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A Matter of Trust

Posted on 30 Jan 2011 @ 11:43pm by Captain Reva Madhava & Captain Antonio Vazquez

2,928 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: Madhava's Quarters

Several shifts had passed since Reva had last spoken to Antonio - part of her wanted to talk to him; another part was terrified of doing so. She'd allowed the latter part to govern her actions lately and had, successfully, avoided meeting up with the Weapons Specialist. She was in her room, contemplating the stout man's latest missive (he'd sent her a few messages since he'd saved her at auction), when she heard her roommate open the door and greet someone. Ignoring the sounds, figuring that her roommate was entertaining - a thing he rarely did, she went back to the missive.

A moment later, a quiet knock on her door brought her head up and she called, "Enter!" As the door opened, she realized she might not have wanted to do that. "Oh, dear," she muttered.

Antonio entered, staring at her for a moment, expressionless, and then he continued to scan the room as he walked around. Not saying anything, his eyes rested on her computer monitor's screen.

"Um...," Reva froze with a touch of indecision then turned off the monitor and stood, quickly grabbing a robe to cover her sleeping shirt. "Antonio, I'm glad you're better," she smiled, genuinely pleased that he'd recovered.

He slightly nodded in return, walking around her until he hovered over her shoulder and spoke in her ear, "How come you've been avoiding me, Reva?"

His breath on her neck and the deep note of his voice sent Reva's heart racing and ignited her body in ways she hadn't realized was possible. Still, she was nervous as well. "Avoiding you? Have I? Um...," she turned and looked up at him, her hands touching his chest, "Well... I've been busy. And you've been recovering."

His body immediately reacted, heating up at her touch; a pleasant shiver went through him. He stared back at her, laying his eyes on her lips as he placed his hands over hers, and closing his eyes, turned himself away as he removed her hands from him. This was harder than he had believed it would be.

"Antonio," she started speaking, not sure what she'd say. She paused. She was in love with this man and knew she was about to lose him simply because of what she was and what she'd done to him. That was the reason she'd been avoiding him: she had broken something in his head, she was sure of it. Somehow, when they'd been on the beach, in the midst of passion, she'd done something and then compounded it by yelling her mother's name at him. She was sure he'd hate her for that and for being the daughter of an Orion. Taking a breath, Reva surrendered, "There are so many things you and I never say or talk about. Whatever you ask, I'll answer, Antonio."

He shook inside and out, needing to know the answers to questions that had been haunting him ever since he had awaken in Sickbay. Something happened between them on that beach. He had willingly given up part of his control, opened himself up to her; something that was not easy for him to do. And he had felt something he had never felt before. Unsure of what it was, he had his suspicions. He angled back, glaring at her with such intensity as he held himself back from grabbing her. "Who is Europa?"

Her shoulders slumped as she stepped around him and took a seat on her bed; she didn't like the look he was leveling at her. This was the question she didn't want to tackle. Hesitating, Reva considered hiding what she knew. "Europa is an Orion - one involved in the Orion Syndicate in ways that no one's ever really confirmed," she said, glancing at the darkened computer screen, "The stories of how dangerous, conniving and corrupt she is are all over the networks." She paused, gearing up to tell him the complete story.

"Yeah, I know.." he sarcastically chuckled, his voice strange. He turned and grabbed her shoulders, roughly pulling her back up against him. Their faces close, he demanded, "Is she your mistress, Reva?!"

She squeaked with surprise as he hauled her off the bed then couldn't help but laugh. "My 'mistress'?" He was holding her close enough that it was easy for her to close the distance and kiss him. "Oh, Antonio..., Europa isn't my boss. I've never met her. In fact, I've never met any Orions...," she told him and pressed against him, fully aware of his body. There was a dichotomy between what her head was thinking and what her body wanted. "She's my mother."

"Your..mother!?" his breath caught in his chest as he locked eyes with her. He had never considered the possibility, and as he stood there, continuing to grip her, feeling her lean into him, he knew she was telling him the truth. Somehow he just knew and his eyes teared up.

"Yeah, lovely, right?" She leaned in to kiss him again but the tears in his eyes stopped her, as did the onslaught of emotion coming off of him. She didn't sort through the feelings; instead, she demanded, "Talk to me. Tell me what's running through your head."

He reeled away from her, reaching back for the desk chair as he sat down in it. "Too much...", he looked around himself, "I ..I can't sort it out.."

Following him quickly, Reva went to her knees in front of him and grabbed his thighs. "Don't make me call medical again! Please!"

