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Behind Enemy Lines

Posted on 31 Jan 2011 @ 10:52pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar

2,242 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Over Mercer Colony
Timeline: shortly following the initial attack

[Earlier....Capatain Da`nal of the Achilles on shoreleave]

=^=Sir there has been an attack. The Kzinti have restablished their former borders. Those behind the line were supposed to have been granted passage out but the channels are flooded with distress calls from ships and colonies.=^=

His mind shifted immediately and Ayren had already raced off to collect Ahkil and the children. His ship was behind enemy lines...but so was this colony. =^= Red Alert. Recall the crew and beem me to the bridge. =^=


The Captain's calm was reassuring. =^=Aye. Energizing=^=

Da`nal materialized on the bridge the lighting darkened under the red alert. "How many starships in orbit?"

"Two sir...counting us."

"Hail them..."

Dirk sat back down in his command chair to answer the hail from the Achilles. "Captain, I see your shore leave is treating you well." Dirk said sliding forward slightly in his chair. "Though with the current situation I bet its been cut short." Dirk responded to the hail.

Da'nal grabbed the towel around his neck with a grin. "The suns here are ideal, however we have a situation unfolding that will keep shoreleaves few and far between I'm afraid."

Before the Imperator's CO could reply..."Sir, Incoming transmission."

=^=Apocalypse to all Federation vessels, we are standing by for support at the boarder. We await transmission. Over.=^="

[USS Apocalypse]

The message transmitted deep into the space. "Sir, we read the Imperator and Achilles near-by. We are transponding our co-ordinates." Marcus nodded. He really wanted to jump into Kzint space and tear into anything he found. But fortune favoured the smart, not the brave. So he would sit, and wait.

[USS Achilles / Imperator]

Da'nal grinned at the change in fortune. "Seems Captain that we have a solution to our little problem."

=^= Achilles acknowledging. We have a colony and refugees to evacuate. What is your ETA to our position? =^=


=^=Ten minutes Achilles, can you hold out till then?=^= Marcus nodded to Helm, who laid in their course, and began to accelerate suddenly, shooting across space, at warp speeds. This was going to be a close call.

[USS Achilles]

Ensign. Logan was at Ops, she had been looking forward to the end of her watch and seeing Greg again. Now she just hope he would be ok. "Captain, the colony is requesting evacuation assistance.

Lance had brought his Captain a uniform as the three captain's put their heads together. "Have them load every warp capable ship to the maximum capacity. The rest will have to leave with us."

As Da`nal puled a shirt on he glanced to the approaching forces. "My crew is still being recalled, the colony as issued an evacuation ordered an they have requested assistance.

"Captain, your vessel has the greater capacity. The Achilles and Imperator will move to intercept. Upon your arrival get the remaining people off the planet. We will hold them as long as possible."

Looking to the other captain on the other side of the view screen. "Agreed?"

"Agreed, Red Alert." Dirk confirmed and instructed his crew. He knew this wasn't going to be pretty but he knew what Da'Nal's and his ship could stand. "Commander, you have my three wyerns at your disposal also, will help with some of the load."

[Apocalypse-Orbit of Mercer colony]

The carrier dropped from warp, slowed by it's deceleration thrusters. As it came up closer to the planets. =^=This is Apocalypse we've arrived. We're sending our fighters to provide escort to you guys.=^=

Turning his attention to the planet, he nodded to the flight control officer. The entirety of the Apocalypse's two wings, its fighters, and it's transports. The fighters moved to join up with the other starships, while the transports moved to the evacuation centres of the colony. Sitting back, Marcus sighed. all he could do is sit and wait. As he sat, the transporter rooms would be flooded with refugees, filling the cargo bays additional space. The Marines would begin hot bunking, and all of the officers would begin sharing quarters. It was about to get very packed.

