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Really? A physical!

Posted on 14 Mar 2011 @ 9:12pm by Lieutenant Commander Doctor Alex Frece , M.D. & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

873 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Back post - prior to No rest for the weary

=A=Sickbay to Captain Da'nal Please respond.=A= Alex stated tapping his commbadge. He knew this wasn't the time to do this, but regulations were regulations, and by regulations, the captain had to have a physical to stay in command of the starship.

Da`nal was on the station dealing with all the things that come with getting a ship repaired and ready for war. He and Don had left the Commodores office not long ago and had a lot to get done in a short amount of time. =^= Da'nal here, what is the matter Doctor? =^=

=A= Please report to sickbay for your physical. Thank you Frece out. =A= Alex stated not giving the captain anytime to protest.

Da`nal retort was cut short and he look to Don. "Is he serious? We are preparing to go to War and he is...I have more important things to do than waste time sitting on a biobed."

"I think he is quite serious, Captain," Don said with a supressed smirk, though he was not all that successful in hiding it. "That man is going to hound you down like Bolian mozzie, until you comply. Apart from that, there is that whole thing about being an example to the crew and you know, if the Captain is not in good health, he can't run the ship, and we are at war..... you are a tough Klingon," Don said with his lips curling in a smile, "but our Doc doen't understand that....." he said, obviously enjoying Da'nal's expression. He had been for a physical a few months ago, but it was more to see the pretty doc at the time, than anythi ng else.

The Klingon grumbled as he considered Don's words. He had a point...but sitting in sickbay was hardly what he would call taking a break from things. But one point was undisputable; if he didn't get it over with he would be hounded until the Doctor actually made it an order. "Very well. See to the ships resupply and I will get Silonez and meet you at the briefing."

"With pleasure," Don said, giving Da'nal a toothy grin. "All the best Cap'n, I am sure it doesn't hurt....." he said

[a short time later...]

The closer he got to sickbay the worse his mood got. His mind was concerned with so many things and the corridors were bustling with activity as everyone set about their tasks. No one stopped him in the corridor, not bothered him with trivials as there was too much to do.

Entering sickbay there was was higher levels of activity than usual as well. Da`nal wasted no time; "Alright Doctor lets get this over with, I have a lot to do."

"As I suspected, but you know what they say, 'a mans health is very prominent on the battle field.' And we wouldn't want our dear Captain to die on the battle field or get injured." Alex stated as he opened his tricorder.

Da`nal merely huffed at the remark as he stood there waiting the scans. "I think your time would be better spent seeing to the wounded from out last encounter than concernig yourself with something that could wait. Besides; I feel fine."

"Well, for all you know you could have some disease, but still feel fine." The doctor stated with a frown as he looked down at the tricorder. "I have already seen to the wounded and most of them do not require my care. Those that do were transported aboard the starbase that way if we get into any trouble on our next mission, I have sickbay cleared out." Alex retorted.

He nodded slowly, "A sencsible precaution." Da`nal couldn't but think of Anita as he leaned against the biobed and with it can a realization. "Doctor I must apologize."

"For what? You have done nothing that any of the rest of the crew doesn't do. They all do like you and avoid sickbay." Alex replied with a raised eyebrow.

"I may have been avoiding you and sickbay in general for...personal reasons."

"My I ask what those personal reasons are?" Alex asked looking down at his tricorder, preparing for the worst.

Da`nal looked about before saying anything. "My mate, and the mother of my children, had been the CMO on the ship I was on when she died in child birth, prior to my transfer to this fleet.

"Oh. I see, well, I'm very sorry. And, you're cleared for duty. If there is anything I can do let me know. I mean I could come to your ready room and do your physical from now on?"

Waving off the gesture, "That won't be necessary Doctor. My wife has been dead for a long time and I have not only dishonored you but her memory as well by my avoidance. Besides such...preferential treatment would set a poor example for the crew. Especially now."

"Aye. Well, I'll let you be getting back to your business." Alex stated quickly.

"Thank you Doctor." As Da`nal began to exit Sickbay a crewman nearly ran into him carrying an armfull of medical supplies.


Capt Da`nal

Lt Cmdr Alex Frece, MD


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