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Meeting the Boss - Pt 2

Posted on 29 Dec 2010 @ 9:20pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lance Corporal Cyfian Harper & Captain Reva Madhava

1,367 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony

The four Marines headed straight to their quarters to change from their swim attire to battle dress with th eLance Corporal in tow. "This had better not be false alarm....or some drill"

"Oh chill Andy I'm sure you'll see her again..."

"Yeah, likely I will," Andy answered and clapped a hand onto Tom's shoulder, "And I'll wager that Jess'll bring me far less trouble than that green one will bring to you, buddy." He laughed.

As his fellow Marines bantered back and forth about the girls they had met Jason couldn't help but think of Teresa. But the fresh face stading quietly at the door brought his thoughts bak to the present, he wasn't aware of any new Recon Marines due to arrive. "You Recon?"

"Err Sir no Sir." Cyfian replied. "I was ordered to report to Marine Captain Longwinter for duty."
Cyfian's mind was going a mile a minute. ~ What was going on? Where do I go? What do I go? Could I even help? ~

He shook his head clear of such questions, it wouldn't do any good pondering on such things now. All he could do was be kept in the moment. Follow orders and do what he's been trained to do. Still, he needed to know what he could do to help.

"Sir whats going on?" Cyfian asked.

Jason smirked as he grabbed his weapon. "You can drop the sir...I'm not a Drill Instructor." He grabbed the Lance Corporals, duffel and tossed it on his rack. "What’s your name Marine? Well dig some camo out of that bag and get out of those class A's. The second you have changed over you beat feet to the shuttle bay understood?"

Cyfian nodded. It was all he could really do. So many alien things were happening all at once. Though skilled his inexperience suddenly dawned on himself. His heart was pounding a mile a minute, his mouth and throat dry, sweat fall from his brow and every moment passed his legs began to feel more unstable. As if they were made of his favorite desert, jelly.

"I will have gear and a weapon for ya. Until things calm down and get sorted out you are with me and my team." Having said his piece he ran out to catch up with his team that had already left.

Cyfian stood standing at the door where the Sergeant rushed out of. It all seemed unreal. They certainly didn't prepare him for such an explosive first day. They told him it would be pretty routine.

'Report to your Captain’ they said. 'He will sort you out and ease you in.' But no Captain in sight. In fact the only person he met wasn't even in his unit. What made him worry more was that the people he was about to go into a potentially dangerous situation in he didn't know. How could they trust him? How could he trust them? Marines have always been a close nit group of people, their unit was their family. He wondered briefly how they would react to the new kid on the block.

Scratching the back of his neck nervously he quickly began to change into the camo gear he was giving. It was rough and not a very nice fit compared to his uniform. The arms seemed a little too long and legs a bit too tight. Still he couldn't complain, the first camo gear he wore during training was still stained with the blood of the previous unfortunate cadet to wear it.

Finally all dressed he slung his uniform onto his bunk and ran outside into the deserted corridor. Most likely everyone was at their stations busy doing whatever was needed. Looking to his left and right he stood there for a brief moment. A fear suddenly gripped him. He forgot where the shuttle bay was. Slamming his hand into his face and rubbing his eyes he forced himself to think. Snapping his fingers he moved over to the nearest computer console and brought up the ship map. Memorizing the path he set off to the nearest turbo lift and what he hoped was the shuttle bay.

[Marine Equipment storage]

"I am sorry Gunnery Sergeant. I vas part of light recon unit for 3 days. After that I have been shuttled around locations, mainly urban disturbances, because CQC is what I do best."

Viktor decided that he needed to pay closer attention to what was being said...and who said it.

"Don't mention it sir." Handing the lieutenant his equipment issue he led him into the heart of the Maine operations. "Captain Longwinter hasn't reported back yet so you're in command, but I'll stick with ya. Nothing to worry about though....we have a tight group of Marines here."

Viktor attached the holster and other equipment on his person quickly as he could
"Good, good. We vill need to find out what is going on, and locate Captain Longvinter. For now I think it would speed up things if I turn over control to you Gunny."

It was rare to hear an officer openly rely on his Staff NCO, but he respected the LT for knowing when to step back. He was about to tell the LT that Longwinter wasn't on board when he commbadge sounded.

[En route to the shuttle bay]

Jason tapped his earpiece commbadge as he ran to his post. =^=Sgt Frey to Gunny Velez.=^=

=^=Go Frey.=^=

Jason's team was responsible for securing the shuttle bay and was on stand-by for deployment. =^=Gunny...the team is in place and I am on my way to join them. We also took that green Lance Corporal, names Harper, and have taken him in, but if we have to drop we will leave him in the bay.=^=

Velez nodded he had been filling in as the Senior NCO and the name rang a bell. =^= Understood. I won't be joining you either, as I'm with the Longwinter's new XO. The Teams yours for the time being.=^=

=^=Roger that. Frey out=^=


The rest of the team was in place. They had three options they would normally take. One was two take a shuttle to either the surface or as a boarding action. They could make an orbital space jump on a planetary target or they would be ready to hold the bay or use the shuttles transporters to move to any part of the ship. When Jason arrived, the orbital jump gear was ready and the shuttle was on standby. Everyone was geared up and ready.

"Gunny's not coming...he's got the new LT in tow." Looking back over his shoulder he saw Harper run into the bay.

Cyfian looked around.

~Shuttles, cargo and marine gear. Yep this was the Shuttlebay or possibly the store~ Chuckled to himself. To be honest he was just thankful he found the place. Not really having time to familiar himself with the layout of the ship, he 'fast' dash to the shuttle led him down a number of dead ends and almost entering someone's quarters. However, thanks to his memory, and a map on every deck, he reached the shuttlebay.

The Shuttlebay was pretty standard. Apart from the large amount of combat equipment and marines setting up their gear. Noticing this and the Sergeant who assisting him before he quickly jogged over. Each step he became more and more nervous. Not for the mission but for the other Marines. Would they accept him? It was never easy entering a family and units of Marines were families.

After the longest few seconds of his life he stood at attention before Jason. "Reporting as order Sergeant."

Jason tossed him a weapon and was about to instruct him on what his role would be when the Red Alert shifted to yellow. "Well so much for that..."

Andy, who'd just been in the middle of a round of "Hoorah! Let's go, men!", stopped and his shoulders drooped as the red lights turned to yellow. "Aww, game over!"


1st Lt. Viktor Karpov
Marine XO

Lance Corporal Cyfian Harper

Gunnery Sgt Arcenio Velez
Staff Sgt Jason Frey
--played by Chris

Corporal Andy Pullman
--played by Reva


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