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Girls day out - part 2

Posted on 20 Dec 2010 @ 3:57pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar & Captain Reva Madhava

1,374 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: Mercer Colonies tropical beaches
Timeline: Day 3

As his partner hit the waves, Jason headed over to the bikini clad beauty. He kept his eyes on her face, having already taken in the rest of her. He saw her tats and her piercing and hoped to use those to break the ice, especially since he had both himself.

Teresa saw the Marine and smiled to herself. She thought to herself as he approached her, *This could be an enjoyable shoreleave after all.* As she walked toward him she put a little sass in her step. She brightened her smile as he came closer and showed more interest. "Hi, I'm Teresa." She said when they met up. She tried not to act too pushy so that he wouldn't lose interest. "New around here, Sailor?"

"I am actually, but never call a Marine a sailor." He said with a warm smile. "I'm here on shoreleave for the USS Achilles. And yourself?"

Teresa laughed, "Sorry about that, I've always wanted to use that line, and when I did it was on a Marine, go figure. What a coincidence, I am on shoreleave as well, for the USS Achilles. So that doesn't help my quest none. but then again I may just change my mind."

~The Achilles?? Awesome~, he thought to himself. Plenty of opportunities to get to know her so ther was no need to push anything at all...just take it easy and let things flow.

He looked at her questioningly. "And what quest would that be?"

Quirking an eyebrow, "A tatoo parlor, if there's a decent one on this planet, that's sanitary, I might get another tattoo." She said and waited to see his reaction, as she started strolling down the beach at a slow pace, in an offer for him to join her on her stroll.

As he fell in with her he got a glimpse of her other tattoo. "Nice work. He turned, walking backwards to show her his. On his left shoulder was the traditional Marine Corp emblem encircle by text. Over the top it read "For Honor...For Freedom", and below "For You". "I got this in San Diego while I was stationed there."

"Nice. The one on my lower back I got in England. The one I got on my shoulder was done by a friend at the academy and the other was done in San Francisco, as well. I don't know what I will get this time. I just decided I'd get one. I don't even know where I will have it put, not yet anyway. Any suggestions?" She liked this guy already. He didn't judge her for her tattoos and piercings, and that was a plus in her book.

He nodded as he ran a hand over the tat on the small of her back. The artist had done an excellent job there was literally no texture to be felt, just smooth skin. "You get the naval piercing there too?"

Teresa jumped at his light touch, but didn't resist. "Yes, they did such a good job on the tattoo, that I decided to allow them to do the piercing as well. Boy did my parents have a fit over that one, when they found out."

"Parent's tend to do that don't they"

He felt there was no reason to hide anything, why should he as she was obviously a kindred spirit. "Well I had a some but they just weren't practical once I moved over to Recon. I have one that I've kept from closing though...just can't show you here" he added with a coy grin.

"Really and why would you place a piercing somewhere where someone couldn't see them?" Giving him a slight smile and laughing, "Then again probably for the same reason I have mine hidden."

He grinned slightly, wondering what other thing he couldn't see, and her bikini wasn't covering much. "Well it's not that it 'hidden'; it's just not visi..." He was cut off by a female screem and his communicator going off.

[Back up the beach]

Jess had tied her top back in place and was rubbing Andy down with sunscreen. He, for his part, was enjoying it immensely. Perhaps too much: he was suddenly glad Jess was working on his back and shoulders while he was stomach down on her towel. He started cataloguing gun parts in his head - anything to get his mind off the wonderful feel of
Jess's hands on him.

The sounds coming from Reva weren't helping Andy's state. As Tom's hands pressed into her, she was softly moaning, and sounding much like a woman in the middle of being pleasured. Well aware of her effect on the men, Reva smiled before finally asking, "Just what was it that brought you Marines down here? Surely you werent just following
Jessica, were you?"

Tom decided to throw his fellow Marine under the bus as it were. "Well Andy was...He got her transoprt quardinates. But we couldn't let him come down here all alone."

Andy shot his 'friend' a glare as Reva laughed. She looked over her shoulder and saw two people approaching - a male and female. "Is that one of your friends?"

Jess was lost in thought as she as a scheme was hatching in her mind. As if reaching for the lotion, she passed the bottle to her water.

Reva had already gotten a read on Andy's discomfort - hell, she was intentionally pushing the envelope on that discomfort, so when she saw the plot Jess had in mind, she couldn't help but grin broadly.

Jess saw the grin on Reva's face as she proceeded the bottle hovering over Andy's head and doused him as she ran.

The cold water rather instantly helped Andy's issue - he pushed off the sand and hauled after Jess's quick-moving tail.

Jess screamed as she laughed tearing ass up the beach and into the surf.

Splashing into the surf behind her, Andy easily caught her. His method was a bit heavy-handed: he tackled her, enveloped her in his arms and let their momentum carry them both under the waves. Coming back up for air, he didn't let go of her and laughed.

Jason looked over his shoulder at hearing the screem and saw Andy dive after the girl as he pulled his communicator from his pocket. Tapping it he acknowledged the signal. "Sgt Evens here."

The voice on the other end as that of the Marine detachments personnel chief, Gunnery Sgt Velez. "Sergant, get you men back up here...Shore leave has been cancelled and the ship in now on Red Alert. Pass the word to any other Achilles personnel in your area."

"Aye, Gunny" Jason looked to Teresa and shugged apologetically. "Duty calls."

Jason turned slightly and shout in typical Marine command voice, "MARINES!!" Spinning his finger in the air as a signal to rally on at his position.

Tom looked to Andy still in the surf as he lifted Jess in his arms carrying her to the beach. Tom got up to head off and he back peddle towards his Sgt as he spoke to the Orion he had been rubbing down. "Be right back..I hope."

The calm alarm Reva felt coming from Jason had her rolling over and watching the scene as the Marines congregated together. She nodded at Tom and her brows knit together. What had Jason alarmed? Without waiting, Reva gathered her things, Jess's things and sat, waiting.

Jess looked to Andy as he put her down. "Something wrong?"

"Maybe, probably. Jase doesn't holler like that for nothing.," Andy answered, distracted as he fell in with the others. "Just listen."

Jason began filling his men in as Zach completed the collection even as Teresa stood behind him. "We've been recalled, the ships on Red Alert. Andy, Tom; collect your 'friends they need to come back as well."

Teresa looked at the other ladies that were on the beach with her. "Sorry folks, but as he said duty calls. Grab your things and get back to the ship! Report to your duty stations as soon as you change."


Ens. Jessica Logan
Ops NPC played by Chris

Ltjg Teresa Wendsar

Ens Reva Madhava

Marine NPC's played by
Chris & Tracy


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