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Posted on 22 May 2009 @ 11:44am by

867 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Crew Quarters


Four years ago……
On board the USS Taft
Deep Space


“Red alert, shields up, stand by all weapons.†“Aye, sir†Tactical responded.

(Comm traffic)

"We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ship. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile."

(Bridge Chatter)

“Captain, they are trying to lock on to us with a tractor beam.â€
“Modulate our shield and get us the hell out of here.†The captain standing, returned to his seat. He began to punch buttons on his console. “Helm, lay in a course 185 mark 25, full impulse, engage. Engineering, divert auxiliary power to the shields.†“Aye sir,†the engineer responded.

Tactical Officer: Captain, they have locked on with the tractor beam. They are firing weapons.†“Kill that tractor beam.†The Captain said while jumping up once more. “Firing all weapons, Captain, no effect, they have adapted to our weapons.â€


Explosions began to occur all over the ship and through out engineering…..
The head engineer waving his hands, directing his workers: “Get a clamp on that conduit, Secure that bulkhead.†A white cloud began to spring out from the warp core. The chief engineer began to yell, “Everyone out, Now!†All engineering staff began to exit engineering rapidly. Once the engineers were clear, a transparent wall slid down to block off engineering. “Engineering to the bridge, we are looking at a warp core breech. We have evacuated engineering. Recommend we eject the warp core.â€


Ops, eject the core,†the captain commanded, “Unable Captain, the ejection system is off line. Captain, you must give the order.†Reluctantly the captain gave the order, “This is the Captain, all hands abandon ship!â€

(Ship’s Quarters)

Webb quickly ran from engineering to his quarters where he new his wife and new born baby would be. The door to their quarters was destroyed and hanging at a weird angle. Tim forced his way inside. He ran over to his wife’s body laying on the floor right beside the crib. Large pieces of debris were scattered all over the room. Webb surmised that one such piece must have hit his wife on the back of the head. Webb glanced in the crib at the lifeless body of his child, and then bent down to his wife. He gently turned her over so he could see her beautiful face. He very carefully brushed aside her hair so he could see her eyes. She smiled at him weakly, “I new you would come, please take care of our baby.†Webb didn’t have the heart to tell her that the baby was gone. He pulled her into his arms and began to sob. “I’m sorry,†he cried.
Webb’s best friend, Little Bear came running into the room, “I new I would find you here. They are gone. You must let them go Webb. We must leave now!†Webb gently placed his baby in the arms of his wife. He kissed each one on the forehead and left, he turned to look back as he passed the door to his quarters. With a sense of urgency now, the two survivors ran towards the nearest escape pod. Webb’s thoughts were not on him leaving or surviving but on his family now lying on the floor in his quarters, for if it were not for Little Bear he would have stayed with them.

The pair reach the escape pod, “Webb, prep us for launch, I will get these clamps off, they seem to be damaged. Ok, I’m secure. Punch it!†Webb tapped a few buttons on the console in front of him and the pod was launched. Webb look out of his window and observed that other pods were getting locked on by tractor beams and pulled in by the burg cube. “Commencing evasive maneuvers,†Webb called out. ~Evasive maneuvers in a life pod? That’s like flying a brick~ Webb thought. Several times the cube tried to lock on. Webb was an excellent pilot, one of the best in his class. But Webb was just not good enough to evade with a flying brick. “We’re hit, they are dragging us in,†Webb cried out. Webb awoke in the cube, it was dark, damp and hot. He was being escorted by two drones to a chamber. He saw many of his crew mates. Most had been assimilated, others were being escorted just like he was. Once he reached the chamber, one of the drones injected a toxin into his neck. He could feel the cold, dark fluid coursing through out his body. He felt himself losing his humanity. It was slowly slipping away from his grasp.
Everything began to move far away. The darkness closing on him till he could see no more. Then absolutely nothing……….

“Linda!†he gasped as he began to awake remembering his dream. Sweat dripping from his body, he sat up abruptly. His sheets were soaked. He now remembered them.
The pain and realization that they were truly gone was setting in. He put his face in his hands and began to sob………


Ensign Webb


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