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Elek And His Musings

Posted on 12 May 2009 @ 2:45pm by

472 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Timeline: After Meeting Nniol & Isha

Termin Elek was a thoughtful man. He was currently sat in his counselling office - the colours of the room calmed him, and were helping him think.

Meeting Nniol and then Isha had brought back many memories of his own days on Romulus, and of his wife, Riiel. He had been married many times, and had loved each one of his partners, but Riiel had always ... shined especially brightly. He had given up his diplomatic career for three years to live and work with Riiel, but she could see he was always looking to the stars, wondering when he would return to them ... and he had.

And then he had lost her ... and he had grieved for so long. But his children had managed to bring him back from the edge, including his wonderful, half-Romulan son, Rh'ion.

Now, Rh'ion was a senator on Romulus, and a reformer. He had fed his father information for years, including a few hours ago, when he had confirmed the political infighting around Isha's House. Nniol certainly seemed intent on taking control of the House, and would do anything to get that control. Looking at the information, he wondered what Nniol's relationship was with Isha's son, but couldn't find a way to find that out without immdiately raising suspicion, so decided to let that be.

He tapped a control on his computer.

"Computer," Elek said, "take a message."

The computer chimed to signal readiness.

"Captain Da'nal, this is Lieutenant Elek. I have met with our Romulan ... "guest" ... as well as the Romulan ambassador, and wanted to add my own thoughts to any provided by Lieutenants Rodriguez and T'Pal."

He briefly outlined his meetings with both Romulans, and the accusations made by Nniol towards Isha.

"It's my belief, sir, that Nniol isn't being truthful with us. I haven't yet spoken with T'Pal to get the benefits of her ... discussion ... with him, but his story is just too -" Elek sighed, and searched for the correct word "- perfect. It fits all the gaps. Captain, I've met with the ambassador, and she is nowhere near th conspiracy-minded theorist that the wing commander is making her out to be. In many ways, she's a typical Romulan, certainly, but that doesn't mean she did what she is being accused of. I sensed no duplicity in her and, although I couldn't get as close to her as I would have liked, I found her a proud, passionate individual who is struggling to cope with the after-effects of what has happened. In my opinion, Nniol was giving the orders in this situation, and the ambassador ... is blameless."

Elek listened back to the note, and hesitated before hitting send. He took a moment to confirm, in his own mind, that he had come to the correct conclusion.

He hit send.

Lt (JG) Termin Elek


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