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Mending the Weapons Specialist

Posted on 30 Jan 2011 @ 2:41pm by Captain Reva Madhava & Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar & Captain Antonio Vazquez

1,235 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: Sickbay

[On the Planet]

His world crashed in around him; there was darkness, voices, a sense of being captive and afraid. For a moment, it cleared and he saw Reva... but not Reva - an older female Orion. She smirked in a way that was so familiar to him and he realized she was grabbing his arm. He reacted...

And connected, hard, with Reva's cheek. Both of them went down in the sand, Antonio on his ass; Reva on her knees. She looked up at him and knew something was seriously wrong, medically. "Ensign Madhava to Achilles Medical, I have an emergency on the planet...," she hailed the ship and, within moments, they appeared in Sickbay.


Teresa heard the message come over her commbadge. "It never rains, it pours." She said to no one in particular, as the shimmering lights of the transporter beam, released her patient. "What on earth? Ensign Reva... Lt. Antonio...? What happened?"

"Ah...," Reva looked at Antonio, unsure just what was happening. She wasn't aware that his backhanded hit had cut her cheek. "He's not well...," she answered, "We were on the planet and... I think he's having a seizure."

Reva's brow furrowed as she watched two nurses lift Antonio to a biobed, where he writhed, sweating and muttering. She got hit then - this time with the emotions he was putting out: terror, defiance, a sense of failure.... Remembered pain - his, not hers - lanced through her side, right under her ribs. She gasped and put a hand to her side. She squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head to put his emotions where they belonged: outside her own. "He just told me that he had his memory played with - removed - and... that it's coming back," she explained as she looked at the doctor.

Suddenly, with his eyes rolling back in his head; Antonio stopped breathing and his heart stopped beating.

"Dang IT! Nurse I need a cortical Stimulator now! 25 ccs of cordrazine. Let's get him hooked up on the biobed. Reva can you give us a hand?" She asked as she placed the Cortical Stimulator on his forehead, and gave him a hypo of the cordrazine. "I want a full blood work up, computer I want a scan done of his brain."

Stricken by what was happening, Reva watched blankly, not even responding to the Doctor's request for help. As nurses rushed to do the Doctor's bidding, Reva was pushed aside; she went meekly. ~Antonio...,~ she thought at him, ~Don't you dare die! That's not allowed!~

Antonio's heart began beating, and he heaved in as he began breathing again. The cortical stimulator delivered another shock in its attempt to induce brain activity, yet it caused him to go into neural shock.

"He's in neuro shock! Give me a hypo of Leporazine, quickly." She said to the nurse. To Ensign Reva, "Do you know anything about his history?"

"Aah...." Frantically, Reva thought of everything she knew about Antonio - and realized she didn't know very much at all. Good with weapons... good with her body... yeah, that wasn't helping. "Um..., the memory loss happened in the Orion Sector - the Orions played with his head," she blurted, not knowing whether that was any help at all. "What is neuro shock?"

"In other words his brain is in shock. So we are dealing with memory suppression. I'll look to see what drugs are available to assist in retrieving those memories."

Several things had Reva's attention divided, which made it hard for her to fully 'get' what Doctor Wendsar was telling her. Her brow drew down in worry and she asked, "Will he have brain damage?" Another worry came up, but she didn't voice this one: if his memories came back and her mother was the one who had done this... what then?

"He shouldn't. His brain has been traumatized already, I don't want to do anything more to traumatize it further."

"I see," Reva murmured. Again, she thought at him: ~Leave me now, you ass, and I'll kill you myself. Come on, Antonio.~

Antonio's back arched as he went into convulsions, his whole body shaking.

Drawn by the commotion (and the presence of an Orion... since when had they had an Orion on board? And how had that knowledge escaped him?), Doctor Earl D. Crane came over to the small collection of nurses and Doctor. Seeing that the man on the biobed was in seizure, he had to ask, "What's he presenting with?"

Dr. Wendsar turned to Dr. Crane, "Seizures, with cardiac arrest. Suppressed memories. Neural Shock, Doctor."

"What's happening to him?" Reva asked, terrified by the man's seizures. She was on the edge of tears because of her fear and whatall had happened in the past few hours. He had just touched her heart and soul and now he was... dying.

Teresa pressed the hypo with the Leporazine against Antonio's neck, while removing the cortical stimulator from his forehead.

Watching the Doctor, Reva worriedly bit her bottom lip. Antonio was still convulsing, which bothered the young Orion. To the other Doctor, the male one, Reva said, "Orions did this."

Choosing not to point out that she was Orion, Earl looked Reva over and noted the cut and blossoming bruise on her cheek. He drew her aside, saying, "My name's Earl, Ensign...?" It was obvious he was fishing for her name.

"Madhava," she answered, eyes still on Antonio. "Will he be okay?"

Earl followed her gaze and watched for a moment as Doctor Wendsar worked on the man. The brain scans the computer had run came back showing swaths of abnormal activity, but no damage, and Wendsar soon had the patient's seizure stopped. "He should be. Come over here," he led her to a nearby table and made her face him.

Into the all-encompassing blackness came the sounds of murmuring voices, muted footsteps, and biofunctional monitors. Antonio pushed through the dimness and slowly opened his eyes. And then closed them again.

Reva's attention didn't waver from Antonio, not even when Earl started cleaning and treating her cheek. After several minutes, she saw that Antonio was responding to a question put to him by Doctor Wendsar. "He's awake," she commented to Earl.

"Ayup, figured Doc Wendsar would get him right," he answered, a tinge of a Terran-based accent coloring his words. Before Reva could move, he grabbed her by the jaw and admonished her, "Hold still!"

She did, until he set aside the dermal regenerator and stepped back. Glancing at the Doctor, she escaped around him and went to Antonio's bedside. "Antonio?"

As the haze still lingered over him, Antonio looked over to her. And he only glared at her as inside his head he heard her voice echo the name of 'Europa'.

"Hey...," Reva touched his hand lightly and immediately felt how suspicious and leery of her he was. What had he remembered? When he only continued to stare at her, she started to try again, but Earl interrupted.

"We should let him rest; we'll take good care of him, Ensign," Earl told her and pulled her towards the Sickbay doors. "I'll contact you when he can have visitors."

"Oh, all right," dazed, Reva only nodded as the Doctor saw her out.


LtJG Teresa Wendsar
USS Achilles

LtJG Antonio Vazquez
Weapons Specialist
USS Achilles

Ensign Reva Madhava
USS Achilles

Doctor Earl D. Crane


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