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Calm before the Storm

Posted on 31 Jan 2011 @ 9:49pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

470 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: Surface of Mercer Colony

Da`nal had just left the 'meeting' (if it could have been called that) with the Colony administrator.
He was none to happy with the idea of having to play host to an unknown number of Romulan refugees. Frankly he couldn't blame him either.

As they left the administration building Da`nal looked to his first officer. "Have the crew begin replicating emergency shelters and replicator station to augment the colonies efforts and have them beamed to the camp sites as they are completed. I'm going to reamin on the surface for a bit."

"Acknowledged," Don said as he noted the orders on his padd. He would have to utilize all the industrial replicators as well. It would stretch their resources a bit, but they could get supplied from SB 81 again. "Try to enjoy your time here," he said with a small grin.

Da`nal grinned, but knowing the toubles he doubted he would be successful. If he couldn't relax he would at least enjoy some time with his children...and Ayren.

[A short time later]

It didn't take long and he walked the the beach towards the surf were he could see eveyone enjoying themselves.

Removing his uniform... his trucks underneath, he came up behind Aryen and picked her up running with her into thr surf. His children splashed behind them as they laughed at her screams and Da`nal she clung to his neck tightly.

He had little choice and as she looked at him with a 'don't you dare' expression; he let himself fall backwards into the water...Taking Ayren with him.

Da`nal had followed his XO's advise. He had definately needed some time with his family and especially with Ayren. They had had such little time together and though not alone it was turning out to be an excellent afternoon.

After spending an unknow amount of time splashing and tossing Garath into the waves he walked up to their belonging he dried himself off and laid down to enjoy the heat of the day.

Da`nal and Ayren where finally enjoying sometime to themselves. He lay there enjoying the heat of the systems two suns as Ayren rubbed oil onto him. His enjoyment was short lived when his commbadge sounded. =^=ACHILLIES TO CAPTAIN DA`NAL!=^=

Propping up on an elbow he replied =^=Da`nal here=^=

=^=Sir there has been an attack. The Kzinti have restablished their former borders. Those behind the line were supposed to have been granted passage out but the channels are flooded with distress calls from ships and colonies.=^=

His mind shifted immediately and Ayren had already raced off to collect Ahkil and the children. His ship was behind enemy lines...but so was this colony. =^= Red Alert. Recall the crew and beem me to the bridge. =^= Behind Enemy Lines


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