He looked back to her, as if he wasn't really seeing her, and he rubbed both his hands over his head, "There's no need", his voice cracked. "I just need some time..." He hated feeling so vulnerable, so overwhelmed.

She caught his hands and held them. "Remember that I'm not my mother and I wasn't raised as an Orion," she urged, unaware that whether she was raised as an Orion or not, she slipped into Orion ways more often than not.

Not saying anything in response, he just stared at her intently, studying her as the memory fragments of who he believed to be her mother went through his mind until he began to feel lightheaded. He winced, his head dipping as he squeezed his eyes closed.

"Come on, luv," Reva stood, easily pulled him from the chair and guided him to her bed. Settling him into it, she pulled off his boots, removed his jacket and curled next to him, her head on his shoulder. Through it all, she tried to soothe his mind, a trick she could do thanks to their link.

Feeling a strong need to lay down, he had willingly given into her gestures, his body reacting to hers as she brushed against him, taking one of his arms and then another out of his jacket's sleeves. He looked up at her, watching her closely, as she settled herself against his side.

"What's happening, Reva?", he asked quietly. "I mean with us?"

"If you're up for it, sex...," she said, hopeful that maybe his body could overrule his head.

He slowly rolled onto his side, his other arm going around her as they faced each other. "Why am I not surprised at your answer?", he lightly smiled, feelings of bewilderment remained underneath.

She chuckled, "Considering I've been trying to get you into my bed since... when? before we left the Montague?" Nodding and pulling at his clothing, she answered her own question, "Yeah, at least since then. I've had such a crush on you, Antonio."

"I didn't notice", he teased, and then reached a hand up and began caressing the side of her face, sweeping her hair back, "You are Orion, Reva, but that is not a bad thing in itself. No more than my being human."

"I'm Betazoid; I merely look Orion," she corrected him.

"Betazoid..", he corrected himself, "Raised on Betazed?" he asked, caressing her neck.

"Mmmhmm," she purred under his touch. "Born in a prison on Earth, raised by my grandmother on Betazed." She pulled his shirt off and tossed it to the floor. "You?"

He leaned up, and kissed the inside of her elbow as she brought her arm back. "Born on a starship, raised by many family members in New Mexico and Texas on Earth..." he trailed as he laid back down.

"Any siblings?" she asked as she followed his movement and kissed his neck and shoulder. Lightly, she nipped at his skin while her hands started divesting him of his pants.

He moaned suddenly, leaning into her. All thought left him, and it took a moment for him to answer, "No...", he lifted himself to lean over her, "I had so many didn't..." he kissed her, fully, almost releasing her but he came back into it, his arms going around her.

Conversation was forgotten as they sated their lust.... Later, Reva absently combed her fingers through his hair; his head rested on her breast. "Mmm... you're a good instructor, Antonio," she mused.

Antonio lifted his head and looked at her...his eyes widened. He sat up suddenly, looking back at her again before he leaned forward, resting his arms on his legs. His hands pressed together and he brought them to his face.

She held out a hand to him, touched his shoulder, urging him to lay back down. When he didn't, she asked, "What?"

He turned himself over and hovered over her, "Am I your first..?

Looking up at him, she smiled happily and hugged him. "Yes," she admitted, as if that fact were the most evident thing ever.

He relaxed on her, both his hands caressing her head, the tone of his voice slightly incredulous, "I didn't realize...", and he closed his eyes, "I am such an ass."

"Un-huh," she kissed him and reassured him then delivered a different assessment: "You made an assumption because I look Orion."

Raising his eyebrows as if to say 'is that so?', he smiled raising himself up..just a little, taking turns reaching down for her hands, and pinning them to the bed over her head. He looked down at her with heavy eyelids, liking her in this position, "You 'behaved' Orion, Reva". And then his expression changed as he was hit with another revelation.

At first, she thought he was doing something very sexy... "What!?" She realized he held her hands to try to prevent damage to himself. "You've forgotten I have legs and some amazing agility," she reminded him as she easily defeated his hold and switched their positions so that she was straddling him. Leaning forward, she let her hair cascade next to his head and laughed, "I did use certain Orion features to get my way... with men other than you." She kissed him and suddenly got out of the bed and disappeared into the bathroom. "Don't leave!"

Antonio laid there staring at the ceiling, and suddenly breathing hard. He could hear his own heartbeat as he began to doubt if any of this was real. His thoughts had returned to what he did remember about Europa. Did she mark him? Like a cat, did she claim him? In doing so, leaving her scent of ownership on him so that any other Orion woman would find him prey worthy of a challenge?

It would make sense; Reva's persistent pursuit had been immediate, even though she hardly knew him, even though he had rejected her over and over again...

