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Fresh Blood...then there was one

Posted on 21 Feb 2011 @ 1:45pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

796 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: SB 517

The Achilles had docked in the stations repair docks and Da`nal and Don headed down the umbilical to the station as two junior officers headed towards them. One wore yellow and the other the grey of intel. It was possible that they were here to take them to a debriefing but had that been true they would have been advised upon their arrival of the escort. As it was, they were on their way to station operations to get a better idea of what was going on.

Pullo, sporting his duty uniform, sunglasses and a duffle-bag, takes off his sunglasses and greets the two officers. With a slick, 'cool' salute across the forehead, he gave the respect they deserved with the way he was accustomed.

"Captain..... Commander, what's the plan"

They were in hurry and Da`nal was in no mood for foolishness. Looking to his XO he glanced at the two officers. "That depends. You are?"

There ahead been many take on's and Don had been trying to remain on top of it, which was challenging at times. "Wait a bit," he said as he tried to put names to their faces. Earlier he had received the transfer advise from personnel but he had only looked at the files briefly. "Are you Pullo?" he asked the speaker, glancing briefly at the other officer. "And you are Excallibur or something....?" he asked the other officer.

"Pullo, yes, that would be me," Pullo stated as he joined the officers walking in the direction they were walking. They were in a hurry, he kept up.

"Engineer Pullo at your service. You guys are in a hurry huh... what's the mission?"

Gideon allowed a small smile to play at his lips. He was sure the slip had been deliberte on the XO's part, to test his reaction, but he couldn't be sure. So Gideon in his best concilatory voice, a voice he did not have a lot of practice with, said, "Gideon Exeter sir. I am supposed to report to Captain Da'nal for an interview."

"Ahh, I see, Ensign Exeter...." Don said nodding slowly as he recalled what he had read about him and his assignment to the Achilles.

Gideon had to admire Pulo's enthusiasim if not his naivete. He could sense tension in both the Captain and the XO and he had a feeling that Captain Da'nal might have a short fuse over the Ensgin's question. Feeling he could take the heat better than the man beside him, he smiled and gave a gentle reply, "Ensign we are at war and our mission, if I am not speaking out of place, is to rescue refugees."

Da`nal's head turned slightly at the Ensigns comment. "Romulan refugees are not my concern at the moment, but The protection of Federation citizens are. No matter what our orders, no doubt it will include further encounters with the Kzinti. Mr Pullo, you are an engineer, report to Mr. Fox to assist with the repairs."

Before any reply was possible Da`nal's PADD beeped letting him know it had received a upload. Taking a moment to see what had arrived he snarled in discussed and handed it to Don. "Belay that Mr. Pullo, it seems you AND Mr. Fox have been traansfered."

As the engineer headed off Da`nal's mind was working, They were running late but he needed to set Gideon to task until he had time to meet with him. "Mr Exeter; I spoke with Admiral Sorek about you. He requested I give you an 'interview' to see if you were Achilles material. I also read your record and the transcripts from your court martial. Normally I would send you back to him but I never believed a person was the sum of their...service record. Until I have time to meet the XO and I have time to meet with you; report to Mr. Ericcson. I'm sure he has something you can help him with."

Gideon noticed that Da'nal had turned his head towards him, but gave no indication he had done so. "I appreciate your giving me the opportunity to prove myself to you, Captain I look forward to our interview, but I believe actions speak louder than words and I don't believe you will have a problem with my actions. Until then sir, I will report to Mr. Ericson."

Don watched the young man walk away and thought about his own yoyo record. "I don't even know where I would have been if someone didn't give a second chance or two," he commented to Da'nal. "I am sure he will be okay...."

"Yes...lets get to Ops. And find ourselves som Engineers. Again."


Captain Da`nal

Commander Don Killian

Ensign Gideion Exeter
Infiltration Specialist


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