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The Admiral and the Ensign

Posted on 24 Feb 2011 @ 11:20am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain Reva Madhava

664 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Shuttle in Route to SB517

"And make sure that the Gilded Lion has an escort," Amber L'Berr instructed a lieutenant as she swept a lock of black hair aside and moved towards a shuttle. In a lower voice aimed only at herself and her Yeoman, Marks, she muttered, "Last thing we need is the ambassador getting wiped out under our watch." Entering the shuttle, she looked around and took a seat. "Pilot, we should have clearance to go."

"Yes ma'am, we have clearance. We're just waiting on the rest of our passengers. Seems there was a last minute addition, security is escorting him..."

"Excuse me?" Amber leaned forward slightly, as if she needed to get closer to the pilot to hear him better. "We're doing what?"

"I was notified we would be taking a 'special case' to SB 517. I assumed, Admiral, that you had already been contacted."

"I was...," she looked at Marks who shook his head, "...n't notified. What sort of special case...?" Her question was answered by the Special Case himself. "Ugh."

Gideon entered the shuttle and found himself surrounded by brass and politicans, his two "favorite"groups of people, and groaned inwardly. He also noticed the burly Master Chief that moved over beside him the minute he entered. "God in Heaven," he thought to himself, This guy is about as subtle as L'Risan blood worm. What do they think I'm going to do hijack the freaking shuttle?"

Then, though he would never actually do it, he calulated the probablity of his sucess of pulling off the hijacking. He decided his odds were substaintially better than even, although his piloting skills left something to be desired. Then he calculated the odds of someone else hijacking the ship and calculated that their odds. with him present, were far less than even.

He then calcuated the odds of something bad happening on their journey, and was glad that he had the Phaser in the concealed holster in the small of his back. He stuck out his hand to the Master Chief and said, "I don't really need a nanny Master Chief, so if you want to wander on over and tell whoever sent you that I have enough sense not to embarass myself and that I recognize we are on a war-footing here and plan to act accordingly, it would save us both a lot of time. Oh and one more thing, if I did need a nanny, it would take more than one."

"Well, at least you can play lip service to the idea that you're smart enough not to cause trouble," the Admiral spoke up from a seat over to the right of the Ensign. "Your reputation precedes you, Mr. Exeter. Now, kindly sit down, buckle up and let us get on our way." She signaled to the pilot and the shuttle's hatch closed as the engines ramped up.

Without saying a word he sealed the Admiral's runabout and stirred it out of the stations main shuttle bay. ~This is going to be an interesting trip~ was all he thought to himself.

Gideon gave a slight smirk, nothing too offesnive, just enough to let know that while he did respect her rank at least for the time being, he was not easily intimidated. He just hoped that she was not a confidant of Amiral Kincaid.

He sat down and bucked up just as instructed. For now he would play the part of the Boy Scout, although in reality the only thing Boy Scout about him was he pencahnt for being prepared.

Coughing to cover a laugh, Marks shook his head and thought, ~This is going to be a long trip.~ To distract L'Berr and keep her from dressing down the Ensign, he handed her a PADD and said, "There are several reports you need to read before we reach 517, Admiral." He grinned in the face of her glare.


Admiral L'Berr
Yeoman Marks
--NPC'd by Reva

--NPC'd by Da`nal

Ensign Gideon Exeter
Infiltration Specialist
USS Achilies


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