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Lost and Found

Posted on 31 Jan 2011 @ 9:55pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

596 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Timeline: Back Post - before the Calm before the Storm post

[Intel Office]

Hyrum and Shal followed the officer into the Intel office. They were nervous and worried. All kinds of thoughts both official and parental were running through their minds as teach looked deeply into the eyes of the other.

Silonez was sitting at his desk looking haggard, he stood to fill his mug with another cup of coffee he turned to sit down when he saw the collection of marines in his domain, "What can't I do for you?" half sarcastic half pointing out that there was no other intel staff on duty.

[Deck 5 - outside the holodeck]

Da`nal and Don had just left the holodeck and the Captain could tell his First Officer was curious as to what was going on.

He was quite right. "Captain, you didn't pull me away from a pretty good party because you missed my company, right?" Don asked.

"One of our new Marines is married to that Romulan that was at the briefing for a short time. Not sure if you saw her or not. Any way before they came aboard their children were kidnapped, presumable by members of the Tal Shiar."

"In actual fact I did see her...." Don said shocked as he recalled the woman. "When did this happen, and where?" he asked.

Following Don into the lift they continued. "Deck 7. Down on the surface. Apparently she has intimate knowledge of the Romulan undergroung that had been led by Ambassador Spock. All that seem moot at this point. Hopefully we can track them down." Da`nal could imagine what lengths he would go to if his children had been taken and even though he had just met the man; he was a member of his crew, a warrior, and a fellow father.

Don was shocked and very disturbed, blowing air out slowly. "I suppose we are on the way to Silonez..." he said, still trying to absorb the implications.

As they arrived at Lt. Commander Eircson's office the reports of the sensor sweep were being read. =^ far their is no trace of a cloaked vessel or any thing that would indicate a Romulan vessel. "It could be possible that they were using another type of vessel all together. In looking at the detectable impulse and warp traces, non have a heading that is heading towards Romulan space. Of course they could change course at sometime...but there are just too many to trace.=^=

Da`nal looked to The couple as the report came over the comm. This wasn't good news at all, but there were other avenues to pursue, but in the meantime. "I want probes sent out to trace the those impulse and warp trails."

Hyrum thought deeply about it for a moment. They could have been dropped off and left to make a rendesvous somewhere once the mission was completed. Only a freighter would be needed. Hyrum piped up.

"Sir, wouldn't it be possible for them to be dropped off sometime earlier. When we went to the hotel one of my boys spied a Romulan at a table in the common area. He spooked them and to some degree, myself. They may have taken a freighter out. "

"Possibly, but to have taken a commercial transport away from the planet with two children would have left records and could be easily traced."

"What about a privately owned ship? There are owners out there that would do anything for anyone..." Don mused.

Da`nal nodded. "A posibility. We don't have much to go on...", Turning to the worried parents, "...but we WILL find them."


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