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Romulans, Romulans and more Romulans

Posted on 22 Mar 2011 @ 9:41pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

447 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: Bridge
Timeline: Back post - prior to arrival at the SB

Lyra walked quickly across the bridge and tapped on the buttons on the ready room door panel to ring the bell. She held in her hand a PADD and some disturbing information for the Captain. She just hoped that he wouldn't kill the messenger.

They were nearing SB 517 and had dropped form warp and he was on his way to the bridge when the chime sounded. The door opened at his approach and the Lieutenant was there PADD in hand. "What can I do for you Lieutenant?" he asked as he moved to take his seat on the bridge.

"I've been monitoring the Romulan activity along the neutral zone sir" Lyra said. "It seems as if more Romulan ships have been active along it, without using their cloaks" Lyra explained knowing that Romulan ships usually went around cloaked when on patrol.

He looked at he PADD taking not of both the number and class of the various Romunal ships. "That is to be expected. The Federation has offered assistance to the Romulans. Those ships carrying refugees have been cleared to cross the Zone. Most of the ships is sensor range where head for Mercer when the Kzinti attacked those in need of assistance have been re-routed to the Starbase."

"I see" Lyra replied. "I must say I don't like the idea of it"

"I don't like it either, my House hasn't exactly had friendly relations with the Romulans. Have you noticed anything that we should be concerned about?"

"Just the odd D'Dreidex class every now and again. They seem to be escorting the other smaller ships, I'm not sure if they can be considered a threat or not" Lyra explained.

"I doubt even the Romulans are stupid enough to attack us covertly..." He stopped in mid sentence as he remembered his own peoples history. The Empire had too many instances were the Romulan's had tried one covert measure after another.

"Let not take any chances. Run detailed scans of all shis in range. Scan for any evidence of cloaked ships as well."

"Yes sir, I'll begin scans immediately" Lyra replied.

Having met the Preator shortly after taking command of his first ship he didn't think they would be that foolish. "No doubt we will be seeing more and more Romulans in the area. I doubt what's left of the Senate would have ordered anything, but there's no telling what the Tal Shiar might try. I plan to meet with staions commander, but I want to know the moment you have your results."

"Yes sir" Lyra said as she left the room noting what she had to do.


Capt. Da`nal

Lt. Lyra Belacque


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