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Massacre - Part 1

Posted on 31 Mar 2011 @ 7:43pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

761 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: USS Archer - Kzinti Border

Captain Jennings had finally seen to the last of the Diplomatic negotiation team aboard. The negotiator and other brass were in conference with his Chief Diplomatic Officer. ~Better him than me,~ he thought with a grin.

He lowered himself into his chair and his XO looked over. “All the kiddies tucked in?â€

“Yea right. They will be in planning session for hours. Have the families and non-essential crew been put off?â€

That sobered the mood right off. “As you ordered, all family members are on the station and non-essential crew were assigned to assist with the Romulan refugees. Do you really think all that was necessary Captain?â€

“I hope not Jim, but I have feeling this could get ugly and if that happens I don’t want a boat load of children to get caught in the crossfire.â€

“Understood. A good portion of the crew being left must have felt the same…that a fight was coming…most requested transfers into security, engineering, or medical.â€

“I can’t blame them. I would hate to be left out myself. How many of the transfers did you approve?â€

The Captain knew his XO all to well, and for the moment they both held a grin on their faces. If they had the cross training…nearly a third sir.â€

Jennings nodded. He was glad to have them to be honest. It made him feel proud to have a crew willing to stand with him as the, literally headed into the lion’s den. “Helm Clear all moorings. Thrusters at station keeping.â€

“Aye, sir Thrusters at station keeping.â€

From the upper deck came the voice of his tactical officer. “Yard command signals all clear Sir.â€

Jennings took a breath, ~Here we go~. “Helm. One quarter impulse. Once clear set a course for Kzin, warp 5.â€

There was a slight hesitation, but the standard reply came from the young officer. “Aye sir.â€

[Later that day]

Jennings sat in his ready room looking at a video of his wife and 2 children from as outing on the holodeck. They had gone skiing and his wife had ended up face first in a snow bank after stumbling…having never been on skis before. The door opened and his XO stepped in only slightly not wanting to interrupt the Captain’s memories, but having no choice. “

“Sir, we are nearing Kzinti territory and the negotiator in on his way to the bridge.â€

Jennings didn’t bother closing the file but rose and headed out onto the bridge. The room on dark save for the video still running showing him being shoved head first into the snow by his children while attempting to rescue his wife.


“Take us out of warp. Any reply to our diplomatic hails?â€

“Nothing sir…all’s quiet.â€

Jennings turned to his security officer. “Mila, anything on sensors?â€

“There a two warships on an intercept course, with third entering sensor range.â€

“I don’t like it Captain. We should have heard something by now.â€

The chief negotiator had his way down the ramp and turned towards the center of the bridge to address the two officers. We have our orders gentlemen. They state that we are to proceed to Kzin for talks.â€

“Ambassador Ragnar, you do not need to remind me or any of my crew as to our orders. However I am not about to go blindly into a hostile situate and get this crew killed.â€

“Captain do you really think we would be sent into the area with our safe passage being assured?â€

To that Jennings had no reply. His gut told him to turn around…that something about this just wasn’t right, but he had his orders. “Very well.†He slowly took his seat.

“Helm resume course hail Kzin and SB 517 that we are proceeding into Kzinti territory under escort.â€

Mila almost set the ship on activated the shields and powered weapons on her own authority, but he stopped short, he hands hovering just over the controls. “Shields Captain?â€

He opened his mouth to reply but the Caitian negotiator was watching him carefully. “No. We are on a peace mission. Raising our shield would put them on edge and could even be taken as an act of agression…we will show them that we trust them and can likewise be trusted.â€

“Sir? After what they’ve already done we can't ju…â€

“That’s enough Lieutenant. No shields.â€

"An excellent idea Captain; very diplomatic." Ragnar said before he turned towards to view screen, his fur concealing the ever so sublte grin. ~Trusting fools.~



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