[USS Achilles]

"Thank you Captain, I'm sure they will be needed. Achilles out." Da`nal turned to the officers all flushed from the sudden recall and the scrambling efforts to get to their stations. Some, like himself, hadn't even had a chance to get a uniform. Opening a channel he addressed his crew. "All Hands to Battle station. Prepare for Multivector Assult Mode on my order. Marines to station, perpare for boarding action or to repel boarders. Bridge out." Looking to the faces on the bridge all determined and ready to do their duty. "Helm set an intercept course. We need to give the Apocalypse as much time as possible."

== The Battle Begins ==

The Achilles and the Imperator headed of from the planet and towards the approach fleet. They warped to the edge of the system and as the Achilles entered normal space the order was given. "Engage Multi Vector Assault mode."

The Achilles seperated, now they had four ship instead of two. The fighers swooped in as well, but they did little to break up or slow the fleet approaching the colony. From his command chair in the upper drive section, the room darkened and glowing red, he took his ship into battle. "Attack pattern Sierra-3!"

[USS Achillies (Tertiary Section)]

Lieutenant Commander Lahtikah Phoenix-Patil sat in the Command chair on the Main Bridge, running her fingers over the arm rests. She glanced over at Ops, the station she should often ocupy because of her position as Chief of Operations, but she'd never sat at the console before. She hadn't been with the Achilles very long, but it was still rather strange.

She looked around the Bridge at the crew at their stations. "You heard the man. Lock on to the nearest attacking vessel and swing us around from their starboard side."

A series of "Aye, Ma'am's" Chimed from around the Bridge.

They watched the viewscreen cloasely as the saucer aproached the ship's starboard side. The helm officer turned around and nodded. "We're in phaser range, Commander."

"Full phasers, fire!" Tika commanded.

The viewsreen lit up as phaser fire smashed against the sheilds of the attacking vessel with full force. Unfortunately, the saucer section wasn't the strongest.

"Enemy sheilds are holding." The officer at tactical anounced. "They're returning fire!"

The saucer rocked violently as a phaser beem smashed against their sheilds.

"Damage report!" Tika exclaimed.

"Sheilds at eighty-two percent! She's powerful!" The tactical officer responded.

"Any potential weaknesses?"

The Ops officer on duty answered after a scan. "She has almost no weapon power in her ventral sections."

Tika nodded. "Alright, lets at least make ourselves a challenging target. Full impulse power. Divert all auxilliary power to phasers."

"Aye." Said the tactical officer.

"Bring us about and fly us along their ventral side nice and slow. Fire all weapons."

[Lower Stardrve section]

Don had order the pilot to dive off towards the right side and approached the enemy vessel from it's dorsal port side, on an upward angle. The large ship quickly filled the viewscreeen, but Don had hardly the time to take it in fully. The long sharp nose doomed steadily towards the colony, relentless in it's approach.

"Full scan!" he ordered. "And charge weapons!" he told the tactical officer.

"Aye Sir!" said the tactical officer.

"Our scans are only 67% effective, their shields deflect our scans. Their weapons systems are more heavily shielded than than the shield generators, if that is what I think it is, which has only a..." said the Vulcan officer on duty at ops.

Don interrupted him however. "Target that then!" Don ordered impatiently. "Take us closer, he said to the pilot.

"We are in range"

"Fire phazers!" Don said. he had hardly said the words or they were targets themselves.

"They are firing!"


The stardrive section shook as the enemy fire got them on the starboard side.

"Shield down to 87 percent!"

"Divert power to the shields," Don told the ops officer as he turned to tactical. "Fire at will!"

The tactical officer fired phazers and then a volley of torpedoes when it was clear that the phazers didn't make a dent. "No effect, their shields are holding!"

"Weaknesses Sorak?" he asked ops.

"I can't be certain. Seems that there are fewer weapons on the vertral side....and I have a message from the Tersiary section to confirm that," Sorak answered.

"Ok, let's see if we can drain some shield power their and stay out of their weapons!' Don said.

