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Posted on 28 Dec 2010 @ 11:16am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar

1,813 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: Deck 1 - Observation Lounge

The turbo lift doors opened and he was stepping out when the alert was sounded. Jumping back in he called for the lift to take him to the bridge and as so as the doors opened again he was moving. "REPORT!!"

The situation was grave and anything could happen...from nothing to all out war. Tapping his commbadge. =^= To all Achilles crew. The star in the Hobbus system has exploded. The resulting shockwave has destroyed Romulus and Remus. As a precaution, Starfleet has ordered all ships in the area to red alert. All shore leave is cancelled and all crewmembers are recalled. Department Heads are ordered to the observation lounge immediately. Killian out.=^=

After retuning to the ship Teresa left her quarters after changing and assuring Vicki that things would be alright. When she entered sickbay she activated the EMH and informed him what was going on. She gave him a brief overview, and told him to access the ships computer network to learn of the full details. Teresa, in the meantime, started preparing sickbay for incoming wounded. She had extra hands so she sent a team to each deck and one to the transporter room. This way when wounded started coming in, the teams could assist them, whether they were the ships wounded or Romulan.

" You all heard the Captain....Lets get to work people. " Said CoB Sharpe

[Observation Lounge]

Tika entered quietly, not feeling much like being sociable lately. She took her seat without a word.

Sean walked in feeling tired but charged up from a recent discovery. He took his usual seat and waited anxiously for the meeting to get on quickly.

[Transporter Room]

Lieutenant Lyra Belacque stepped down off the transporter pad and onto the decks of the USS Achilles. Her first impressions were good, a ship built for combat and a ship more than capable of defendings itself if anything went wrong.

"Miss Belacque, your belongings will be transported to your quarters" The young ensign informed her at the transporter controls. Lyra nodded and smiled.

"Thank you, I will go report in now" she told him, she had already memorised the internal configuration of the vessel.

She strode down the corridor, its silver wall panels shining in the light as she walked. On seeing the red doors to the turbolift she entered and tapped a panel on the side. "Bridge" she ordered. The soft humming of the lift was all that could be heard for several seconds as the turbolift ar zoomed uptowards deck one as the call to Red Alert sounded.

Finally the doors swished open and Lyra stepped out onto the new promethues class bridge. It was impressive, although she could see why some captains didn't like its layout. The complete circular room had consoles lining every wall apart from the MSD and viewscreen.

[Observation Lounge]

Lyra walked in next, she had already picked up a hand phaser on the way there and it was securely fastened in the pouch on her waist. She wandered over to the next seat, sat down and waited.

Wandella came in next, gently rubbing Tika's shoulders as she walked by in hopes Tika would get the message and come by so they could go and do something, anything, since they hadn't in forever, ~Is like bad news comes so fast here, never is time for fun....~

In one hand was a paper file and in the other hand was a steaming coffee Silonez looked like he had been awake for two days or more, he had begun to uncover the casue of the jamming, he ignored the stairs as he was reading and drinking coffee, he set the file down to turn the page and took another pull on the coffee, the file itself was almost two hundred years old, and had a small moutain of information on the problem at hand, including a wave pattern analysis that he made some mental notes. He got side tracked by a report on the Serenity which had been missing for almost five days, the search had come up with two clues, they were alive, but stranded in the cluster due to damage they had sustained when they encountered a mine field, they were investigating a space station they had found. Realizing his coffee was empty he went over too the replicator and got another, ~is this six or eight?~ he mused.

Don had requested the pre-arranged channel with D'anal, before he also made his way to the meeting. He walked into the observation lounge and took his seat, securing the channel to the Captain. The atmosphere was grim to say the least. He was not a friend of the Romulans, but having your home world destroyed was not something he would wish on anyone. He sent a message to him that they are nearly ready for him.

Receiving the signal Da`nal opened the secure channel and he saw the assembled officers. Some he had yet to meet, but introduction would have to wait until he returned. =^= I know you were all looking forward to a little time off, but circumstances have changed...drastically. By now you are all aware that Romulus is no more. However the ramifications of the catastrophe are still unknown. Now while you were being assembled I was able to get some clarification to our orders.
Right now the key need is to evacuate areas effected by the Hobbus shock wave, as such the Achille is not needed. We will remain at Mercer on stand by in case needed. We will need to maintain a state of readiness to meet any need that may arise."

