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Shock and Awe

Posted on 31 Jan 2011 @ 10:33pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain Reva Madhava

1,611 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!


Leaning in closer, "Make no mistake we have been watching your Federation for the last 200 years and we are ready for any action you can muster. The choice is yours; accept our terms or lose more of your people. I await your reply."

With a clawed hand he signalled for the transmission to end and screens across the Federation went black.


====Starbase 118====

In the Ops station of Starbase 118 Captain Waters looked at his chief of Operations, "Begin evacuating the civilan population, increase fighter patrols, Mr Choli I want that marine commander up here yesterday!" Waters was interupted by a ship coming into view, "Red Alert!"

====Devious Colony====

The sun was rising on the main colony, Shelly looked out the window of here appartment, suddenly the morning sky changed from the shades of red and amber as what felt like a photon torpedo explosion rocking the ground, "Oh shit!"

She grabbed her ready bag and ran out the door followed by a large number of pilots, command staff and marines. "Looks like all hell has broken loose"

A Marine running by spoke "Two starbases and a bunch of Romulan outposts got wiped out in one push by the Kzinti, and we're next on the shopping list."

====Starbase 47 aka Pembroke Colony; inside the "Haggard Mermaid"; outside the "new" Kzinti border====

Drinks sat ignored as the feed from a Federation news channel came in and the people congregated around the Haggard Mermaid's tables and bar watched in silence. More than one winced as the footage of Starbase 24 being demolished played across the screens; someone cried, her sobs chilling any sort of loud discussion about the news. As the feed moved on to the Kzinti Patriarch's claim of responsibility, one woman recovered and cut through the group's collective shock with a declaration: "Any senior staff present, there'll be a meeting in my office in twenty minutes." Most of those present knew the woman on sight: Admiral Amber L'Berr; a cacophony of reaction broke out as she exited the bar and contacted her yeoman, repeating the demand for a meeting.

During the next twenty minutes, Admiral L'Berr did her best to set aside her personal feelings of shock and disbelief. "It's like the Xeleucian matter, Marks," she commented to her yeoman. "Let's just hope that Starfleet Command takes a greater interest in this than they did in that."

"Indeed," Marks commented blandly. Already, he had a list of available ships and fleets in the Starbase 24 region. "At your order, Sir, I've put all surrounding sectors on alert. I expect this meeting is to...?"

" gather resources, determine who and what is available and what intelligence we have currently available on this... Kzinti race and their technology," she supplied as he fished for information. They'd worked together for nearly a decade and knew each other well. "Speaking of...?"

"Here," he handed her the PADD with the list of the fleets in the area and their resources. It earned a small smile from her even as the first of the meeting attendees filed into the room.

[Kzinti Homeworld]

Now that they were 'off the air' The Patriarch look to the aides about him. "Pass the word to the Fleet. The auxillery fleets are to consolidat control with in the borders we have establshed. Evacutions ar to be allowed, and Starships or transports are allowed to proceed to the border...after they have been disarmed."

"As you command." The various aids moved off to carry out their leaders orders.

The Patriach, now alone move off to join the senior command in the celebration of their victory...even if it was just the beginning. Stepping into a passage he was stopped cold as the burning sensation of a blade enterying his body took the air from his lungs, only to be followed by a repeated sensation.

Zariv-Nel stabbed the Patriarch again as he spoke. "Your weakness is not wothry of leadership! You give mercy to our enemies in the face of our triumph....Not while I live. No that with your death we shall enter a time of glory unmatched in our history..."

Pulling his blade he cleaned it an placed it back in its sheath and stepped boldly into the gathering. "BROTHERS...No doubt you have all heard the Patriarchs speech and the orders that followed. Such WEAKNESS is not to be tolerated. According to tradition I have stuck down the Patriarch." Their reactions were a mixture of anger, shock and envy at the Generals move.

Zariv-Nel knew his life was in danger and his plan required even a more daring humility. "The Riit Clan remains the rightfull leaders of our people, but the Patriarch's son has not yet come of age and earned his name. Until that day we shall hold the Patriarchal role in trust."

