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Reva's transfer

Posted on 31 Jan 2011 @ 9:57pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

445 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: XO's office
Timeline: Back Post - before the Calm before the Storm post


After meeting with Reva, Don sent a message to Eagan and asked him to meet him in is office. that would also give him the opportunity to meet him as he had not had the opportunity to sit down with him. While waiting for Seanto arrive, he read through Reva's file.

Sean entered the office he nodded to Don. "Hello sir, how was your day?"

Don smiled at the friendly greeting. "So far so good, yours?" he asked. He hoped both men would agree to what he wanted to discuss with them.

"I've been good, just a bit tired. A lot has been going on in my department. Several new scientists joined my team and one keeps being a pain in my backside." Sean shrugged. "So why have you called me?"

Leaning back a little Don spoke. "Ensign Reva Madhava would like to transfer to Engineering, " he explained. "And I would like to discuss that with you first."

"That's not too surprising. Her team have been telling me how much she liked working there." Sean crossed his arms. "I am all for it. I'd rather have her work in a department where she feels most useful. She's an amazing scientist and a very good at what she does. I'll be sad to see her go."

"I am glad you see it that way. Now with Richards gone, we need every engineer we can get," Don said appreciating the man's cooperation. "Are there any projects you would like her to complete before I activate her transfer?"

"No, none that I can't just pass on to some one else. Since we're on leave. Most of our work is making up for lost time. Updating systems and writing reports. She free to transfer at her convenience." Sean nodded.

"Thank you for your cooperation," Don said. "I will inform her," he said certain that she would be happy that there were no hard feelings from her previous boss. "Want to talk about the pain in your backside?" Don asked, taking up something Sean mentioned earlier.

"No, it's nothing I can't handle. I'll just have to remind this person that while in my lab, they are subject to my rules. That is, unless he goes over my head."

"Good," Don smiled. "Well if he does, I will refer him back to you, but don't hesitate to discuss it or offload, even unofficially," Don said. "My door is always open, and I also shoot difficult crew, but of course my price is very high," Don joked straight faced.

"If he does get unruly. I'll hand you the phaser." Sean smiled.


Commander Don Killian

Lt. JG Sean Eagan


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