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Unexpected Help

Posted on 19 Jan 2011 @ 7:10pm by Colonel Stadi Andrus

664 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: Phoenix-Patil's Quarters

Stadi was wandering through the corridors, trying to escape the grieve she was feeling from the rest of the crew. They had recently lost their CMO, Dr. Melanie Hemmingway. They had had a mutual friend on DS5 and after speaking with Jana (who was devastated by her friend's loss) she in her own way was grieving a fallen officer in her own way. She stopped in front of someone's quarters and heard soft crying. She knew by the tears and her open mind it was a woman's quarters.

Her finger hovered over the chime for a moment before pressing it. Stadi knew that she was intruding and for that she would apologise but she wanted to offer comfort.

Tika had gotten all the way through the list, and now sat on the couch with a bottle of vodka in her hand. She was very depressed, and now, very drunk and preferred not to have anyone see her like this. "What?!" She bellowed toward the door.

"It's Lieutenant Andrus...may I come in?" She asked nervously.

There was a long pause, and the sound of shuffling bottles could be heared inside. "Come in..."

Stadi walked in and saw the woman sitting on the couch. Waves of grief and guilt poured off her like a tsunami. She closed her mind off to the brunt of the emotional turmoil, "I was walking down the corridor...I sensed your emotions, I just wanted to make sure you were alright." She said softly.

"Define 'alright'..." Tika murmered through her drunken lips.

Stadi sighed and stood behind a chair, gripping the back of it. Obviously the woman sitting in front of her wasn't alright, she could smell the alcohol, saw the tear stained face. "I...let me rephrase, is there anything I can do to ease the pain you are feeling?"

Tika looked up at the woman. "Can you bring people back from the dead?."

"No, I can't." She said quietly, sitting in the chair she had been gripping a moment before. "Believe me I wish I could." Logan would be alive if I could... "I take it this is about Melanie?" Stadi asked.

TIka nodded in a very childlike mannor.

"I knew her too, do you want to talk about it?" Stadi asked gently. She was by no means a counselor, she was an archaeologist.

Tika shook her head drunkenly. "No...I've done enough thinking about it. Now, i just want to forget."

"Ok...can I do anything for you?" She asked quietly. In reality she was waiting for the Commander to kick her out of her quarters...until then she would stay and try and help.

Tika looked down into the bottle she held. It was a speacial Romulan beverage that apealed to her because it was very strong...and very pink. "I don't know why I'm so upset about it. I'd never even met the woman.... I'm just being a baby."

Stadi reached out and placed her hand on the other woman's arm. " are not being a baby. From what I hear Melanie was special to the crew...even to those who didn't know her. Everyone is feeling her loss. Remember though...she is will Talar now and she is happy, they are reunited. The Fates had something else in store for her."

At this point, Tika was so tired, she could barely keep her eyes open. She simply nodded to the womans words, not saying anything.

"Come on ma' need sleep. Do not deny it...I can sense how tired you are." Stadi stood up to help her.

Tika was too tired to argue now, so she simply slumped where she was on the couch, foggy eyed.

"Lay down." Stadi said quietly as she stood up. She waited for the commander to do as she had asked and Stadi covered her with a blanket. Stadi turned when she reached the door, ~sleep well.~ She thought and quietly exited the woman's quarters.


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