=^= Don see that the Colony Leadership is prepared. Being near the border the colony will be uesd for care of refugees...whether the Colony administator likes it or not. =^=

"Aye, Captain," Don answered. That was not going to be easy as he was certain the administrator would resist.

=^= Has our new Security Chief Reperted? =^=

=^= Not yet..=^= Don responded, but noticed a movement from the Lieutenant in the mustard colored uniform. "Unless that is you Lieutenant?" he asked the new securiity chief. He had been busy with the protocols for the channel and frankly, his mind was on the disaster. He had not noticed the new faces. And she was not the only one, he noticed as he looked around the table.

"Yes sir, Lieutenant Lyra Belacque sir, I didn't have time to report in before Red Alert was issued" Lyra explained simply.

=^= Good, we shall speak upon my arrival. See that any security concerns are address. But keep in mind even though they may be Romulans they are not prisoners. =^=

"Understood Sir" Lyra replied.

=^= Mr Eircson, You look terrible. I thought I told you to relax. Looks like you haven't slept since I left. Have your staff keep an eye on Klingon Fleet movements and comm traffic in the region and report their finding to Admiral L'Berr. And I mean have your staff see to it.=^=

Silonez looked up from the file folder, "Te report was sent out nine hours ago with suplemental observations going out fourty minutes ago, there aren't any surprises going on here, we are still attempting to figure out the mystery behind the jamming and communication loss I reported on earlier, I have a lead but with out some kind of confirmation all I can do is wait."

=^= Why do I not see Dr. Frece? =^=

"Excuse me, Sir, but Dr. Frece had a personal emergency, he had to leave. I am currently running sickbay."

=^= And you are?=^=

"I am Dr. Teresa Wendsar, Sir. I was just assigned to the Achilles, Sir."

=^= Very well. See that Sick Bay is ready. I doubt the Colony will be completly prepared to provide the assistance for the amount of wounded that is on the way.=^=

=^= Any Questions? =^=

Silonez spoke again "Not really a question just one other matter to report, the USS Serenity was loccated in the Wyn Cluster, thats the good news" Silonez said as he decided how to drop the other shoe "They found an abandoned space station and are conducting an investigation, I managed to speak to Commander Patterson and he thinks the station is only a few years old."

"Just a quick one. With Romulas and Remus destroyed. Won't this destabalise the Romulan Star Empire? Does the Federation know that the Klingons may take advantage of this, they have been waiting to get at the Romulans for decades?" Lyra asked quickly knowing it might spark some debate.

=^=That remains to be seen. It could have that effect, but they knew knew the star was unstable. If they had any sence at all the Senate would have been taken to another location. As it stands Star Fleet is on alert and is aiding in mass evacuations. Per Admiral L'Berr's orders I am down grading the Red Alert to Yellow. Two full shift will remain on the Achilles as at times and the off shift will be authorized limited shoreleave.=^=

A beep came from the console in front of Sean. "Stellar Cartography just sent me this. I am sending it to you sir and everyone here will be able to see it." Sean pressed a few commands on the console and in an instant the front screen split; the captain on one side and a blurry image on the other. "What you are seeing is from several outposts along the Neutral Zone. The image is blurry but it will become clear in a few moments"

Sean pressed another button and instantly the section became clear. Two planets turned to dust in front of their eyes. "More data is coming in. But according to what is known; several other planets mostly uninhabited have either seen damage or were destroyed. One, a colony world lost power. SCE is working with what's left of the Romulan Government to restore the their generators."

The additional data only confirmed what they all suspended. =^=Since we have not been assigned to the evacuation effort we will make sure the colony below is ready for the waves of refugees that are to come.=^=

Da`nal glanced at the shuttles controll console. =^=I should arrive in 5 hours. Let's get to work.=^=

Da`nal closed the channel and looked to Aryen. "I will be busy when we arrive but once things are put into motion how about a day at the beach?

Ayren looked at him as if she was seriously weighing up the pro's and cons then a little smile formed on her lips, before she gave him a promising kiss. "I think I can live with that...." she grinned.


Captain Da`nal

Commander Don Killian

Ayren Kelan
CDO (PNPC by Sharon)

Lt Cmdr Silonez Ericson

Lt Cmdr Lahtika Phoenix-Patil

Lt Lyra Belacque

Ltjg Teresa Wendsar

Ltjg Sean Egan


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