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To Lick our wounds

Posted on 09 Mar 2011 @ 11:25am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain Reva Madhava

807 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: SB 517
Timeline: back post - prior to the FreshBlood post

Dirk turned to the operations officer currently on the bridge. "Ensign, hail the Apocalypse and the Achilles. Put both Captains’ on the viewer." He waited a few moments until the two faces were onscreen. “Captains I know this is strange but I need to check on something before I meet up with you at Starbase 515.†Dirk knew it wasn’t a smart idea but he couldn’t endanger the two ships for his behalf. Plus the Imperator could hold its own if anything were to really happen. “I told a Romulan CO I would help him get to Mercer, but I want to make sure he received news that it has been over ran and to head back to Federation space.â€

Marc nodded to Dirk. "Good luck Captain. If you need anything, tell Aeron to call me. The Apoc is pretty well in good operation shape, we avoided most of the conflict, so our damages are restricted to our fighters."


The Apoc dropped from warp, heaving a heavy sigh. The Starbase before them. "Request docking clearance, we need these people off." He waited for the other ships to appear, a little nervously. This was almost like going through Pearl Harbor. One moment, you are sitting, quietly waiting, the next moment, you're at full scale war. The message, promising peace, wouldn't last. There was going to be an all out war, and the Federation would have to pool massive resources to get it out of the way and over with fast.

"Sir?" Came the voice of the young helmsman. "We're cleared for docking, coming about now sir."

"Thank you Ensign. Carry on."

[USS Achillies]

The Achillies had rejoined during the journey to the Starbase. As they entered the docking bay every docking arm that held a starship had been turned into repair bay. Outside the starbase they had pass ship after ship holding Romulan refugees. Da`nal sat in command still fuming at the news he had been given. During the preparations for the defense and evacuation of Mercer Colony Captain Longwither and a group of Marines had been left behind on the planet.

Word had also reached them that the Kzinti were not keeping their word and were once again on the move.

"Captain we have been cleared to dock."

"Very well; Don see that our repair needs are given to the dock master."

"Ay, Sir," Don said as he sent the request to the Dock Master who promptly returned ."We are going to be in a long queue. We are number 15," Don said annoyed. "They are busy," he reported

"I don't Care....I'm sure he's busy but this is a ship of war and we are at war."

Tika looked back from the Operations console toward Don. "I have a list on hand, Commander. If you'd like, I could highlight priority repairs like weapons and hul fractures. If we have the Engineering staff on duty, we can take care of some of the little problems ourselves. It would be easier then giving them a long list of unnecessary repairs."

"That could work, Commander," Don said with a smile in her direction. "Add sensors to that priority list, and I will see how far I can push as in," he said with a pursing his lips. He tapped the console again with an obvious discussion going on and then lifted his head satisfied. "We are now number four overall," he said.

"That didn't take long."

"It was easy, I told him that we have an annoyed Klingon Captain, bordering on typical rage and I will transport him directly to his station if he didn't move us up...." Don replied straight faced.

Da`nal huffed a chuckle at the remark and he spun his chair around to his XO. "Next time tell him if he objects I'll cut his tongue out and wear it as a belt and we might even got to the front of the line."

He knew the levety was a good thing. Something the would probably be in short supply in the days and weeks to come.

There was the slightest bump as the station umbilicals and mooring to hold of the Achilles and now that they had docked Da`nal rose from his chair and walk over to his XO. "Let go see if the Commodore can get us a better picture of whats going on.

"After you, Captain...." Don said and rose to follow Da'nal.


The Apoc maneuvered for an open docking position, and slid into place. Standing, Marc couldn't help but watch the Achilles dock herself. "Engineering, whoever you can spare, send them towards the Achilles, they'll need help the most, they took the brunt of the battle. Pass the message along that they are coming." He stood, and moved towards his ready room. "I'll be in my ready room."


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