His hands went quickly to his face as he continued to think about it. As with all men who had been marked, had he lost a part of himself as a result? What had Europa taken from him? His ability to discern? Filling him with self-doubt in return? And he couldn't let go of the fact he was with, had finally given in to, Europa's daughter.

Filled now with the same suspicion and confusion he had when he first arrived in her room, he climbed out of the bed, suddenly feeling ill as he stood. He dropped back down on it, and began putting his pants on, swallowing down the nausea as he did, looking around the room as he stood to clasp his pants. Again the computer monitor caught his attention. He remembered: only the monitor had been turned off immediately in nervous haste by Reva, not the console itself...when he had looked at it the first time...

Bending over the desk, he turned the monitor on, and it blinked from flat black to a luminescent white. The message Reva had been reading was short, simple and startling, "Attached is a gift from us and your mother. Times like these require that a young woman be prepared." The missive stabbed him in his heart, and he closed his eyes, hung his head as he reeled at its implication.

Forcing himself back to the message, he ordered the computer to copy the file and send it to him, then deleted any record of the message being sent. He continued to tap on the keyboard, considering there could be old messages..and stopped; she would be returning any moment...he would check into this later. He clicked off the monitor and pushed himself away from it...

Humming, Reva came back into the room - her hair was up and she had a light gloss on her lips. Unabashed of her nakedness, she smiled - right up until she realized he was partially dressed. Her face fell. "You're leaving? So soon?" She glanced at the bed then sidled up to him and purred, "Don't go just yet, Antonio, please. I'd like to...," she smiled playfully and ran a finger down his abdomen, "...explore and practice."

Antonio put his arms around her, one continued down her back as he looked down at her, "Reva..." he looked into her eyes, and felt suddenly very depressed. "I'm not feeling very well. I really should be going."

She felt the turn in his demeanor and, though disappointed, decided it was a delayed reaction to their earlier conversation. "Oh," she commented and couldn't help but pout sulkily, "All right, Antonio. Although," she grinned slyly, "if you'd like a helpful nurse, I'm willing... eager, even."

He reached a hand up to the back of her head, and pulling her close to him he hugged her tightly, loving the feel of her skin against his, "Not right now, Reva...."

"Well... If you change your mind, you know where I am," she answered and kissed his bare chest. Content to stay in his embrace, she leaned into and hugged him.

He hung his head down burying it into her shoulder as he fought away the feelings that this, her...him, had been a mistake, and would not last, that he should of kept to his first instincts...kept his distance. He should have kept pushing her away. He pulled away suddenly not looking at her, and reached down for his shirt.

"Pushing me away is why I chased you, you know," Reva said as she watched him. "I would have been a tag on anyone else's bed, bedded simply because I'm green and dark haired, not because ...well, whatever." She folded her legs under her as she sat on her bed.

"Notch on anyone else's headboard", he corrected as he sat next to her and began putting on his boots. "Is that the only reason you chased me, Reva?", he asked quietly.

"Notch?" She thought about that for a moment and then shrugged before leaning in against him. "The only reason? No, Antonio, it isn't. I have a ...what is it? A 'thing'? for men who teach me things. My grandmother removed me from school because of an incident with a mentor there. And then there was a tutor... and a professor... during the Academy."

"And now what happens?" he grasped onto the pattern and looked at her. "What's it mean now that you have caught me?"

"Caught you?" She gave him a lopsided grin. "If I've caught you, perhaps I should tie you to my bed, make you teach me all the things that feel good," she teased him and laughed then added, "We haven't discussed having a relationship. And though I do care about you, deeply," she glossed over just how deeply, "I know that sex does not equate to a romantic relationship, so there's no obligation."

Closing his eyes for a moment first, he turned towards her, "Reva, what is it you want from me?" and he found himself feeling irritated, "Is it just the sex? Or 'do you' want something more?"

Carefully, she considered how to answer that very complex, complicated question. "Um...," it was obvious she wasn't sure how to answer, "Is it just sex? No, Antonio. Perhaps what this could be, what we want from each other, is a conversation we could have when you're feeling better." In other words, she was thinking, not while he was still processing who her mother was.

He nodded, 'Yeah" and then stood up, "When I'm feeling better." He headed to the door and turned around to look at her one more time, "I just need some rest, Reva", he lied. One didn't have to be an empath to see it.

For a moment, Reva wondered what he really meant by 'rest' but set aside the thought. Everything coming off of the man was jumbled in ways she couldn't decipher; they both needed time apart. "Good night, Antonio," she said and watched him go.

LtJG Antonio Vazquez

Ensign Reva Madhava


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