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Girls day out - part 1

Posted on 20 Dec 2010 @ 3:46pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain Reva Madhava & Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar

1,511 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: Mercer Colonies tropical beaches
Timeline: Day 3

Jessica was on her way to the surface. Mercer colony maybe a little isolationist when it came to Starfleet but they were helpfull enough to help her find just the right spot to relax and have some fun.

She was on her way to the transporter in nothing but a bikini, a semi sheer wrap, sun glasses above her forehead and a beach towle in her hand.

As she walked the corridor there was the reations she had hoped for...grins and open mouthed silence from the guys. One Marine she past actually stopped her and asked her out. He had actually been sweet and not even very pushy. He hadn't tried to invite himself along or even ask where she was heading. He simply introduced himself, asked her name, complimented her and asked if she was available sometime. She simply grinned and told him that he could take her out sometime. At that he nodded and kissed her hand said his farewells and walked off.

Jessica felt her cheeks flush and her skin warm again at the memory. Turning the corner...lost in the thought she was brought back to reality as she saw Reva entering her quarters. Without even hesitating shemoved quickly towards the door and pressed the chime.

Having just entered her quarters, Reva frowned and glanced back at the door. Who could possibly be visiting? Before opening the door, she quickly tossed the small box she held onto her bed. Back at the door, she let it slide open and greeted the barely-clad woman, "Going to the beach, I see." She smiled lightly.

Glancing down at her attire...or lack there of, she lifed her head smiling. "That obvious huh? I know we haven't had a lot of time to get to know one another so I was wondering if you'd care to join me. I did some checking and no only is there some great beaches, but there is an underwater research facility that's working on several ancient cities that have been discovered."

"Okay, yeah, let me grab a change of clothes. Come in and make yourself comfortable," Reva headed for her bedroom and soon returned, decked out in a fashion similar to Jessica: black bikini, sheer black cover-all, sunglasses on her head and a towel in her hand. "Let's go!"

As she came back out, Jess almost laughed at the similarities. This could get very interesting...

It wasn't long and they found themselves on a gorgeous white sand beach. The suns were warm on her skin and Jess lifted her face to feel the heat. It was utterly relaxing.

That it was and Reva happily removed her cover-all and settled back on her towel in the sand to let the suns warm her belly. "I could fall asleep here, like this."

It was just about then that some of their fellow shipmates arrived. One was a Marine - the one who'd stopped Jess in the corridor. He grinned at the two and explained, "The transporter tech was nice enough to tell us where he'd sent you two."

Propping herself up on an elbow, she lifted her sunglasses. "You aren't following me areound now are you?"

"Would you hold it against me if I was?"

The Marine's comment made Reva smirk. Just what 'it' was he referring to? She propped both elbows on her towel and barely sat up to look at the fellow. He was well-built, that much she'd give him. His companions were, too. To them, she nodded. "I vote for holding it against him, Jess. Just to be safe, of course," she offered cryptically.

Jess smirked and tilted her head towards Reva. "Normally I would, But they are here..might was well make use of him...them. But should we have them do for us?"

Eyeing the Trill's pale spotted skin, Reva pulled a bottle from her bag and tossed it to the Marine. "I'm sure the men won't mind rubbing some sunscreen on for you - us," she suggested.

"I was just thinking the same thing..." Rolling over, Jess pulled her hair around and off her shoulder. "Well Andy don't just stand there...if I get burnt you can forget about taking me to dinner."

Andy nearly fumbled as he caught the bottle: the idea of stroking Jess's smooth skin gave him ideas that were purely non-PG-13 ratable. "Of course, ma'am; what sane man would decline such a demand?"

As he moved to her side, she, ever the tease, untied the strap that went across her back. Laying on the towel, her face towards Reva as he began to rub sunscreen over her back. "I could get used to this." He wasn't just rubbing, but actually massaging the lotion into her skin....his hands were wonderful as they kneaded the muscles of her shoulders.

A superior smirk still graced Reva's features. She was used to this sort of treatment; it sort of went along with her whole package: green skin, pheromones (even when weak, they still had some power), willingness to take advantage. Now, who should she pick? She surveyed the other men with Andy, feeling for each with her Betazoid empathy. There was one who wasn't so... confident. "You? What's your name?" she asked and gestured to what might have been the shortest fellow in the group. Crooking a finger, she smiled and added, "How about doing for me what Andy's doing for Jess?"

Andy glanced at Reva then at his buddy and slightly shook his head. As he did so, he let his fingers slide under the edge of Jess's bikini bottom.

Jess felt Andy's fingers slip a little lower than long as he didn't get too fresh she let this one little 'slip' pass. He was very cute after all.

Tom looked to his comrades with a smirk as his chest puffed out a bit. "It would be my pleasure miss. Sorry some ya loose some."


The remaining Marines headed off down the beach to prowl for some local 'attractions' as Tom moved in to answer the womans request. She was attractive enough as it was so she didn't need to use her onthe natural abilities on him...not that he would object if she did. With a clap Andy tossed the lotion over and poured a healthy amount on his hands and warmed it before applying it to her skin.

Reva didn't make it easy on Tom: she didn't turn over as Jess had. Instead, she smiled sweetly at him and asked him, "I'm Reva; who're you?"

He had honestly expected her to roll over, but she didn't have to if she didn't want to. He held his hands palms up covered in lotion as he was questioned by the green beauty. Returning her smile with one of his own, "My names Tom, Tom Wallerick." His smile turned a little wry as he was going to play with her just as she was playing a bit with him. "Well if you want I can start with you front side if you like. It is a most...sensitive area."

Her bluff called, Reva laughed and turned over, moving hair and bathing suit parts out of Tom's way as she did so.

Andy watched, briefly, and wondered what game the Orion was playing. But then again... did he really care? No, he had his hands full with Jess and of Jess. He ran his hands over her shoulders, down her back, along her thighs and calves. "That just about covers you, Jess... care to return the favor or am I your cabana boy for the day?"

Jess rolled over to face him her arm holding her top in place. "Well cabana boy sounds nice, but we can't have you getting burnt while performing your duties now can we.?"

"No, we can't," Andy responded.

[Just down the beach...]

Teresa had left her daughter with the nanny. *It was time to have a little me time.* She thought. She had beamed down to the planet dressed in a string bikini that showed off her tattoos and piercings. She had of course wore a cover to cover herself up, while on the ship, but she didn't have any intentions of keeping them covered while on planet. She had a towel in one hand, sandals in another and shades covering her eyes. More to herself than to anyone in particular, she wondered aloud, "I wonder what the tattoo scene looks like here. I think I'll get me a new tattoo." She laughed a little, "Then I'd have to decide what kind to get."

Having left their fellow Marines with the Orion and her friend Jason backhanded his friend slightly to stop him. "Check it out...."

Zach stopped, looked to his friend and followed his nod and gaze. You know I gotta stop hanging out with you and Tom. You guys are gonna get me in trouble." Taking a deep breath, "I'm going for a swim...have fun."

Jason grinned and laughed. "See ya back on ship."




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