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Posted on 06 Feb 2011 @ 6:29pm by

322 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Guest quarters - SB 517
Timeline: Current - 0430

Gideon leaned back in his chair, closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. Ever since things gone south and Starbase 24 had been attacked he had been in his room. He would have liked to have been where the action was, leading a rescue team or doing something useful. However since he had just recently come aboard and he was waiting for the Achilles to pick him up. He knew the security chief was not going to have time nor with Gideon’s reputation, the inclination to give him clearance to enter any of the secure areas of the ship.

There had been a station wide announcement requesting volunteers in sick bay, but he had known that they would be overwhelmed with response the first few hours and he had chosen instead to do some research on the Kzinti. He was after all a Intel specialist and he knew the best way to defeat an enemy, was to know him.

He had been consuming everything the station's computers had to say on the subject. His memory while not eidetic was pretty good, he had knew he couldn’t recall everything he had read, but he had committed the salient points to memory. However he had been going at it for far too long and he needed a break.

He moved to his bed and set the alarm for 0730. He would have preferred five hours of sleep, he could get by forever on that amount a day, but three would have to do for now. After that he would grab some breakfast and head down to sick bay to help out.

He knew there would be a lot of pain, a lot of raw emoitons, so he would have to have his shield up in full force to keep from suffering from sensory overload. He lay down on top of the covers without undressing and was instantly asleep.

Ensign Gideon Exeter


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