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Anything but Serene

Posted on 29 Jan 2011 @ 10:51pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

589 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: Wyn Cluster
Timeline: Current

[Kzinti Warship]

The ship's Commander sat overseeing the latest test of his people's latest accomplishment. Thus far things had worked flawlessly, and even the losses of ships they destroyed in the area were being attributed to the cluster itself. The Patriarch had been wise in selecting this area to test the new ships of their ever growing fleets.

His train of thought was interrupted by a young warrior…craving the chance to earn his name. “Commander, we are getting signal from our modification facility within the cluster.â€

“What kind of signal?’

“Proximity and boarding alarms sir!â€

The Commander's lightning reaction put him at the station immediately. “That is FEDERATION! ALTER COURSE AND PREPARE FOR BATTLE!â€

If the Federation learned of what his people were doing all could be lost; if the Federation moved against them, they had to destroy that ship, and the base if need be. “Prepare to trigger the station's destruct sequence if needed.â€

“Yes Commander, but the station?â€

“Better to lose the station than risk all the plans of the Patriarch’s Clan.â€

With the countdown started they had little time. There was a chance the blast would destroy the intruders, but they needed to be sure. If that ship made it out of the cluster and was able to transmit what it may have found, then the Clan would lose the element of surprise.

[USS Serenity]

The Serenity had been limping along at warp 7 fo several hours, most of her systems were still not working properly, and the cloaking device had been off line since the mine exposion. The engineers were working double shifts to get the ship back in one peice.

[Kzinti Warship]

The warship was barreling towards their next target. The Commander was not concerned though. They had taken out other vessels without difficultly… this should be no different.

“Sir, we are nearing sensor range.â€

“Tactical analysis.â€

“New class of Starship, nothing in the computer on it sir.â€

“Then we shall take her as a prize!†For such a prize the Patriarch would bestow great prestige upon the Commander's clan and might even promote him.

[USS Serenity]

"Sir we have a ship at extreme sensor range, computer indicates its of...." there was an audible pause "Kzinti"

Derrick stood up and looked at his tactical officer, "Red alert, send a message to starfleet code one, we have a kzinti sighting."

[Kzinti Warship]

The warriors on the bidge looked on as the Federation starship sat near the station they had taken and been using during their latest set of ship trials.

"The ship has some damage sir. Several systems are non functional."

He grimaced in disscussed. "Wounded prey..." He rose intending to all his junior clansmen the glory of the kill. "...destroy them so we can return to..."

"SIR they have detected us! They are raising shields!"

He spun back into the command station. "FIRE ALL WEAPONS! Dentonate the Station...the blast will destroy them!"

The resulting explosion was massive. The barage of fire from the Warship was soon block by the resulting shockwave and debris. Sparks showered the Kzinti bridge as debris impacted their shields and consoles erupted. "REPORT!"

"Shields at 55% forward weapons are offline...."

"I DON'T CARE ABOUT US...WE'RE FINE ! The Federation ship; where is it?!"

"...unknown. There's no sign of it. No debris, nothing. If the jump to warp at the sam time of the explosion..."

"Then they will be near the edge of the expanse by now. We have no choice...Power the D-Drive and set a course for home.


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