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Posted on 30 Dec 2010 @ 5:06am by

1,175 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: Mess hall
Timeline: Current


Bekah had here head in padd and walked into a gentleman in red.

The young officer was clearly not paying attention. " Hey, " Said the Master Chief in disgust. " Watch it. " He said.

"Sorry Master Chief I was reading a medical journal." She smiled.

The Master Chief looked at the woman in front of him, and wondered how she could be so careless. " Thats great, you know you hurt yourself on these bulk heads, then you'll need a Dr. Screw the manual. Whats your name, and Dept. Lt? " He asked grufflty.

"Lieutenant Junior Grade Morgan Head Nurse. So I'm medical."

" Well, Lietenent Junior Grade Morgan, Head Nurse, From Medical.......Don't they teach you to pay attention in Sickbay? " He said to the nurse with severe irritation in his voice.

"Yes they do but technically I am not duty." She snapped back

" Oh, so that gives you an excuse to walk around MY BOAT in a careless mannor? " He asked getting a little louder

"Look Master Chief I am genuinely sorry. I can understand where you are coming from." She said much calmer.

" You understand where I'M coming from???? " He took one step back from the head nurse. Still sounding severely irritated. " Then, may I ask WHY you were walking arround in an unsafe manor? " He asked again.

"My mother wrote the journal I'm reading. I just felt my mother words are worth reading and just continued to read as I walking." She admitted

The Master Chief looked at the Head Nurse, and then looked at the book. He caught a glimpse of the inside of it, with actual hand writing, like it was persanalized for her. He was about to yell at her again, but something stopped him, his words softened emensly. " Something tells me, you miss your mother. " the Master Chief said.

"Yes I do. She was the reason I become a nurse." She felt tears welled up She started to walk off.

Feeling like a heel, The Master Chief ran ahead of the Head Nurse, and stopped her again. " Beg your pardon Ma'me. " The Master Chief said kindly. " I never got the chance, Master Chief Petty Officer Raymond Sharpe, at your service. " He put his pace stick proudly under his arm. " If I may ask, where are you headed? "

"Messhall Master Chief Sharpe." she smiled a little

" Well, your off duty, and I'm on call for this shift, but off duty for the most part, Are you going to meet someone? Or would you allow an old space hound like me to buy you a drink? " He asked, feeling sorry for making her cry.

"A nice offer of a drink. I tend to keep myself to myself. "

" Well, so do I. After all, I am the CoB, and it's a lonley position. Is that a YES Head Nurse Morgan? " He asked again.

"Well mine is down to heritage. I am part Romulan. Please dont judge me for where I come from

" I have nothing against the Romulans, You cant help who you are, and where your relations came from. " Said the Master Chief. " So, is that a YES? " He asked.

"Of course its a yes." she laughed

" Well then, " Sharpe said motioning for her to lead the way.

She smiled and lead the way they entered.

They walked in, andfound the place almost deserted. " What are you drinking? " He asked " Ill get the drinks, you have a seat, Head Nurse Morgan. " He said with a cheeky grin.

"Lemon tea extra sweet please. "

The Master Chief smiled, as he walked up to the bar. He placed the order for both beverages, and waited for thier arrival. It took very little time, but Sharpe came to the table with Lemon Tea, extra sweet, and a synthale. He sat at the table, and noticed the woman accross from him, and for the first time, he saw her as a very beautiful woman. He put the drinks down, and sat accross from her, and said nothing.

"Thank you."noticing him staring at she smile

He cleared his throate, " Um, your welcome, Miss Morgan. " He said, then it dawned on him...." It is, Miss, not Mrs. OR......Ill just call you Nurse Morgan. " He said trying to cover his smile of embarrasment.

"Just called me Bekah." She said

" Bekah, Thats a pretty name. " He smiled. " And you can call me Ray, or Sharpy. I don't care. " He said, trying to shrug off the fact that he was digging for intel on her marriage statas.

"I'm single Ray" she blushed

" REALLY " Ray said with a smile, then covered it fast. " Oh, really? "

She was laughing as she nodded

Ray took a sip of his synthale. He was starting to blush.

"Thanks for th drink but i've gotta send a message to my parents." she said as she finished her drink.

" So soon? But we just got here. " Said Sharpe. Then he looked over to the baby grand piano in the corner. " Hey, do you like music? " He asked Bekah.

"Yes i do the message can wait I guess " she smiled

He smiled, took her by the hand, and they walked over to the piano. Sharpe took a seat in front of the keys, and opened the lid, he began playing a soft melody

She smiled as he played

" I used to play professionally, I can play almost anything. " He said starting to sing the words of the song he was playing. It was some Rigillian Blues.

"She laughed i used to sing when i was young only Remen songs droning grow up in the mines."

Sharpe stopped playing for a second, and looked deep in thought. Then, he smiled, and started to play an old Remen ballad. It was a soft, hauntingly beautiful peice.

She gently sung along as she hated who she was but she realised that made her a formidable force to recon with.

He stopped playing, and looked puzzled for a second. " Oh, I can't remember the rest. " He said. " But it just goes to show you, there is beauty all around. No matter what culture your from. " He told her

She smiled am step to the side me Ray and played the rest.

" Oh, it has been a long while since I learned this peice. " He said watching her play.

She continued to play as she ended the piece.

" You play beautifuly. " He said. " Where did you learn? " He asked.

"My adopted parents. I wrote a song about my time in the mines. But i really need to go Ray. If you'll excuse me?"

Ray stood upwhen she left, like a gentleman should. " Can we do this again? " He asked

"Defininately Ray" She smiled at him with a genuine affection towards the man

Ray took her by the hand, and shook it gently. " Until then, Bekah. " He said.

Bekah slightly bowed "until then Ray." She headed to her quarters.

Ray watched her leave, and thought to himself, ~This could be the start of something really interesting. ~


Lt jg Rebekah Morgan
Head Nurse
USS Achilles


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