His claim that he was not seeking to take control from himself saved his life. But now to give the Federation what they deserved. "I hear by rescind the merciful order. Tell the fleets to move in and then eliminate any human craft or Federation starship! We shall wipe the human stench from our space....and then, and then my brothers we shall usher
in a new age of glory an age where the Humans grovel at every Kzin's feet!

==== USS Achilles - Near the Klingon Border...behind enemy lines ====

The crew was enjoying a needed shoreleave near rhe Klingon border. Da`nal and Ayren where finally enjoying sometime to themselves. He lay there enjoying the heat of teh systems two suns as Ayren rubbed oil onto him. His enjoyment was short lived when his commbadge sounded. =^=ACHILLIES TO CAPTAIN DA`NAL!=^=

Propping up on an elbow he replied =^=Da`nal here=^=

=^=Sir there has been an attack. The Kzinti have restablished their former borders. Those behind the line were supposed to have been granted passage out but the channels are flooded with distress calls from ships and colonies.=^=

His mind shifted immediately and Ayren had already raced off to collect Ahkil and the children. His ship was behind enemy lines...but so was this colony. =^= Red Alert. Recall the crew and beem me to the bridge. =^=

The Captain's calm was reassuring. =^=Aye. Energizing=^=

Da`nal materialized on the bridge the lighting darkened under the red alert. "How many starships in orbit?"

"Two sir...counting us."

"Hail them..."

=====USS-Imperator - Same location as the Achilles

The Imperator had just finished dropping off the latest batch of Romulan refugee's to the planet's surface when the transmission came through. It was the second time they had returned to the drop off point.

Dirk had been listening intently to the transmission. 'I doubt they are going to do what they said.' He thought to himself. "Bring us to yellow alert, better to be safe than sorry." He commanded standing from his command chair. He turned towards Tactical hearing a muffled statement. "Lieutenant?"

"Sir, what do we do? We can't leave my people here to suffer under their rule! We need to beam them back aboard now." The new Romulan Chief Security and Tactical officer stated.

"Unfortunately Mr. S'Ten we can't do much of anything at the moment. We just don't have the ship capacity to get everyone back aboard with out leaving our fighters on the planet, and that would leave us at a disadvantage. What other vessels are near our position?" He answered the Lieutenant.

"The Achilles is in orbit, in fact she is hailing us."

"Open a channel."

===Star Base 515===

In the early hours on the station the was recieveing reports of the assult launched by the Kzinti, then the evidence of the battles began to arrive, the starship Potemkin limped in followed by USS Berlin. Engineering crews and the stations medical teams went from struggling to overwhelmed as the flood of refugees arrived.

It was clear as the stations senior staff looked over the reports and looked at the demolished ships limping in that this was a new kind of war, and a new enemy that was mor determined than ever.

===USS Apocalypse, inbound on new Kzinti boarder===
The Apocalypse zipped towards the established boarder at emergency warp. The large vessel hummed angrily to the crew, as the ship shuddered under the strain of the abused engines. Marcus sat with his eyes narrowed, a glare he had not given anyone since he encountered his families enemy for the first time. The bridge was silent. A few nervous looks were chanced in the direction of the Commanding Officer, who, quite literally, emanated anger.

"Coming out in three, two, one..." There was a pause, as the carrier ripped from it's sub-space travel. It drifted, firing it's deceleration thrusters. Coming to a stop, the massive vessel looked down upon the boarder, and deployed fighters.

"Begin trnasmitting the following message:

=^=Apocalypse to all Federation vessels, we are standing by for support at the boarder. We await transmission. Over.=^="

The message transmitted deep into the space. "Sir, we read the Imperator and Achilles near-by. We are transponding our co-ordinates." Marcus nodded. He really wanted to jump into Kzint space and tear into anything he found. But fortune favoured the smart, not the brave. So he would sit, and wait.


The Serenity was limping back to port after there run-in with a Kzinti warship in an attempt to escape from the Wyn Cluter, as the CO looked at the dispatches on the other fronts he saw reports that indicated this was going to devolve quickly into a quadrant wide war, "Lets try and get back into port then get back into the fight, this could boil over."



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