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Fresh Faces - Part 2

Posted on 07 Jan 2011 @ 5:34pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar & Captain Reva Madhava

1,146 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: Holodeck / Colony

Lyra was the next to arrive in the holodeck. Luckily she was only across the corridor in the other holodeck training the other staff. Her hair was still slightly messy from all the running, ducking and rolling she had been doing on the training field. She straightened it with her hands before standing quietly in a corner not to draw attention to herself.

"Lieutenant," Don said to Lyra, grinning at her appearance. "Did we interrupt you?" he asked, but also greeting her. "Commander Killian," he added.

"Not at all sir" Lyra replied. "Lieutenant Lyra Belacque, chief of security" She replied quickly.

"I know....." Don started, but stood back as the captain made his approach. "Welcome on board...." he said as he retreated, seeing Da'nal approach. He could catch up with the chief later. ~So many beautiful women, so little time..~ Don remembered the age old saying. He didn't view women exactly like that, still he admired them.

Da`nal eyebrow arched ever so slightly as he watched Don make the rounds. Ever the playboy he was always mingling with the women. Upon hearing the familar name from the briefing he joined his XO. Noticing her slightly ruffled appearance as he introduced himself, "Lieutenant, an honor to meet you in person this time,"

"Same to you sir" Lyra replied with a smile she liked the look of a Klingon captain.

After treating some of the wounded that had come into sickbay, Teresa headed to the holodeck where there was a meeting taking place. She had put on a new smock, and made certain that her hair was in place, before leaving sickbay. When she entered the holodeck, she noticed that people were just milling around. She found a place against the wall and waited for the meeting to start.

"The wall needs no one to hold it up," Don joked as he neared the Doctor. "Commander Don Killian, welcome here," he said changing his words, as it sounded like he was like a stuck song.

"Dr. Teresa Wendsar. Glad to be here, Commander. I just picked a place I could observe the crew unobtrusively. This way I can discover who my other trouble makers are."

Don Laughed. "And who do you think will give you trouble?" he asked amused.

Laughing, "Not that kind of trouble, I've had two holodeck injuries, since I've arrived. One involved an officer turning off the safeties. I'm just curious to see who else thinks they are brave enough to do that. My other concerns are the Marines. They are "accident" prone. I realize they have to train and go into combat a lot, hence a lot of injuries. My weakness is that I sometimes get too close to my patients, and I have trouble seeing them come in all "beat up".

"Hey," Ensign Madhava interrupted before Killian could answer and joked, "With me around, Lieutenant Darwin doesn't need to turn the safeties off. He just has to get careless." She smirked, looked over the Commander and smiled at him. She didn't realize that by showing up right then, with Oz Goodshire in tow, she was presenting two of the ship's future troublemakers.

Teresa laughed. "Oh, no... not another one who doesn't know her strength?" She said jokingly. "You and the other one keep it up, and there won't be a crewmember left to run the ship." Shaking her head laughing.

"Fortunately we seem to have a talented Doctor who will keep the crew healthy and ready for duty," Don chuckled. "Hi Reva," Don greeted the Orion, also extending a hand to Oz as well.

Reva smiled at Don, then nudged Oz with an elbow. He was distracted by Teresa. At Reva's nudge, Oz instinctively grasped Don's proffered hand and introduced himself, "Lieutenant Oz Goodshire, Commander. I do bugs. I mean... I, uh, study bugs."

Don had to laugh at his slip of the tongue. "Riiiight..." Don said amused. "Welcome on board anyway..." he said. "And if I hear that safety protocols were compromised without prior authorization, I will have to take action," he added very XO-ish with a mock stern look at the two.

Oz glanced at Reva and Teresa then back to Don, "Safety protocols?" Apparently Goodshire's reputation had preceded him; the Commander must have talked to the Captain... or vice-versa. "I wouldn't think of breaching safety protocols," Oz added, unaware that Killian was, most likely, referring to holodeck protocols. He grinned a grin that might make Killian a little nervous.

Inwardly, Reva winced at the smile; she already knew that her fellow scientist lacked certain social skills. That grin was a demonstration of that lack. "Oz, this is Doctor Wendsar; she's pretty capable in the sickbay."

"Ah, just the type of person I rarely want to see...," Oz smiled at the Doctor. If history was any indicator, he'd see more of the doctor than either he or she wanted.

[Planets surface]

Hyrum Kenderson had just arrived at the transport point. A great many oficers were returning to the Achilles. Why? Was something up? 'There is only one way to find out, he thought, 'transport and report.' He also wondered if he should ask Shal to join him as she had information of great importance for Captain Da'nal. He called her nad she had just left to transport to him. Once they were together he called the transporter chief as he sent their records to the captain to make sure they had arrived. "Master sargeant Hyrum Kenderson and Shal Mal'akh to beam aboard as ordered."

"Standby." After verifying the signal, he re-opened the signal. "Energizing."

Once the two individuals had materialized he let them know what was going on. Master Gunnery Sergeant, your just in time there is a new crew orientation briefing in the holodeck right now. If you hustle you should be able to get there before they get to far into things."

"Thank you, chief. Which deck and subsection; I like to know exactly where I am headed. Make sure the skipper and Marine Commander know that we will need to speak with them after the meeting. We have new information for him on the Tal Shiahr's involvement in this fiasco and an unexpected family development." Hyrum requested.

"Deck 5 section 7b. Ya can't miss it...." The two had rushed out before he had even finished.

He was hoping that he could get some help getting his young treasures out of Tal Shiahr hands. One thing he knew he needed help with is a real plan for their extraction. His 29th degree would have to wait for now. There was no escaping it and the rage of loyalty that now burned within him. Shal and Hyrum made their way quickly to the turbolift, racing to the holodeck at warp 9.75. They arrived to an open holodeck door almost breathless; Shal holding a case in her right hand.




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