Even with the Firepower of the Achilles they were having little effect. ~We need to buy even a small amout of time...~, he thought quickly, =^=ALL SECTIONS...Consentrate your fire on the following coordinates!=^=

As the order was receive all thre section of the Achilles brought their fire to bear on the same vessel being engaged by the USS Imperator. =^=FIRE at will!!=^=

[Mercer Colony]

The shuttles began returning, and unloading their people. Marc nodded to the Helm, which began to pull away from the planet. =^=Captain Klans to Imperator and Achilles. We're full up, and pulling out. We can't hold any more, so we'll help hold off the coming forces. Klans out.=^=

The Apocalypse moved to a more stable orbit, and began to power shields. IF they were going to fight, they were going to have to be prepared. The massive carrier had a lot of civilians and Federation personnel on board. Entering his own codes, he just waited for the other ship's to make their move.

[USS Achilles]

As the battle raged around him Da`nal responded to the call from the Apocalypse. =^=How many remain on the surface?=^=

=^=About a hundred and fifty,=^= came the reply as the largest ship began break orbit, sliding out of transporter range, and sluggishly crawled into the depths of space. The battle was a ways off.

Da`nal's section of the Achilles rocked as the took another hit, even with their combine fire power they weren't making much of a dent, the Kzinti shields seemed to be regenerating faster than they could take advantage of their weakened state. "Sir Shields are down to 47 %!"

"Open a channel to the Imperator!"

"Captain can you get back there and get the rest before this assualt fleet makes it to the planet?!"

[USS Imperator]

The large vessel flew through the debris of a destroyed scout ship. "If your can keep your little ships between us and the Kzinti then yes. It will be close I'll signal slightly before we have them all, which will give you enough time to make a short warp jump then join your ship back up." He replied to the hail. Dirk then turned to his chief Engineer. "Commander, I need you to beam up the rest of those refugee's, you won't have much time since we are going to have to drop shields."

Aeron nodded his head, and turned to look at the planet on the screen. "If we just drop ventral shielding, I can beam them through there, sir. I'm going to have to fill any space not already full, so the halls are going to get full fast."

The Apocalypse moved into a defensive stance. Opening into the channel, Marcus looked at the two other Captains. "We'll station ourselves defensively here for the Imperator. We'll be more use here, than jumping into the battle now." Sitting down, he sighed a bit. If they stayed where they were, the Kzinti would lose interest in the Cruiser in the distance. The Normandy Class would hold the ground while they waited on Imperator. "You're going to have to make it fast, they will be all over us quick."

Da`nal scoffed at the Captain's gile, "Little..." The battle was nearing the planet as it was, there was just now way to slow the their appoach. "...You'll get your time Captain.

"Captain Da'nal, if you get yourself a bit closer, we'll give 'em hell for you." Marcus turned to his tactical officer, nodding. The forward torpedo launchers loaded. The Apocalypse prepared for the battle. The fighter wing deployed into a standard escort position along the carrier. The whole nine hundred fifty-two came to bear on the enemy fleet. "We'll bring the rain," he said lastly on the communications channel.

[Achilles Sickbay]

Teresa was in sickbay assisting the doctor in preparing sickbay for incoming wounded and ill passengers. She had left Victoria and the nanny to their own devices in their quarters. Vicki had wanted to go to the holodeck, but Teresa wasn't certain if that was a good idea at the time. So when Teresa had left them, they were curled up on a couch with a holonovel, and a pouting Vicki.

[Achilles Bridge]

Da`nal had ordered his section do do that very thing and the remaining section were doing the same as Ens. Logan turned to him from her station. "Sir! Income transmition."

"Audio only!" he ordered.

"For your own safety all spacecraft in the Kaleb Sector are instructed to fall back to SB 515. All Federation starships are ordered fall back and are to to assist or proctect civilian craft as needed. Colonies in the are are ordered to evacuate immediatly."

Da`nal's face snarled at the thought of retreat...but there was no way they were going to win this battle...Not Today


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