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Left behind

Posted on 21 Feb 2011 @ 11:22am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Sergeant Dawn Brianna & Lance Corporal Cyfian Harper

1,062 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Mercer Colony

Jason looked over the crest of ridge and looked through the scope on his weapon. He still couldn't believe what he was seeing. Wave after wave of Kzinti of all things was moving through the refugee camp at the base of the mountain. The few humans that had been there had been executed on sight but the Romulans were left to there own devices....after being stripped of the replicators the Federation had provided. Even though they had been unharmed they were definitely under guard. Lowering his weapon he rubbed his chin and slid back down to the rest of his team.

"What's happening sir?" Dawn asked, curious as to what was going on.

Stopping his slide down the rocky slope he laid his weapon across his legs. They already knew the Achilles was no longer in orbit. For a Klingon to have had to leave members of his crew behind...the Achilles must have been completely out numbered. That only made their situation worse.

The Major was off with Harper to secure a shelter in the caves.

He was shaking his head...~Kzinti....not good.~ "It's not good. There are huge numbers of Kzinti down there."

Dawn thought for a few minutes, unsure of what to do. "What do we do sir, hide from them? Attack them and die trying? Set traps for them?" she asked a few questions.

"Well I don't plan on running down there into untold numbers of 7 to 9 foot, blade wielding, phaser toting Kzinti with claw and fangs to boot. But I don't plan on making things easy for them either." Adjusting his gear slightly, "If I know the Captain...we'll probably start a resistance movement of some kind. Maybe we can even get some of those Romulans to help."

"So traps then?" Dawn asked with a smile, it was one of her favorite things to do.

It was a good thing that these mountain contained minerals the scattered sensors. Probably why the Captain had chosen the site for their they could get back to basics. However that probably also meant that sooner or later Kzinti patrols would be moving through the area.

Standing Jason nodded towards the caves. "Lets go see what the others are up to."


The light from his rifle gave little in vision. The darkness of the cave was too great to penetrate the darkness that consumed all around Cyfian. Each step he took echoed throughout the cave with a almost hypnotic rhythm and the soft dripping of water accompanying the sound pleasantly.

Taking his steps slowly he focused on his footsteps. Tap, tap, tap, CRUNCH!

Cyfian stop instantly. He point the small light from his weapon down to his feet which revealed the source of the noise. Brittle white bones littered the ground. Most that seemed ancient. He almost felt guilty stepping on them, I'm sure many scientists and crew members would find these fascinating. For all he knew they could've been hundreds of years old.

He took a few more steps and stopped. ~This is far enough.~ He thought to himself. ~This seems like a good place to hold up.~ Cyfian turned round and started to head towards the entrance to the cave until he heard a sound. Or thought he heard one. Instinctively he turned round sharply and raised his weapon. Again the light failed to penetrate the deep darkness. Staring deeper into the cave he paused for a moment. His eyes strained to see past the endless black.

Only the sound of footsteps coming from the entrance snapped him out of what seemed to be a trance. Content that it was nothing Cyfian slung his weapon over his shoulder and headed towards to entrance.

Seeing Harper emerging from the entrance Jason slung his weapon.

Dawn followed Jason towards the caves, "Well at least if they find us here, they are funneled into an easy path for us to defend." she said, not thinking that the entrance was the only way in and out.

Jason glanced around the entrance. It was fairly well hidden, though some extra camouflage wouldn't hurt. Nodding, he removed is pack and tossed it to Harper. "Inventory our supplies; food, water, power cells...we don't know how long we are going to be stuck here or when we will be able to resupply. Its getting late so once you two get thing squared away get some rest. I'll take the first watch, Harper you get second, Brianna third.

Cyfian caught the pack and opened to examine the contents. Fairly usual marine kit. Food and water for a couple of days, maybe a week if pushed. The main thing that worried him was the power cells. We had a fair few but they can run out very quickly. Particularly in battle.

Cyfian delve deeper and pulled out some more emergency rations. He always hated the taste of these things. Too bland and tasted of cardboard. Still it could be worse, the food could be wriggling.

"Well our supplies are ok for a few days." Cyfian spoke. "Depending on how long we're here we may have to go scavenging, because the room service in these caves are shocking."

Dawn hoped that the Major would come back soon, she didn't like it when people left for long periods of time by themselves. "Got it, third watch." she said, taking off her pack and handing it to Cyfian, "Might be a little in there, I don't really know, just threw whatever was around." she said, then found a rock and made herself comfortable.

Jason nodded as he took a sip from his water. "The Major went to scout out the area, so he could get back at any time. If he doesn't come back tonight we'll go look for him."

It was going to be a cold night without a fire or heaters; that was just too big of a risk. Jason took a post that would give him a good view of any approach and keep him with close proximity to the cave. It was going to be a long 8 hours.

Cyfian took his pack and laid it on the ground. Then taking to the floor he shifted uncomfortably and closed his eyes. How he wished for his bunk back on the Achilles.


SSgt Jason Frey - NPC

Lance Corporal Cyfian Harper

Sgt. Dawn Brianna


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