleep everyone had been getting and everything else going on, he didn't even know what the day or time was for that matter.

Tika giggled lightly. "That's alright, Lieutenant. I understand. Unfortunately, though you're job is to get these repairs done, my job is to ensure they get done well." She pushed the PADD she was holding toward him. "This is a list of repairs that need to be redone."

Having expected some issues like this, he was ready for any heat that he may take over it. Even just being back in Starfleet, he was used to getting his ass chewed out. "Let's see what we have....."

"They weren't done right the first time. For example..." She moved him near to him so they both see the PADD, causing their bodies to touch in a way that was indeed less then professional. "The secondary gyrodine relay of the propulsion intermix chamber in the fore-starboard thruster assembly failed again during our last maneuverability test. On of your crew were seriously injured I believe in this incident. Thank God we have tertiaries or we'd be sitting still for a while." She continued to absentmindedly lean against him. "Perhaps it would be best not to work your staff so hard. They really shouldn't rush through this stuff."

Looking his assignment list over, he noticed who had been placed as the lead and re-assigned another team. "With all due respect Commander, I may be driving these people hard, but after 16 hours, they go and sleep atleast 8. Additionally, believe it or not, we're a day and a half ahead of schedule. I however, have not slept for about the last 30 hours. Espresso is a god send. I'll re-assign another team to repair that system, I have a couple groups coming in here in the next 15 minutes".

Nate looked like hell, and he knew it. His uniform still had a small portion melted from the plasma that had gotten him a couple days ago, although they did a hell of a job patching him up. The lack of sleep reminded him of the days he spent on end awake fighting the Breen, although he never got the opportunity to have any women leaning against him in such a fashion.

"I noticed how ahead you are....and I noticed how you look. The teams will do fine without you. You have an assistant don't you?" Tika asked with a curious grin.

"She was recalled here after my injury, but she's out with the main team right now. I need her out there. She's already gotten a break and some rest, returned to shift about 10 hours ago. She's done well since, hasn't questioned any orders" realizing that, he found it odd...strange, maybe she felt sorry for me ?. "Either way, I intend to stay here until the major repairs are completed, my office is right over there if I really need to take a break, honest". He hoped his words would re-assure her and let him stay out there to keep working. Nothing was more important than prepping the ship, and he also could prove himself to the crew that had already been in battle together, without him. He had to let them all know he was as dedicated as they were.

"Oh.." She said casually. "Pitty, I was going to ask you to grab some coffee with me so we could get to know each other...but...have fun working, Lieutenant..." She moved away from him, and with their bodies no longer touching, their was an obvious rift now formed.

He caught on to her sign right away, he wasn't that far gone. "Actually it's about time I grab some more coffee as it is. I'd be happy to join you". He needed a break and also figured he needed to get to know the rest of the Senior Staff.

She giggled quietly to herself, shaking her head. "Amazing isn't it, how quickly minds can change with incentive?" She looked him straight in the eye, her perfect smile reflecting a certain schoolgirl-like flirtation. "Just a few seconds ago, leaving Engineering was the last thing you were ready to do... I think maybe you should get your work done or get some rest. The latter is one that should be done without me because....people seldom rest in my company." Her eyes lingered on his for a while, then she turned slowly on her heal, her skirt flaring from the momentum as if she were dancing, and she began walking away, but after a few steps, she craned her head around one more time. "Perhaps tomorrow....when you decide to stop working so hard."

"I'll take you up on that". Browsing over the list she had given him, he quickly compared it to his. "And Commander, about half of the items on the list I've already sent teams to re-work, before you brought me this. Your staff need to keep you up to speed. I'll submit you the updated list in 4 hours". He grinned back at her, with as charming of a smile as he could manage. "Remember, there's no rest for the wicked". He turned away and headed towards his office, ready to give assignments to the teams that were starting shift.

She walked away without another word.

Lieutenant Nate Stryker


Lieutenant Commander Lahtikah Phoenix-Patil


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