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Fresh Faces - Part 4

Posted on 12 Jan 2011 @ 10:29pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain Reva Madhava & Sergeant Dawn Brianna & Lance Corporal Cyfian Harper

996 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: Holodeck
Timeline: Current

"No doubt my people are not the only power looking to take advantage of the situation. Current intel shows activity within both the Cardassian and Breen borders."

Cyfian scratches his chin and listened intently. He managed to enter the holodeck with little to no one noticing him. He was never a fan of big formal gatherings; they always made him feel uncomfortable. The quiet more personal touch is what he preferred but with so many joining it would be impossible. Still his natural ability to move silently and remain unnoticed did have its benefits. Being a Marine wasn't all guns blazing. Staying near the back he continued to listen.

~Another planet... gone...,~ Oswald Goodshire had already known this information, but hearing it again, he inwardly lamented the loss of life, of a culture's home. He'd seen this happen once before, just before a fungus had infested his brain and taken him over; the loss distressed him, as did the possibility that war might happen.

Bekah just smirked ~They Got their just deserts~. "Sir in all fairness they got what they deserved."

Right there, in that moment, Reva Madhava decided she wouldn't be able to like the nurse. Had she known that Rebekah Morgan was actually half-Romulan, she'd have been appalled at the woman's callousness towards her own race. But if Bekah felt that way about the Romulans, who had, according to some reports, at least a few redeeming qualities, what must the woman think of Orions, whom many would argue had no redeeming qualities? Reva turned a narrow-eyed glare on Bekah and showed great restraint by not mouthing off at Bekah; even she was smart enough to know that doing so right now, with the Captain and XO as onlookers, would be a very bad idea. She cleared her throat and did her best to silence herself before focusing again on the Captain.

Don was rather taken aback by the nurse's remark. he could expect that of someone who had been in the military, but from medical staff, even more so as she had Romulan blood in her, unless she hated them for some reason, Still as an officer, one should know not to make such a remark in this setting.

Da`nal turn sharply at the interruption, pausing only slightly before continuing.

"What does this all mean for the future of the Federation, for Starfleet, for the Achilles remains to be seen. I am no fortune teller, djinn, clairvoyant, or Q; but I will tell you this. This ship and its crew will do their duty, whether that duty be in peace or in battle. Some of you may feel fear for what the future may hold...and there is nothing to be ashamed of in this for only fools have no fear..." Stepping back out infront of the assembled crew. "...and without fear, there can be no courage."

"I will not expect anything from any of you that I wouldn't expect from myself. My door is always open as is the XO's, but before you bring a problem to either of us be sure you have taken it to your Department Head as I will not tolerate any end-runs around the chain of command.

"I do not expect perfection, but I do expect each of you to perform your duty to the best of your ability. Honor your crewmates, honor ship, honor you oath....but most of all honor yourselves.

"Now, if you excuse me, duty calls. Welcome to the Achilles....dismissed."

Turning to his XO he tlited his head towards the door as the crew stood and began to talk amongst themselves or move to leave.

Don nodded and simply fell into step next to Da'nal as they headed for the door. Maybe he would hear now what the reason was for that tight edge in the Captain's voice. It was part of his job to get to him well and anticipate him.

To Cyfian this disaster all seemed like a dream. For a split second he looked down expecting to find himself naked infront of the crew, but all he saw was his crisp uniform. He never saw Romulus or had dealings with a Romulan but from basic they taught him everything he needed to know. Help a Romulan and expect a knife in the back. Still he couldn't help feeling sorry for them, losing everything you wouldn't wish that on anyone.

Once the speech was over Cyfian stared at the Captain. His speech was a good one, filled him with pride having his first post of such an excellent ship. However, a nagging feeling lingered in the back of his head. ~What if i'm not good enough? What if I can't keep up.~ Such thoughts uneased Cyfian, shaking his head he pushed them into the darkest reaches of his mind.

Leaning back against a wall he scanned the room quietly, trying to remember faces and rank and who to salute.

Lyra remained sitting in her seat for a few minutes as everyone left. "Captain" she said looking up at him. "Without a stable government for the Romulan Empire, there will be increasing numbers of attacks across the neutral zone" She explained knowing that individual ship commanders may see this as an opportunity.

He nodded in agreement. "That is a distict posibility. The Tal Shiar may also move to sieze power. We can only hope that the Romulan government took the warnings seriously and had themselves evacuated to ensure a working government. But we need to be prepared for the worst."

On that she turned and left the room to head back to the tactical console. She didn't want the Achilles to be going into any firefights unarmed and without minimal defenses.


Captain Da`nal

Commander Don Killian

Lieutenant Rebekah Morgan
Head Nurse

Ensign Reva Madhava

Lieutenant Oswald Goodshire
Science - NPC'd by Reva

Lance Corporal Cyfian Harper

Lieutenant Lyra Belacque

Sergeant Dawn Brianna


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