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Just like 'ol times (JM Post)

Posted on 20 Mar 2011 @ 10:21pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain Reva Madhava

942 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: SB 517 - Ops

Da'nal and Don stepped off the lift and the Station Operations was organized chaos. The station was pulling double duty dealing with damaged starships AND redirected Romulan refugees. They had been here before, when they had first been given the Achilles.

Since he and Don knew where they were going they moved straight to the Commodore's office and waited after activating the chime.


Commodore Soran sat opposite Admiral L'Berr. She had only just arrived having been given command of the overall operation of the area and the defense of the Federation against the Kzinti aggression. The Vulcan sat expressionless with his forefinger and thumb steepled as the Admiral 'assured' him that she was not here to usurp his command of the station.

L'Berr stopped and stared at Soran for a moment then rolled her eyes and sat back. She could see he didn't believe she wanted nothing to do with the starbase's daily operations. Finally, she theatrically tossed her hands in the air and said, "Fine, Commodore, you want me to take over your command? Don't believe me that I really have no patience for running a Starbase while managing a defensive stance against the Kzinti? Great, then I'll take your command. Marks," she glanced at her yeoman, who shot her a startled look, "will make certain that your personal belongings are removed from your office." She paused, ignored the glare from Marks, then asked, "Is that what you want, Soran?"

He merely raised an eyebrow before replying. "With all due respect, Admiral your 'emotional' outburst is unnecessary. The point I was trying to make that given the situation it may be 'difficult' to separate the two...should the Kzinti make a move toward the station."

Before the Admiral could issue a retort the chime rang. Looking past the Admiral he looked to see who his visitor was. ~More emotion...~

Forestalled from responding to the Commodore's 'respectful' comment, L'Berr instead usurped his ownership of the office and called out, "Enter!"

The doors opened and Da`nal and Don entered the Commodore's office. "I thought I recognized that expression. I know I recognized the voice."

"Da`nal," L'Berr smiled to see her old friend.

"Been a long time 'Admiral', it seems it the Ninth' turn for trouble," Referring to their shared experiences in the 14th Fleet.

"Indeed, Captain. Let's hope the Ninth gets a bit more support than the Fourteenth did," L'Berr gestured the two over to seats. "Have a seat, gentlemen." She looked the man she didn't know up and down and smiled slightly.

Don dipped his head slightly and introduced himself. "Good day Admiral, I am Commander Don Killian, XO of the Achilles and running after your old friend," he said straight faced, but with a hint of mirth. He was certain the Vulcan would think it worthless words, but Don greeted him with a respectful dip too.

"I'm sure Da`nal keeps you busy, Mr. Killian; as I recall he liked to have his minions do all the hard work," Amber answered, clearly teasing Da`nal. If anything, the opposite was true.

Da`nal moved to take seat, he was grateful for the report he had gotten in the lift that some of the Imperator's engineers had come over to the Achilles to lend a hand. At present he could use the help.

"What kind of support can we expect? Especially considering the Romulan refugees in addition to those fleeing Kzinti held territory."

Soran took the chance to answer. "Starfleet is engaged in a massive rescue and aid effort for the Romulan people. We are also getting reports of a Klingon fleet heading to the Klingon Romulan border. The chances that this fleet will be engaged in 'humanitarian' efforts are low in the extreme. To that end a task force has been dispatched to ascertain their intentions. Star Fleet is stretched too thin, no doubt the reason for the Kzinti mounting an attack at this time. For the time being we have limited resources. Ships are being brought up from the 'moth ball' fleet in order to handle the aid program, but until those ships are available additional resources will be limited."

"That is going to be a logistical nightmare," Don commented before he could stop himself.

"Yes, it will be," L'Berr agreed with the XO. "Even with those ships coming available, we'll be short-staffed on many of them and on others, we'll have a shortage of weapons' power. Five-one-seven has increased its production of torpedoes, as phasers have seemed to be only minimally effective. I've ordered the Science department to get with the Engineers to see if phaser banks can be modified to provide a bigger punch," she glanced at Soran and nearly laughed as she realized that she'd already done what he feared: taken over command of his Starbase.

Her glance was met with a raised eyebrow. "That is correct. Captain, be sure to forward any sensor readings from your engagement to assist in that effort."

Da`nal nodded sharply, "Understood." Turning to his XO, "Don see to it, and inform the Apocalypse and the Imperator and have them forward their sensor logs as well."

"Acknowledged, Captain," Don said and immediately made a note on his Padd.

Da`nal kew things would be taken care of but now there was a question that needed to be asked. "Admiral, whats next?"

Amber looked to her former Security Chief. "There will be a briefing in 30 minutes."

Da`nal nodded, anticipating the battle to come.


Capt. Da`nal

Cmdr Don Killian

Adm. Amber L'Berr - NPC
played by Reva

Commodore Soran - NPC
played by Da`nal


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