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Play it again Sam...

Posted on 27 Jan 2011 @ 9:04pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar

767 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: Main Lounge

[Holodeck 3]

Darwin shrugged, noticed that the nurse was done with her task and smiled at the two medical folks (mostly at the Doctor, though): "Am I free to go or would the good doctor care to hold me overnight?" For Darwin, this was his version of flirting.

Before she could reply the comm sounded. =^=Staff Sgt Frey to Dr. Wendsar.=^=

=^= Dr. Wendsar, go ahead Staff Sergeant. =^= Nodding at Darwin indicating he was free to go, trying not to laugh, just giving him a smile instead.

Darwin shrugged, grinning; at least he'd put his hat in the ring. "Come on, Ensign, let's go discuss what happened over a drink," he suggested to Reva as he took her arm and led her out of Sickbay.

=^= I was wondering...Since our first meeting was so rudely interupted, and things have settled down a bit. I wanted to see if you might be interested in a 2nd try...say dinner? =^=

Grinning to herself. =^= Certainly. Where should we meet? =^=

He had had several ideas on that very subject. As he shared quarters his place was out of the question, he thought a holodeck dinner date was too 'private' and he didn't want to assume too much or go to far to soon. When it came time to choose he thought the main lounge was as good a place as any. =^= How about the Lounge. Even with the name of the Poisoned Arrow I'm sure the food is perfectly safe. =^=

Laughing. =^=Let's hope so. I'll see you there.=^=

[After New Crew briefing]

Jason was dressed in comfortable civilian clothes and entered the this main lounge early. He found a tale off to one side near the viewport and took a seat while he waited for Teresa to arrive.

Teresa arrived within minutes of Jason. She was casually dressed, but the shirt showed off her tattoo on her lower back.

He grinned and stood at her approach, the area he had chosenwas darker and set off from the rest of the lounge. Partially because he had pushed a few of the othe tables a little further away. The view of the planet below was a perfet mixture of blue green and white and their seat offerd both of them a perfect view. dispite the mood ha had instictively taken the seat the offered a view of the door. As she drew nearerhe stepped out to offer her his hand to take the few steps up to the table. Her perfume was sweet and he inhaled it deeply...though not obviously so.

"You look great."

"Thank you, as do you."

"So how did you enjoy our little false alarm?"

"I could use a few false alarms, and not the real thing. Victoria on the other hand prefers neither one of them."


"She's my daughter. She's not used to ship life. My parents had her sheltered. Considering they are land lubbers."

His surprise was genuine and his eyebrows raised, "A"

"Yeah, part of my wild time, but I wouldn't trade her for the world. Fought my parents for her, and I'll kill anyone that hurts her."

He was still surprised that she had a kid. "Its just that from the look of ya...I'd never have guessed. How old is she?"

"She's six, and smart as a whip. She's kind of upset that we're not spending a lot of time together. I think it has to do with her grandparents, they could spend a lot of time with her."

"Well far be it from me to seperate a child from her mom. Why don't we take our dinner to your quarters. I'll whip us all up a dinner while Vicky get to spend some time with you. How does that sound?"

Teresa laughed. "You ready to deal with a hyper six year old? I don't mind if you don't."

He grinned as he stood, offering her his arm. "If I can handle the new Marines that I've been getting...a six year old should be a cake walk."

Teresa joined him in laughing and stood. She took his arm and asked, "They're not all that bad, are they?"

"Well...not all of them. Most I'd say act at least like 7 year olds." He was kidding of course. Even though most of these kids were young and inexperienced they were still Marines. Just Marines that need to learn how things were really done out here in the fleet.

Laughing, "Well then you should be able to handle Vicki. She might pull a few surprises on us tonight. I never know with that child."



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