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Posted on 04 Mar 2011 @ 10:26am by

563 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Office of Lt. Commander Ericson
Timeline: tbd

Decidng that this was his last chance and if he wanted to stay in Star Fleet and actually accomplish what he felt called to accomplish, he was going to have to curb his attitude at least for the time being, ran a hand through his hair and removed his ear ring.

His uniform would have to do just as it was.

He had reviewed the deck plans for the Achilies when he had waited for the transporter and had commited the location of Lt. Commander Erickson's office to memory. He was able to find the office after only one small detour. He pressed the chime and awaited permission to enter.

Silonez who was preoccupied with a multitude of reports just barked "Enter"

Gidoen walked in with an air of confidence. He gave a wry grin to the man he saw in front of him, gave a half-salute and said, "Gideon Exeter, reporting as ordered sir." He held out the PADD with his background and orders and waited for the Commander to take it.

Silonez looked up, "I've already seen your orders Ensign, take a seat." he paused long enough to wait for the ensign to sit, "I assume you think this is going to be a cake walk?"

Several thoughts came to Gideon, thoughts he chose not to voice and doing his best to keep his voice calm said, "No sir, I don't expect it to be a cake walk as you put it. I may have a somewhat cavalier attitude towards authority figures, but one thing I take very seriously is my duty. I admit I have done some questionable things in the past, if the need arises I will do so again, but I do what I do because if the Federation is to be preserved, sometimes hands have to get dirty. That's not something I relish, but it is a burden I am willing to take on.

I admit also that I sometimes push the envelope more than I should and will try to restrain myself from going over-board in the future, but I am not one to suffer fools gladly and I would be a liability as a diplomat. If you want someone willing to kiss butt, I am probably not your guy, if you want somebody willing to kick butt, then I am your man. But make no mistake, I take neither my assingment to this ship, nor the war we face lightly."

Silonez wasn't sure about his enthusiasum, but he didn't care either at the moment, "For the moment I need you to go over the logs from the Serenity especially the technical data they collected from the space station they found in the wyn cluster, findout if the Kzinti are technical equals or are we out gunned."

"Of course sir," Gideon replied, "I noticed a couple of empty offices, if you want to assign me a terminal in one of them, or you want to download it to the terminal in my quaters, I'll get started on it right away and have a prelimnary report to you within an hour."

"You can use the Technitions work area for now, I'm trying to get office space assigned to you down here." Silonez replied.

"On my way now," he said.

"Dismissed" Silonez said as he turned back to his work.


Lt Cmdr. Silonez Ericson
Ensign Gideon Exeter


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