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The Attack - Part 2

Posted on 31 Jan 2011 @ 10:12pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
Edited on on 09 Aug 2016 @ 3:15am

1,606 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!

-- Earlier --

"YOU ARE NOT WORTH OF THE HONOR GIVEN TO YOU!!" His other arm reaching back, his claws fully extended, he dispatched the engineer in a flash of blood. Turning quickly he found the detonator and pressed the button. The station rocked from the series of internal explosion and he tossed the detonator aside and to rejoin the fight.....There were humans to kill.

-- The Continuation --

[Starbase 24 - Operations]

"Sir the Guardian Platforms are online…three enemy ships down!"

"Good open Docking hatch 3 and launch what ships we can! Any ID on them yet?

"Report from lower decks coming in now...NO WAY!!?? Sir bio scans report them as KZINTI!"


A series of explosions rocked the Operations center sending sparks flying as consoles erupted and the entire command center went black.

The Commodore pulled herself to her feet, "EMERGENCY LIGHTING! THOSE WERE INTERNAL...WHAT HAPPENED?"


Without power there was no way to tell what was happening outside Ops, the sounding of battle stations had set certain things into automated course of action, a loss of control at Ops automatically transferred control of the station to engineering.

[Starbase 24 - Engineering]

Engineers were scrambling to keep the station systems operation and transfer power where needed all while the fire fight drew closer and closer. "COMMANDER, ALL COMMAND AND CONTROL HAS JUST BEEN TRANSFERRED TO ENGINEERING! OPS HAS LOST ALL POWER!"


"I CAN'T! THE CONNECTIVITY IS JUST GONE!" The Lieutenant's voice raised another octave as another grim reality came to light. "SIR WE LOST EVERYTHING!! WEAPONS, SHIELDS...EVERYTHING IS GONE!!

The Chief Engineer was silent for what seemed an eternity as his mind raced for options. ~The station was defenseless, Self destruct was not possible because the Commodore was alive but cut off from entering her authorization. There was no option. "Sound the evacuation," he said dejectedly.



[Kzinti Armada]

The Command ship watched as the station defenses fell silent. As the station's phasers ceased, and the defensive platforms fell dormant, the real attack began. The station was surrounded on all sides and the station was bombarded mercilessly. They had no interest in claiming the station as a was to be destroyed!

"Contact the Fleet; Recover our troops and Concentrate all fire just below the central bulge!" As his orders were carried out he added. "And bring up the Talon."

The ships moved down the exterior of the station and the combined fire blasted away at the station until finally the structure could take no more. The resulting explosion and secondary explosions essentially cut the station in half as the lower section fell away.

Roars of satisfaction echoed on every ship of the fleet

[Starbase 24 - Promenade - FNS correspondent]

The battle that had been raging ended suddenly as the intruders were beamed away. Craig kept his camera on a group of Marines looking over the top of an improvised barrier. "That can't be good."

The Gunnery Sergeant was about to say something to them an automated alert sounded. "Abandon Starbase, Abandon Starbase. All personnel proceed to the nearest docking facility, shuttle bay, or evacuation center." The message began to repeat itself but the Gunny was already moving. "Alright you heard it let's get the civies outta here!" Grabbing the reporter unceremoniously, "That means you too!"

Daniels was very unceremoniously dragged from his vantage point and joined the throngs of people trying to evacuate the station.

Suddenly everyone was thrown to the deck as the massive series of explosions shook the station to its core and lights went out replaced by emergency lighting. People screamed and cried out from injuries but the wave of people began to move once again.

[Kzinti Armada]

The Armada began to pull back as the Talon moved into position. Once in position the forwards section began to glow brighter and brighter and two emitters were unlocked and began to move forward along the hull as the glow from the energy build up moved forward as well.

[Kzinti Command Ship]

"Sir, the Talon is powering up. There are escape pods and shuttles being launched."

There was a pause as the Commander considered his order. "Destroy anything....human."

The armada turned their attention from the station to swatting the small craft swarming from the functional shuttle bays as well as the swarm of escape pods fleeing in all directions.

