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Fresh Faces - Part 3

Posted on 12 Jan 2011 @ 10:24pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,183 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: Holodeck
Timeline: Current


The doors to the holodeck opened and another Marine entered, by the look of his he was looking for someone.

Shal kept the PADD close at hand as she and Hyrum entered the holodeck. She glanced around at the officers gathered there and as a teacher wondered how many of them had children that were school age.

Da`nal, preparing to continue his discussion with his new Chief of Security, caught the rushed arrival of the Marine...and Romulan. Nodding to the Lieutenant, "Excuse me."

He walked up to the couple eyeing her briefly then turning his gaze to the Marine. "We haven't started yet, but you appear to searching for someone."

Hyrum was five feet eight inches tall making the strong, noble Klingon tower over him slightly. He was in fact looking for two others then the Captain who stood before him. "Aye skipper, I am looking for the Marine commander and Intelligence Chief are they here?"

"The Marine CO Capt Longwinter is yes, but Lt Commander Eircson is not. One moment," Da`nal raised a hand to wave Longwinter over. Whatever the issue it must be important for him to not bother acknowledging the ships CO.

As the Longwinter neared Da`nal introduce the two Captain Longwinter; Master Gunnery Sergeant...."

"Hyrum Kenderson, formerly of the USS Rosen under Captain Sedek Llewellyn." Hyrum giving an informal salute and extending his hand in greetings.

Once introduction were out of the way Da`nal looked to the Marine. "So tell me Mr. Kenderson, what had you rushing here so fast?"

"My sons were taken last night by the Tal Shiar in relation to information my wife Shal Malakh here has been gathering for the reunification movement. The Tal Shiar is or was highly involved in the explosion of the Romulan star. Last night they left this note," Hyrum explained signaling Shal to hand it over,"I need help getting my sons back during the next mission if possible."

Shal pulled the PADD from its case and handed it to Da'nal feeling his uneasiness as she did so. The tension was common so she let go with her final calming breath. "I know I have to earn your trust Captain, and I hope this becomes a good start for earning that trust." Shal acknowledged. Though he was a Klingon she trusted him completely because he owned two things the Klingon race showed forth-Honor and Nobility as the quality suited.

Upon hearing that children had been kidnapped his thought flashed to his own children then back to the parents in front of him. He took the padd that the romulan had offered but at present was not concerned with the data on the Romulan underground's unification efforts. With Romulus destroyed were would Tal Shiar agents take to captives...their abduction now was a useless as they the underground had lost their Vulcan benefactor when Ambassador Spock disappeared. Not to mention that it was very likely that the majority of the underground was killed.

No matter there was little time to lose. "Captain take these two to Lt. Commander Eircson immediately and get any reports filed with the colony authorities. Once finished here I want a full report and options. "

"Aye Sir."

Da`nal then tapped his combadge. =^=Da`nal to Bridge.=^=

=^=Bridge here Captain. Go ahead.=^=

=^=Begin a search pattern around the planet and scan the area for any traces or abnormalities the at would indicate the passage of a cloaked ship. Send the results to Commander Eircson.=^=

The urgency in the voice that came back was clear. =^=Aye Sir!=^=

Roger entered the holodeck and looked about, many of the crew were here, along with a Klingon. ~Must be the Captain~ he thought. He'd introduce himself to the Captain later, but he looked busy and he walked by him with a nod and headed over to a blonde Lieutenant, "Lieutnenant Belacque? I'm Roger McClintock, your new assistant Chief Sec/Tac officer, thought I'd introduce myself." As he looked at his superior he thought he was getting a good impression of her. Roger hoped so, or this cruise might not be a pleasant as he anticipated.

"Ah hello" Lyra replied nicely. "Welcome aboard the Achilles" she added with a smile.

As the three left to find the Intel Chief, Da`nal walked up to Don. There was an edge to his voice given what had just transpired. "Let’s get this over with...we have things to deal with."

Don enjoyed the interaction with the crew, but it was apparent that that was now drawing to a close. He had not seen what had happened, but he could see that something bothered Da'nal.

"Attention all!" Don called above the noise, as he tapped his spoon against his glass. . "The Captain wants to address us, ;please take a seat and settle down."

Don had called the room to order and the various new additions to the crew all took a seat while everyone else stood off to the side. Once everyone had taken their place Da`nal took a breath and began.

"Greetings and welcome to the USS Achilles. Some of you are young and inexperienced, most of you have served elsewhere in the Federation but all of you are new to this ship and my command. Normally, you would have reported aboard and to me or the XO individually; however given the volume of new additions to this crew and recent events it was decided to welcome you in this fashion. Mainly because I didn't want to repeat myself 12...14 times.

"Here is the situation. Romulus has exploded and the Federation is gearing up a massive relief effort. Currently the Achilles is not need as we do not have the capabilities to assist in mass evacuations. In the mean time the Achilles has been ordered to hold it position here and assist he colony as needed with the refugees that will soon be arriving.

"Currently the ship is on alert and must be ready for action at a moments notice. Even with this alert I have authorized limited shore leave. One shift will be allowed to go down to the planet’s surface...staying within transporter range...while two shifts remain aboard. Check with the XO or your respective department heads for your duty assignments."

Stepping from behind the podium he began to walk back and forth and amongst the new members of his crew.

"No doubt may of you are wondering what the future may hold given the current situation. All I can say is that there is no way to tell. For now; the Romulan military is allowing the Federation to send ships across the Neutral Zone. Will that last....unknown.

"There are rumblings within the Klingon Empire. Some want to use this situation to settle old scores or to conquer disputed territory. Some want to take more....aggressive action. A small faction wants to aid the Federation. Will the Chancellor be able to control the various factions without some kind of incursion into Romulan Space....unlikely. How will the Federation react...unknown.




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