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Decision made easier

Posted on 15 May 2009 @ 12:37am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,313 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Briefing room
Timeline: on route to DS5


As Silonez entered the bridge He saw the captain sitting in the command chair, "Sir I need to speak to you in private."

Da`nal had just returned from blowing off som steam after his encounter with e Romulan Ambassador. they would be arriving back at the station soon and he was hoping all was well. "Very well." Standing he motioned to his left. "Our other 'guest is in the Ready room lets take this to the briefing room."

"Thats fine sir." as they wallked into the briefing room Silonez measured his words carefully "Sir I've been offered a position on another ship on a temporary basis, considering reasent events as well as a personallity clash with the XO I think it would be benfical for all innvolved."

Da`nal was understandable curious. " mean the incident prior to the battle? I'm sure that will be taken into account if need be, but right now the man you should take this up with is Commander Davies. I was given command during the emergency, now that we are returning I will be returning to my dutied as head of Station's Stategic Operations, but if memory served you clashed with more than the XO recently." His curiousity getting the better of him, "You said this 'offer' was temporary?"

Silonez looked at the ships commanding officer, "Yes, it is defined as temporary, that could be any length of time, originally I wasn't going to accept this assignment, but after Lt. Rodriguez had an exchange over using an unconventional interrogation method to deal with the prisoner, I cannot in good conscience serve under someone who ignores the advice of the officers arround them." Silonez held back the fact that both methods that were discussed had some dangerous concequences.

"Before I left I do recall the mentioning of an 'unconventional' technique. Was it this or another method that was being....discussed?"

"Two were being discussed, one the mind meld, which was being considered a fall back and then one that intelligence has had some successes with, a new version of sodum pentathol that has proven too effective on vulcan-oid species, but as soon as I tried to explain the risks innvolved I was promptly told my services were no longer needed. Now despite my objections and the potential risks the XO is going to use both methods to interrogate this guy."

Da`nal raised his eyebrow. He found it unlikely that was exactly what happened but he would clarify before continuing. "Was the 'services no longer required', her words...or was it your responce to her decision?"

"a little of both sir, the procedure is extremely risky I've used it on five occasions with only one incident where the prisoner had an allergic reaction, a form of anaphilexis that is common to vulcan-oids, the risks of the mind meld are higher after some research, and a failed attempt to explain the reasoning I left, I'm not going to have a repeat of the Dur'ra Kelsa inncident." the incident Silonez refered to was a Romulan sabutor that was captured by the USS Spector three years ago where the security cheif and another senior officer conducted the interrogation using a combination of invasive interrogation techniques that resulted in the Vulcan Security officers and the prisoners' death due to an overly aggressive mind meld gone wrong. "Sir I will not allow a repeat of that inncident, and since it has been made clear by the XO's actions and attitude towards me I am not needed here, I will be taking the assignment."

Da`nal smiled a slightly at the similarities in this situation to arguements he had had with other senior officer. "Have a seat Lieutenant." Da`nal leaned against the conference table with his arms crossed over his chest. "I admire your cander Mr. Silonez but I want you to reconsider."

Before he could respond Da`nal raised a hand to silence any immediate objection. "Your service aboard this ship has been crutial. You stepped forward at a critical time to get the job done, when most of the senior staff hadn't even arrived. You took steps to see that this ship was as ready as possible. Any command would want such an officer. Your only problem is that you take thing personally. Now I wasn't there to witness the event, but you did your job. You presented the the facts, the options available and the risks involved. It is Rodrieguez's job to decide on a course of action. That is the privialge....and burden of command. She, and she alone will have to face the consequence, if any, of her decision.

"Did you make her aware of the same objections you just told me?"

"I'll be blunt sir, she wouldn't let me speak, any further input on the matter was ignored, and now we risk further complctions if the prisoner dies." Silonez was frustraited and it was starting to show.

Personally he could care less is that Romulan died. No that wasn't true, he wanted to watch that QI'yaH slide lifeless from his blade. Unfortunately the chance of that happening were remote. For now he had to deal with infighting between the senior officers. "Well that a different story entirely. My orders were for T'Pal and you to conduct the interogation and she was to observe and guide if needed." Da`nal got off the table and walk towards the window then turned to face Silonez again. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I will look into this and..." The PADD he was carrying chimed. Glancing at it he saw that Elek had sent him a message. Scannig it quickly he nodded. "I will look into this and take the appropriate action. I'm sure T'Pal is well into the meld by now so stopping them now is not an option. Despite the fact that I would like nothing better then that...Romulan's mind reduced to a lump off jelly. I will see investigate this personlly."

Stepping back over in his direction. "No matter how it turns out I still want you to remain."

Silonez paused "I'll consider it, but I need to notify Captain Kellenger by tomorrow, I'll inform you of my decision then."

"Fair enough..." Da`nal was interupted by a voice comiing over the comm. =^=Commander, we are arriving at Deep Space Five.=^=

Tapping his badge to acknowledge. =^=Understood. Drop out of warp and request docking clearance.=^=

After closing the channel he returned his gaze to Silonez. "Well when we dock I will have to report to Commander Davies. What intel were you able to gather from your scans to the Romulan vessel?"

Silonez looked up, "The ship was incomplete, based on older reports and data from the Enterprise, my guess it was stolen, but I'll need some first hand data on that."

"Excellent. Before he leaves the ship I want you to interview Ensign Opaka. Even though he was only aboard a short time he may have been able to gather some information if only a visual assessment. Then prepare a report for Starfleet intellegence. Also, assemble a team, if needed, and begin analizing the communtications log from the Vrelnec."

"Janis is already going over the log, I could use the encrpytons guy from DS5 hes' a Romulan code specialist, I should have a preliminary report in the morning." Silonez said, they'd been at that data for an hour already and had made some progress but not enough to report on.

"Very good, dismissed."

Da`nal and Silonez left the briefing room, Silonez to see to his duties, Da`nal took his seat in the command chair. His first command had been brief but eventful. He was going to miss the Freedom, but you never know what the future may hold....



Lt Cmdr Da`nal

Lt. Silonez Ericson


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