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No sleep for the wise

Posted on 09 Jan 2011 @ 1:36pm by

413 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: Intelligence office
Timeline: 0900 hrs


Silonez had been up for over thirty hours, his friend and class mate Derrick Patterson and his command the Serenity had been missing for 20 hours in the massive Wyn Nebula. The Wyn nebula was by far one of the largest nebular clusters in known space, measuring a mind blowing 50 parsecs' across at its longest and was rumored to contain at least three solar systems. None of the quadrants major powers had successfully mapped the nebula, but using data he had collected Silonez had managed to composite together a reasonable model of the nebula.

Silonez was tired, and more and more confused about the communications blackout that started near the nebula and made its way down too the neutral zone, it was clearly artificial but who was doing it, not the Romulans it was the exact opposite they were so chatty and in the open no less that it was amusing.

USS Parker reported several ships moving to the Romulan boarder near the cluster, but attempts to ascertain there origin had come up empty, the visual scans were in the general analysis database for anyone to go over in intelligence. That's where Silonez had started to see a pattern, the blackout started six hours after this scan was taken, the sighting of a second group of the same type of ships is ten hours later as the black out widens to its current area.

USS Parker reports unknown communications taking place with ships, recordings forwarded to starfleet for study. Then about five hours ago a second batch of communications is intercepted, once again sent for study, this time by linguistics at starfleet intelligence and historical research.

Two hours ago Silonez was sitting at his desk when he got the raw data file, it was a request for any ship with Catian crew to verify the contents of the one line they had been able to decipher, now silonez could see a pattern, and he was more and more alarmed.

Now for the last twenty minutes silonez had been going over the visual scan and he knew what he was looking at, he even knew what the insignia was on the hull. He sat back and looked at the images he had on each side of the screen. One was recovered from an archaeological survey Conducted 300 years ago near the neutral zone, the other was less than 48 hours old, there was only one conclusion. "Ensign, wake the senior staff."


Lt Cmdr Silonez Ericson


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