[Shuttle Venture]

"This is Craig Daniels continuing to cover the carnage at Starbase 24. The attacking armada is now targeting the shuttles and escape pods as they evacuated the station, only the skilled piloting by fleet Marines has kept us alive..."

[Kzinti Command Ship]

"Sir the Human report continues to transmit."

"Let him live for a bit longer. Status of the Talon..."

[Kzinti Super weapon - KWS Talon]

The arrays were now completing their trek could actually feel the two arrays lock into place. The tactical officer closely monitored the power readings.

"We are at Critical Mass. Ready to fire."

[Kzinti Command Ship]

"The Talon reports ready to fire."

A wide fanged grin spread over his face. "FIRE!"

[KSS Talon]


[Shuttle Venture]

"The enemy ships are backing away from the station. OH MY GOD!" A single beam hit the station in the center of the docking Dome. After a few minutes the beam punched clean through the center of the station. As it did the arrays that had locked together disengaged from one another splitting the massive cutting beam into two.


There were massive secondary explosions as stations reactors and starship's stores of antimatter erupted within the docking bays. The station went completely black as the stations main reactor detonated sending the upper section of the docking levels drifting away as the beam stopped firing.

"THE STATION IS...IS...IS there is no other way to say it; Starbase 24 has been utterly destroyed. There was no warning, no mercy...SSSSSHHHHHHHHHH

The transmission ended in a flash as the Kzinti ended the lives of all aboard the shuttle Venture only to be replaced by another transmission.

[Kzinti Homeworld]

The Patriarch sat upon his dais as the technician signaled that the transmission was active. "I am Patriarch Riit, leader of the Kzinti people. For 200 years your Federation has turned a blind eye to my people and the Humiliation we have been forced to endure as a result of the Treaty of Sirius has been avenged! In one single blow we have reestablished our former territory. We have what we want; so there shall be no more aggression on our part. There will be no negotiations, no Diplomatic talks; we have what is rightfully ours and intent to keep it.

"As a sign of our good intention any Federation citizen within Kzinti territory is free to leave and is here by granted safe passage to the border.

"Make no mistake we have been watching your Federation for the last 200 years and we are ready for any action you can muster. The choice is yours; accept our terms or lose more of your people. I await your reply."

With a clawed hand he signaled for the transmission to end. Now that they were 'off the air’ the Patriarch look to the aides about him. "Pass the word to the Fleet. The auxiliary fleets are to consolidate control with in the borders we have established. Evacuations are to be allowed, and Starships or transports are allowed to proceed to the border...after they have been disarmed."

"As you command." The various aids moved off to carry out their leaders orders.

The Patriarch, now alone moved off to join the senior command in the celebration of their victory...even if it was just the beginning. Stepping into a passage he was stopped cold as the burning sensation of a blade entering his body took the air from his lungs, only to be followed by a repeated sensation.

Zariv-Nel stabbed the Patriarch again as he spoke. "Your weakness is not worthy of leadership! You give mercy to our enemies in the face of our triumph....Not while I live. Know that with your death we shall enter a time of glory unmatched in our history..."

Pulling his blade he cleaned it an placed it back in its sheath and stepped boldly into the gathering. "BROTHERS...No doubt you have all heard the Patriarchs speech and the orders that followed. Such WEAKNESS is not to be tolerated. According to tradition I have stuck down the Patriarch." Their reactions were a mixture of anger, shock and envy at the Generals move.

Zariv-Nel knew his life was in danger and his plan required even a more daring humility. "The Riit Clan remains the rightful leaders of our people, but the Patriarch's son has not yet come of age and earned his name. Until that day I shall hold the Patriarchal role in trust."

His claim that he was not seeking to take control for himself saved his life. But now was the time to give the Federation what they deserved. "I hear by rescind the Patriarch's merciful order. Tell the fleets to move in and then eliminate any human craft or Federation starship! We shall wipe the human stench from our space....and then, then my brothers we shall usher in a new age of glory, an age where the Humans grovel at every Kzin's feet!"



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