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Smoothing the Road

Posted on 13 Feb 2011 @ 7:28pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

821 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: En Route to SB 517
Timeline: Just after the Kzinti Attack on Mercer

The Achilles was still in MVAM as they cleared the colonies space. The Kzinti were ignoring them as they focused on the planet. Da`nal was in his ready room when Lance walked in obviously the barer of bad new. "Captain, several Marines...Longwinter included were not among those that got evacuated."


"I don't know..."

Da`nal shot from his chair. He almost ordered the ship to cloak and return for them. When his terminal sounded. He was still behind his desk pacing like a caged animal as the monitor rose from the desktop. Slamming his hand on the control he answered the call before he even knew who it was.

"What now!"

"Mr. Da'nal, this is Admiral Sorek, did I catch you at a bad time?"

Da`nal calmed himself and sat down. "My apologies Admiral. Just more bad news following our run in with a Kzinti fleet. Their weapons and shields were stronger than standard. Even with the Achilles firepower it took a combined effort to take down one of their ships. The Achilles, Imperator, and Apocalypse are heading to escort several civilian ships as we make our way to SB 517."

"I am aware of your orders Mr. Da'nal, that is not why I am calling," the Admiral sad.

"Oh? Then why are you calling about?"

"Well Captain, I have a young man, that I would like you to meet. The two of you need each other. You need an infiltration specialist, and he is a very good infiltration specialist, and he needs someone that can handle, that can handle his unique approach to discilpine and superior officer interaction.

He has a rather unique background, even for a Star Fleet officer. His mother was human, his father unknown. His DNA appears human, but there are unexplained anomolies. He is a telepath and has a lot of experience in undercover work and some experience in toxicology, but all that is in the report you can read it for yourself. What is not in the report is that he has been undercover in a variety of situations for about two years now. Taking on a number of roles. each one different from the others and each one from his own personality and he was able to pull them off.

I am also sending you over the transcripts of the court-martial. Commander Dupage can be a bit intimidating, and as you humans would say, a bit of a wind-bag, but Ensign Exeter was rather under-impressed shall we say.

The man is arrogant, hot-headed and exteremely talented. Not perfect by any means, there is still much he needs to learn. Not unlike a certian other officer I am faimiliar with. I've demoted him to Ensign, but that was mostly to take the wind out of his sails. Feel free to promote him whenever you feel he deserves it, assuming you decides he is a fit, just don't make it too easy for him. One last thing, my suggestion would be to assign him a task and stay out of his way as much as possible. If he respects you, he will be immensely loyal and will come to you for advice.

I am not ordering you to take him on, just suggesting an interview. To that end I have he is en route to SB 517 and should meet you there."

Da`nal didn't like the idea of having to 'babysit a trouble maker, but he had a feeling he might need someone of his skills, especially now. There was no point in not giving him a chance, after all he was already heading to meet them. "Very well Admiral. Loyalty is something that I expect....respect for rank as well. Respect for the individual has to be earned. However I will look over the mans records and the transcripts you sent. I will give him fair consideration," he paused slightly, "although I do enjoy a challenge."

"Well he is a man that does not suffer fools well, but he does need to be more discerning in how he deals with people. I am sure that you are quite capable of dealing with the challenge that Mr. Exeter presents. I don't know if this will help you any, but are psychological evaluation shows that he is extemely protective of those he cares for. In fact his greatest fear is to be in a position where he is helpless and unable to protect and defend those who are close to him. At any rate Captain, he should be arriving there any minute. Keep me informed of your decision. Sorek out."

Da`nal leaned back and pulled up he man's record as he tapped his comm badge, =^=Da`nal to Bridge. Commander, would you join me please.=^= They had a lot to go over.


Captain Da`nal

Admiral Sorek - NPC
played by Gideon


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